Amaterasu Sasuke: what is it and what is it for?

Amaterasu (translated from Japanese as “heavenly illumination”) is the ability of the eyes of sharingan (dojutsu) and the most powerful fire element technique. It represents light and the world from matter, which is opposed to the reverse side - the eternal tsukuemi (spiritual world and darkness).


The technique forms the tongues of the black flame at the point of focused gaze, while an important condition is the constant focus on the object. Most often, this makes this technique invulnerable, since blocking it becomes a difficult task. Only the adversary who can move at such a fast speed that the eye will lose sight of the enemy can handle this.

Black flame

If a flame gets on the body, it is necessary to take amputation measures as soon as possible so that it does not spread to the rest of the territory.


Advantages of this technique:

1. Damage caused by amaterasu (Sasuke in particular) leads to a particularly serious or fatal outcome.

2. The created flame will burn in time for seven days and nights. Only the owner himself can extinguish it.

3. The heat of the flame is comparable to the temperature of the Sun itself (it is not for nothing that its middle name is “the flame of hell”).

Flame of hell

4. Amaterasu burns everything in its path, even any metal, until it turns into ashes.

5. In addition to the attacking ability, this technique can also be secured by surrounding yourself with fire.


1. The flame is not able to burn through the chakra (internal energy) and other objects that are saturated with it.

2. The use of this technique exposes the eyes of the user to great strain. The process reaches such an extent that the eye begins to bleed.

3. Despite the fact that the flame burns everything, it does it rather slowly, because the enemy has a chance to escape: to drop clothes, use the Shinro Tensei technique (repulsion), the seal of absorption, kamui (teleportation and intangibility) or some other another way.


The most famous users of amaterasu technology are:

  • Sasuke Uchiha;
  • Itachi Uchiha;
  • Ootsutsuki Indra.

Using the right sharingan, Amaterasu Sasuke is able not only to control, but also to change the shape of the flame of hell, using the inferno element technique.

To use amaterasu, only one sharingan is required : Itachi uses the right, and Sasuke uses the left.

A photo of Amaterasu Sasuke is presented in this article.

Amaterasu Sasuke

In the traditional Japanese religion (Shinto), Amaterasu is the sun goddess.

It was created from the left eye of Izanaga, the god of creation, when he washed himself after being in the underground dead world.


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