Travel: beautiful places of Voronezh

Each city has its own zest, its sights and beauty. They make the city unique and unforgettable. Since Voronezh has a large number of beautiful places , a walk around the city will be fascinating and enjoyable. What corners are worth visiting for guests and residents of the city to have a good rest and delight the eye?

Parks of Voronezh

The most popular among residents and visitors of the city are numerous parks and squares. Here you can find the most beautiful places of Voronezh for walks with family and friends. If you want to enjoy a beautiful view, arrange a date or make a photo shoot, then you can safely go to the park. You should get acquainted with the most popular.

"Scarlet Sails"

The park, built back in the 70s of the twentieth century, is located on the left bank of the Voronezh reservoir. In 2011, it was reconstructed by a French designer. After beautiful places were ennobled , Voronezh was transformed. Now the Scarlet Sails Park is one of the favorite vacation spots of the city residents. Here you can stroll along the wide beautiful alleys, ride the rides, have a picnic. Schedule: from 11 am to 23 pm. The territory is under guard and is constantly patrolled.

beautiful places Voronezh


The park was built in the 30s of the twentieth century. To date, it has been renovated and acquired a European level. Visitors can walk along its alleys, visit the stable, and in winter ride the Pioneer Hill. The park is famous for the fact that in the spring snowdrops bloom here. For lovers of photo shoots, it is ideal: in the summer there are beautiful green lawns and flower beds, and in the fall - golden leaf decorations.


Visitors are offered many attractions that will appeal to vacationers of all ages. Also, the park is notable for the presence in it of monuments to Orlyonok ("the boy with chewing gum") and Osip Mandelstam.


One of the most visited places where you can have picnics. The park is designed for outdoor activities, as it was originally built as a sports base. In summer you can go rollerblading and biking, and in winter skiing.

beautiful places of Voronezh and the region

Where to date?

Choosing beautiful places of Voronezh for walks with a girl, you can choose a suitable park. It is an ideal place for dating. Walking along the long alleys relieve stress, facilitating a relaxed conversation. Beautiful views create a romantic mood.

If you want to take a leisurely stroll in silence, then itโ€™s better not to go to large crowded places, but to choose cozy and modest corners. Dolphin Park is the best suited for this purpose. This is an old square with long alleys along which are cast-iron lanterns. Tall pines create a dense, secluded shadow, promising coolness on a hot day. The park is located on the left bank of the Voronezh River. Having walked along the alleys, you can go to the promenade and admire the river surface and the setting sun. There is a unique lighthouse painted by hand. In winter, you can skate here.

beautiful places of Voronezh for walks

Lovers will like the Aircraft Builders Park. This is a great place for leisurely walks and conversations. Quiet shady alleys create a romantic mood. There is a tree of love in the park, where couples leave notes with confessions, and the newlyweds hang locks of fidelity.

We are going on a picnic

Choosing beautiful places of Voronezh for walks in nature, you can stop at the parks: Olympic, Scarlet Sails, Dynamo. They are great for picnics. Of course, it is forbidden to make bonfires here, so you can just take ready-made food with you.

You can walk along the wide alleys and breathe in the pine air in the Tanais and Dolphin parks.

Lovers of wandering along forest paths will love the Voronezh Central Park. This is a large forest plantation, where you can freely walk along the paths, admire the lake and streams. The square was founded in Soviet times, since then it has been in a state of neglect. In its depths you can find many dilapidated buildings and dilapidated monuments.

Beautiful places for photo sessions

Beautiful photographs can be taken in the parks "Scarlet Sails", "Eaglet", "Dynamo". In Koltsovsky Square there are fountains and beautiful flower beds that will be an excellent background for filming.

Massalitinov Embankment is popular with photo shoot lovers. Surprisingly vivid and memorable pictures are obtained here.

In the country

If you want to see the beautiful places of Voronezh and the region, it is better to go out of town. The ancient territory is rich in historical monuments and unique objects.

One of them is "Divnogorye", a museum-reserve. On its territory there are chalk pillars that have been weathered for many years, forming unique structures in their beauty. Here you can see the ancient churches and monasteries of the XVII century, built in chalk caves.

beautiful places of Voronezh for walks with a girl

From time immemorial Belogorsk caves served as a shelter for robbers, later they became a haven for pilgrims who built the church of St. Alexander Nevsky on this site.

Sights of Voronezh

Walking around the city, you can also find beautiful places. Voronezh is a real treasure for tourists.

Admiralty Square is a symbol of the greatness of Russia as a sea power. It was in this place that the first ship of the Russian fleet was launched by Peter the Great. The area is popular with honeymooners and photo shoot lovers.

beautiful places of Voronezh for walks in nature

The dam of the Chernavsky bridge has a length of about a kilometer. There are always a lot of vacationers here: some ride roller skates and bicycles, while others simply stroll leisurely. On the dam, you can rent a boat and go sailing along the river.

An obligatory point of a walk around the city is the Massalitinov embankment. It offers a magnificent view of the Voronezh River.

Fans of historical monuments will like the architectural ensemble of Sacco and Vanzetti, an example of the construction of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

You can also note the sculptures of Peter I, which is the unspoken symbol of the city. The Monument of Glory is worth a visit to see this unusual and moving memorial complex with your own eyes. The White Bim Statue is located on Revolution Square. Citizens believe that if you rub your dogโ€™s nose, then all your wishes will come true.

In conclusion

Voronezh is a very beautiful city that will not leave anyone indifferent. It is better to come here in the summer or in the spring in order to stroll around the city and enjoy the beautiful views. There are many interesting parks, ancient churches, unique monuments that are impossible to tell about in one article.


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