Why is it necessary to protect nature and animals?

Why should nature be protected? The question seems trite and even stupid. Probably there is not a single person who would consider that this should not be done. Despite a clear understanding of how to relate to nature, for some reason people often behave as if they are living the last day on Earth, and tomorrow will never come.

Nature is the source of life

Once upon a time, when the Earth was very young, and humanity was a small group of people, nature was everything to man. Forests were a source of housing, people hunted for food. Clean rivers served for drinking and fishing. The population of the Earth grew, progress did not stand still.

why nature should be protected

And now, after many, many years, people began to forget how it all began. Forests are mercilessly cut down, and factories are built in their places, dumping hazardous waste into a river that flows nearby, and water flows from it to houses where people use it. It is extremely important to understand why nature should be protected. After all, without its benefits, we cannot exist.

Animal world

Introducing the forest, we draw in our imagination tall trees with green crowns, lush grasses that sway in a gentle breeze, we hear birds chirping, it seems to us that squirrel is jumping along the tree branches. We know that somewhere in the thicket of the forest live bears, hares, foxes, and other animals. Now imagine that there are no birds or animals. Then there will be no forest, because everything in nature is interconnected.

Take care of animals, because they are an important part of wildlife. Man is used to using the gifts of nature for his pleasure: people kill animals for valuable fur, and sometimes just for their own whims. Fortunately, there are also indifferent individuals who create foundations and reserves, urging mankind: "Take care of animals!"

Forest on fire

Summer will come very soon - this is the time when everyone wants to relax in nature. Everyone wants to bask in the rays of the gentle sun, splash in a warm river. Many have picnics, burn bonfires, and prepare barbecue. Having a rest, everyone hurries to return home, quickly collecting all that is left. But sometimes people leave everything as they are, without bothering with cleaning.

Take care of animals

Most of the forest fires in summer occur due to human faults. Do not think that a fire can arise only from an open fire: any small spark is enough to set fire to dry grass. Rarely, but still it happens that the glass from a bottle can serve as a magnifying glass and will also cause a fire. Protect the forest from fire, it is dangerous for all living things. And on the territories scorched after the fire, nothing grows for a long time.

Traces of progress

Earth is called the blue planet, and factories, factories, smoking chimneys are black sores on it. It is already clear to everyone why nature should be protected, because we ourselves are very dependent on it. And besides, you need to think about those who will live on our planet after us.

Take care and protect nature so that our children and grandchildren do not have to survive their last efforts or look for a new place to live. Some people think that they are not able to prevent the harm that technological progress brings to nature . This is an erroneous opinion, because it all starts small. If everyone starts to treat her more carefully, then much will become better. For example, walking along the street, do not throw trash under your feet.

protect and protect nature

It is necessary to take care of natural resources, not to include water without need, not to pollute the soil. Use recyclable materials (paper bags instead of cellophane, glass dishes instead of plastic), wear faux-fur clothing, instead of encouraging the killing of rare animals. People, take care of nature!


To preserve, and sometimes to save nature, many environmental organizations have been created. At the state level, it is forbidden to pour industrial waste into the water and throw toxic substances into the air. Many natural sites are protected by environmental surveillance. It is forbidden to burn bonfires in such forests, and it is forbidden to fish in rivers. This is due to the fact that the person has already done much harm to this place, and it needs to be restored.

Volunteer detachments are being created: people volunteer to clean up (in the literal sense of the word) places where one person is not able to put things in order on their own. Anyone can become such an assistant and work hard for the benefit of nature, and therefore, for the benefit of himself and future generations.

protect the forest from fire

Do not dig a hole for yourself ...

You can tell for a long time and beautifully why nature should be protected, but at the same time do not draw any conclusions for yourself. Sooner or later, everyone should understand that we are part of this nature, that if we harm it, we, first of all, harm ourselves. Figuratively speaking, we are sawing the very branch on which we sit, and if you do not stop, you can fall into the abyss.

It is important not only to understand for ourselves why nature should be protected, but also to explain this to our children. Because they continue to live in the environment that they will remain from us.

Nature has already suffered a lot from us, but perhaps we still do not fully understand what this may threaten us with in the future. The main thing is to remember that we are an integral part of it, it depends on us, and we on it.

people take care of nature

It is necessary to love yourself and your loved ones, wish them peace and good. We need to relate to the world around us as if it were our good friend, to help him become better, not to harm and remember that everything around is interconnected, and man and nature - even more so. Many kindergartens and schools have long held special additional lessons in which children are told why they need to be careful and careful about the world around them. To consolidate knowledge, each parent should conduct such conversations at home, giving the child an example of personal behavior.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24908/

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