Field wildlife: description and application

Nature has given us much so that we can maintain or improve our health if necessary. You just need to learn how to skillfully use its priceless gifts. A plant called "field wildlife" is one such gift. With its help, the digestive tract, kidneys, eyes and other organs and systems of the body are treated.

field liveliness

How to distinguish field wildlife

Field wildlife is a species of the buttercup family. The average height that the plant reaches is 30-40 cm, the maximum is 60 cm. Blue-violet, white or pink flowers show off on outstretched thin branches growing from an upright column, all three months of summer. At the end of August, at the place of flowering, the field fruit, which is a lonely leaflet with dark seeds inside, has a liveliness.

The scientific name for the genus Larkspur is delphinium. Perhaps it was named because of the similarity of a non-blooming flower with a dolphin, but there are other assumptions. Larkspur is often confused with comfrey, the outdated name of which is "lapworm". This plant belongs to the borax family and is used to treat diseases of the bone apparatus.

Where to meet

Larkspur grows in many countries, chooses places with calcareous soil. Bright flowers are often seen among the grain fields, on grassy meadows and along roads. Each year, the plant may appear in a new place.

Often you can hear completely different names, for example: "horned cornflowers", "spur", "field trekking", but someone thought that you could call the plant rabbit ears. If you want to make valuable medical preparations with your own hands, you need to determine exactly what the field wildlife looks like. The photo below is a larger image of a flowering plant.

liveliness field photo

How to make a blank

All parts of liveliness, even in rare cases, the root, are used for medicinal purposes. Grass, excluding thick stems, and flowers are harvested during flowering. Drying should be carried out without exposure to sunlight, in the fresh air or indoors. The main thing is to provide drying grass and flowers with plenty of oxygen.

In order to extract seeds from the plant, which also have healing power, it is necessary to wait until they reach full maturity. At the right moment, the grass of the plant with seeds should be picked, tied into small sheaves and dried without ultraviolet radiation. When the grass is completely dry, it is necessary to thresh the seeds. Medicinal preparations can only be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight.

Plant application

Although field larkspur grows like a weed, the beauty of a flowering plant was appreciated. It began to be used for decoration purposes. It is not beauty at all, but the fragrant pollen of its inflorescences attracts hardworking bees. Flowers of blue or violet color were used in the distant past to give the fabrics a corresponding shade.

liveliness field description

Most of the hundreds of plant species of the genus Vivocity have toxic substances in their composition, but in the field of wildlife it is the least. That is why it is most actively used for medicinal purposes. Its decoctions and infusions are used for a variety of diseases.

What can be cured

One of the poisonous components of field vivacity has a relaxing effect on skeletal muscle, has a depressing effect on the centers of the brain and lowers blood pressure. The discovery of this marked the beginning of its use in the treatment of hypertension, diseases associated with increased muscle tone, impaired functioning of the brain and spinal cord.

Field larkspur, the use of which in medical practice is very diverse, has a diuretic effect and helps especially with diseases of the genitourinary organs. It is very often used to treat cancer of the kidneys and stomach. Decoction of the digestive tract, as well as indigestion, eliminate stomach pain.

field liveliness

It is believed that the infusion of flowers of the anthrax improves eyesight, helps in the fight against sclerosis and diseases of the nervous system. The infusion of herbs is used in the form of compresses for fractures, and burns and hernias are treated with a decoction of the roots. Sometimes, rinsing a broth of vivacity treat an sore throat, and with the help of lotions - purulent inflammation of the eyes. Seeds are used for the preparation of antiparasitic agents.

Reception methods

There are many folk recipes for the treatment of various diseases where field wildlife is used. The description of each of them is a very laborious process, but some can be cited as an example:

  • Boil 2 or 3 cups of water, and then pour one teaspoon of the herb in them. Next, the container should be tightly closed, wrapped and placed in a warm place for 8 hours for insisting. Ready infusion must be filtered and drunk in 4 divided doses per day. So treat diseases of many internal organs.
  • From jaundice, dropsy and hernia, another recipe is used, according to which 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of grass must be poured into a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes, after which the broth should be filtered and its volume with boiled water be brought up to 200 g. Treatment is carried out using 1 tbsp. l thrice a day. Outwardly, such an infusion can be used to anesthetize burns and tumors.
  • For napar, which in modern conditions can be prepared in a thermos, take 20 g of lard and 1 liter of boiling water, insist overnight. Over the next day, drink 3 glasses before meals. In this way, mainly diseases of the genitourinary system, jaundice and conjunctivitis are treated. It is also used externally.
  • For the treatment of cancer in a water bath for 15 minutes, 40 g of liveliness are insisted with a liter of water, and then filtered. Three times a day, one hour before meals, take a third of a glass.
  • By grinding the seeds of liveliness into powder, you can get an antiparasitic agent. Doses of its administration are determined individually.

field fruit

Field wildlife is indisputably the most valuable gift to humanity, which is constantly faced with various diseases. However, do not neglect the information that the plant has a significant part of the toxic components in its composition. In treatment, they should never exceed the recommended doses, and if the plant grows nearby or is even used for decoration, care should be taken to ensure that all family members and pets do not have close contact with it.


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