Finishing the house outside: materials, photos

Decorating the house outside is a necessary process that affects the design of the living space. Everyone asks what is more suitable, because I want not only to get reliability, but also to save as much as possible. Now there are few people who do not care about financial costs. Although giving preference to the budget option is not always useful. After all, you will additionally have to create protection from rain, wind, frost, etc.

Therefore, before making a decision, you should think through every moment and create the best conditions for yourself. To get a completely cheap option will not work, but you can try to pick up material that will serve as good protection. It is for this reason that you will have to arm yourself with knowledge, since the seller can not always give objective advice on the purchase.

What is the basis of choice?

Decorating the house outside (photo examples can be seen in our article) can be done with any materials. Moreover, no one wants to pay twice. At the selection stage, you will have to evaluate all the qualities of each option. The first is the external indicators of already fixed material. Although this indicator will directly depend on the preferences of the owners and the desired life. But such indicators should be taken into account:

  • Hue.
  • The ability to withstand the rays of the sun and not change shape.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Safety for humans and incombustibility.
    outside decoration

In addition, everyone is trying to extend the lifespan. Wall decoration of the house outside (the reader can see the photo of the options in our article) should last for many years. Do not assume that you only need to make a competent choice - you also need to make the right installation. It is worth considering the seasonal indicator, the presence of additional components. The final result will also include:

  • Cost per square meter.
  • The price of all necessary items.
  • The indicator of financial costs for the work performed.

If you approach the choice correctly, you will have to consider every moment and only then will the final price be formed.

What to pay attention to?

Today there are many popular home decoration options. Outside, it must meet the requirements of safety and durability, taking into account the conditions of the region and the financial capabilities of the owner. But at the same time, it is not necessarily distinguished by high performance and other positive characteristics. Among the sought-after solutions, it is worth noting the following:

  • Siding.
  • Facade plaster.
  • Block house.
  • Front tile.
  • Facing brick.
  • A rock.

Everyone pays attention to many indicators before making a purchase. To know which ones to rely on, it is worth arming yourself with useful information. And only after that, having weighed all its capabilities, a purchase is made.


Decorating the house with siding outside (photo below) is the most common option. There are two main types. It is vinyl and basement. But the use of the aluminum option for homes is not always relevant. There are basic qualities for which he is chosen - this is the prostate installation, complete safety. But there is a drawback, it refers to external data.

Oddly enough, but it is Europe that is against such cladding and use aluminum siding only for finishing farm buildings. They even have a negative attitude towards those models that mimic other building materials. But in Russia such a finish is often used and it is considered the best option for today.

According to the service life, manufacturers call a large figure - about 40 years. But what comes out in practice? According to people, in practical use, the period is reduced by half, because the material is not resistant to frost, physical impact and the most problematic thing is fading in the sun. There are also cases when, after five years, the house begins to look terrible and you want to completely replace it.

home decoration siding

How much does wall decoration on the outside cost with such material? Vinyl material on average in cities can be bought for 200 rubles (price per square meter). Basement today costs more (up to 350), but it wins in terms of service life and external data. As a result, it will be necessary to decide what exactly is suitable and whether financial opportunities have it.

What you need to know about plaster?

This is a method that allows you to create an attractive look. Among the advantages are resistance to moisture and breathable functions. There are some simple suggestions:

  • Mineral putty. The basis will be cement.
  • With the use of acrylic resins.
  • Silicate. The composition has liquid glass.
  • Silicone Resins are taken as a basis.
    exterior siding

But there are not as many color solutions as I would like to get. Most often, such facing materials have to be stained.

What does the life span say?

It is not so big (an average of seven years). To mechanical damage, this design is not so weak.

How is the finish done?

To do work on an area of ​​about 180 square meters, it will take seven weeks of time. To ensure maximum adhesion, primers are used.

home decoration

If it is a wet base, then it will already respond to rain. When choosing a mixture for finishing, it is worth considering that some compounds may not be suitable for every insulation. Construction masters say that the value of each is built in a certain way.

House block

This material can be compared with the lining, but according to external data it is closer to the tree. This is an environmentally friendly finish and natural. Moreover, it will serve not so long, but at a very expensive cost. There are some flaws in the external data. It:

  • Bitches.
  • Cracks.
  • Wormhole.
    home decoration outside photo

Before you start finishing with such a material, it is worth determining that it is completely dry. If you skip this, then in the end the whole finish will completely rot. When a tree is not protected from natural influences (primarily from rain), then it will be necessary to cover the surface with something. The cost, most often, will depend on the selected wood. This figure sometimes reaches up to three thousand rubles per square meter.

Brick application

Decorating a house with brick outside is also an often sought-after option. This type of finish has many different advantages. The main thing is an environmentally friendly material created in a certain way. What qualities are inherent in him:

  • Frost resistant.
  • Lasting.
  • Practically does not absorb moisture.
  • It has excellent sound insulation.

There are clinker and ceramic bricks. The first has many advantages, because it is produced in a special way. And it is he who is chosen more often. In addition, this material has many colors, shapes and textures. But there is a minus - this is the formation of efflorescence.

Oddly enough, but aging with such a finish will look attractive and the house will not change its external data for many years. But it is worth considering certain qualities even before deciding to finish the house with a stone outside or brick. The fact is that all the material should be fixed on the main foundation. If this is not taken into account, then you will have to supplement the entire structure.

What you need to know about the cost? There is a big run in price. But reliable and high-quality material will not be sold cheaply. In addition, the installation itself will be expensive, which means that not everyone can afford it. To make a beautiful and insulated brick facade, it will take up to six thousand rubles per square meter.

The use of panels or tiles for the facade

Decorating a house with exterior panels (photos of examples are in our article) is reliable and beautiful. It does not feel moisture, is durable and will last a long time. If professionals take up the job, in the end everything turns out neatly and attractively. If ceramics are used in the process, then the decoration will last for decades. But it is important to pay attention to the adhesive solution.

home decoration outside photo

Not everyone will be able to perform work, as there are some features:

  • It is necessary to prepare the surface well.
  • Not everyone can withstand the evenness of the seam line.
  • The material is brittle during operation.

But after the design is assembled, it looks beautiful, and the material itself serves for a long time. But at a cost such a finish is lower than brick. A square meter of decoration will cost three thousand rubles, on average in the market. Another plus is that each person can gradually create a neat finish without having much experience in this area. This is what will save money.

How to create an inexpensive finish?

Now everyone wants to get a quality result and not overpay. It is clear that one of the opportunities to save a little is to do the basic work yourself. But for this you will have to arm yourself with useful tips and necessary information.

At first glance, some materials may not seem expensive, but when the analysis of each nuance begins, it turns out that many additional components are required and the initial cost increases. Therefore, experts recommend carefully planning the entire process and thinking through each step. When the budget is calculated to a penny, then there will no longer be additional expenses and sudden situations.

home decoration siding outside

In addition, you need to really evaluate such factors: the service life, the need for additional care, and also how soon you will have to again apply the investment. It is also worth previewing the photos with the existing trim from the selected material in order to understand what expects in the end. After weighing the pros and cons, it’s easier to make a choice.


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