How to queue for better housing, where to go

The housing issue has always bothered the citizens of our country. New families are forming, children are born into the world. Everyone wants to live in comfort and coziness. The legislation of our country allows us to stand in line for improving housing conditions. Of course, everything is not so simple. A person’s desire to expand his living space is not enough.

Who can stand in line for improving housing conditions

queue for better housing

The number of citizens who with the help of the state can solve their housing problems is not so large. After the adoption of amendments to the housing code, only those families who are poor can take advantage of the support from the state.

After providing the necessary package of documents, this status is assigned by the local administrative authorities or the Social Security Administration.

Another criterion that citizens must comply with is the qualification of settledness. The applicant must live in one place for at least ten years. At the same time, during the last five, he did not have to deliberately create conditions unsuitable for living.

So, they can count on help from the state:

  • Citizens residing in a non-privatized apartment or not being the owners of a dwelling;
  • tenants or homeowners whose footage is one person less than the generally accepted norm;
  • citizens whose residence in a dwelling is not possible due to non-compliance of housing with the established requirements;
  • families living in the same apartment, between whom there is no blood bond.

The state pays much attention to large families. Improving housing conditions for this category is possible both at the federal and local levels.

The queue for improving housing is being formed?

in need of better housing

Among the applicants there is a preferential category of citizens who are entitled to receive first aid from the state. First of all, they will be able to improve their housing situation:

  • children left without parental care;
  • Orphans
  • emergency residents recognized as unfit for living;
  • families, in which there is a person with a disease in which a separate room is needed;
  • WWII veterans.

Ways to solve housing problems with state aid

social support for large families

There are two ways to solve housing problems: on a paid and free basis. The first option involves the purchase of an apartment at a preferential program or using a housing certificate. It includes:

  • social mortgage;
  • purchase of housing under the installment plan;
  • purchase of housing, both in cash and on credit, using subsidies from the state budget;
  • the provision of an apartment under a contract of employment on the condition of entry into the funded system;
  • purchase of an apartment using a housing certificate.

Social support for large families can be represented as writing off almost 1/3 of the cost of housing when acquiring an apartment from the city’s housing stock.

In the second method, citizens receive housing for free, but at the same time it remains the property of the municipality.

What can I claim

Under an agreement on the right to use municipal housing, a family, in exchange for housing that is unsuitable for normal existence, is provided with a room that complies with housing legislation. That is, the norm per person living area should be at least 18 sq.m. Consequently, husband and wife can count on a small apartment with an area of ​​not more than 44 sq.m., an incomplete family of two people - in a two-room apartment with a total area of ​​up to 50 sq.m., a married couple with a child can apply for a two-room apartment of no more than 62 sq.m. .m.

If one of the family members has a chronic disease that is included in the federal list of diseases, when calculating the rate of housing, it will be taken into account that the patient is entitled to a separate isolated room in the apartment.

If the poor applicant is the owner of any housing, he has the right to receive a state subsidy for the purchase of housing. At the same time, it must comply with the requirements of housing legislation: the area should be no less than those relied on for all family members meters.

Social support for large families is an obligation of a separate region. Therefore, how exactly the municipality is ready to help and what kind of help the most unprotected cell of the society can apply for, needs to be specified in the housing department and social protection body at the place of registration.

Where to go

statement on improvement of living conditions

Citizens who want to solve their housing problems, first of all, need to achieve recognition that they are in fact in need of state assistance. To do this, you must contact the housing departments of the administration at the place of registration. You can also queue for improvement of housing conditions at the place of work. In this case, it is possible to be registered in two places at the same time.

If a citizen is officially declared legally incompetent, his legal representative may be involved in the submission of documents. In any case, the package of documents should contain both originals and copies of all papers.

What documents, certificates and papers must be provided

norm per person living space

In order to get on the line for improving housing conditions, it is necessary to write a statement and provide it with all the necessary documents to the district government. The application must be signed by all interested family members.

To confirm the right to improve housing conditions, you must provide:

  • passport;
  • financial account data;
  • technical plan of the apartment BTI;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • BTI certificate of the presence or absence of ownership of a dwelling;
  • a certificate from a medical institution (if necessary).

How is registration

After the application of the applicant is registered in the journal of incoming documents, a survey of living conditions will be carried out. Regarding its results, an act is drawn up according to which the application is accepted for consideration by the public housing commission. She makes a preliminary decision on whether or not to register. The final decision is made by the head of the district council. The answer is given to the applicant within a month from the date of submission of the application in writing. In the case of a positive decision, an accounting file is started, and a person is assigned a number in the queue. In the event of a refusal, an explanation is given of why it is not possible to improve housing conditions.

housing survey

It is worth paying attention that officials carefully check all the data provided by the applicant for help from the state. If the housing commission reveals that the citizen still has housing that meets the requirements of the law, even if it is located in another region, the chance to get housing is zero.

What to do after being recognized as needing new housing?

After the applicant receives a notice recognizing him in need, he will need to make a choice in favor of one of the existing housing programs within one year and submit an appropriate application. If a citizen does not have time to do this in due time, the record of recognition of him in need will be canceled.

In the case of submission of all necessary documents and registration in the selected program by government bodies, the validity period of recognition of the need to improve housing conditions will be limited to the duration of this housing program.

Briefly about all the possibilities of improving housing conditions. What to choose?

Social mortgage is a purchase of housing at a reduced cost at the expense of credit funds. In this case, its price will be 3-5 times lower than the market.

Citizens who need to improve their living conditions must submit an application with a request to put them on an apartment register in the administration of their city. Alas, not all banks are ready to issue a social mortgage. A list of banks participating in this state program is available on the AHML website. It should also be borne in mind that each bank has its own requirements for the borrower. They may affect citizenship, place of residence, seniority, property insurance, loan collateral.

The possibility of acquiring an apartment using a housing certificate implies that the state pays a certain part of the cost of housing. This amount will depend on the number of people in the family and the standard square. meters of housing they rely on. A subsidy can also be allocated for the construction of a private house.

package of documents

Citizens in need of improved housing conditions, registered before March 1, 2005, are entitled to purchase housing by installments.

To provide citizens with housing under a lease agreement, they need to enter the funded system and conclude an apartment rental agreement. Under this agreement, the family will be provided with an apartment for use for up to 5 years. During these years, program participants pay a monthly rent and maintenance fee and a contribution through the funded system.

After the contract expires, the program participant will need to purchase their own housing in any region of the country using the subsidy provided by the state, contributions made to the funded system and, if necessary, taken on credit.


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