Bull Terrier: nature, description, care and training methods

Bull Terrier is a breed that can be said to have suffered from black PR. Dullness, viciousness and aggressiveness - these are the features that, in the opinion of the townsfolk, are inherent in these dogs. People forget that even a lap-dog can be dangerous if it was not brought up or intentionally spoiled the psyche. What can we say about such a strong and courageous creation as a bull terrier! The character, reviews of which in most cases are extremely negative, is not bad at all in dogs of this breed. The sad stories that the press once replete with show only that the bull terriers fell into the wrong hands, that the owners were not ready for the company of such a strong-willed dog and that they had no idea how to raise such a pet (or simply did not want to to deal with).

bull terrier character

Breed history

It was she who determined both the appearance and psychological features that the bull terrier acquired as a result: his character is fully consistent with the tasks that these dogs had to perform. The selection ban was the 1835 ban on fighting dogs with bulls. The gambling British began to look for a replacement for the spectacle and to breed individuals for purely dog ​​fights, since the dull-faced bulldogs used to persecute the bulls were not very convincing in a fight with their own kind. Therefore, they began to cross with representatives of other breeds. The main contribution to the breeding of the bull terrier was made by various terriers, including foxes. But both the Pointer, the Dalmatian, and the Foxhound, and even, presumably, short-haired collies, whose profile was useful for obtaining a smooth transition from the skull to the muzzle, were “noted” in the breed. The result of this selection was a modern bull terrier. However, he inherited the character from the bulldogs, which are distinguished by fearlessness and perseverance.

bull terrier breed character

Bull Terrier: breed description, character

It refers to medium-sized dogs: weight averages 25 kilograms, height - from 40 centimeters (in bitches) to 55 (maximum in males). The physique is powerful, the muscles are very well expressed. With all its external massiveness, the bull terrier is agile, mobile and vertices. Differs in good jumping ability. The color of the coat can be pure white or color. The first is considered more preferable, while spots are allowed only on the head. In second place - brindle, but other colors are not considered a vice or marriage.

Psychologically, the dog must be sustained, active, but not vicious. Bull terrier, whose character is characterized by imbalance or nervousness, is not even allowed in the exhibitions: it is believed that this is either the owner’s mistakes in education, or culling of the breed.

bull terrier breed description character

Strong personality

Those who outwardly liked the bull terrier should definitely take into account the nature of the breed. Do not forget that this is a gladiator dog. The main thing is that the bull terrier by nature is a dominant personality, and if you do not put it in its place from the very beginning, he will not respect and obey you. Moreover, representatives of this breed require a kind of socialization. Since they were bred for dog fights, bull terriers are always ready to fight with other dogs. And if you do not want regular problems with other "dog lovers", your puppy from a puppy's age must be accustomed to tolerance and courtesy towards fellow tribesmen.

But at the same time, the dog we are considering is in itself affectionate and affectionate; if you manage to achieve recognition of your supremacy, she will respect all family members and patiently endure children's pranks, even very unpleasant ones. The bull terrier is rather indifferent to strangers. If the stupid owner did not specifically set him on other people, the dog will simply ignore them until the stranger shows aggression towards the owners.

bull terrier character reviews

Breed temperament

When a bull terrier appears in a house, character is not the only thing to consider. This dog is also very mobile and energetic. A lazy and unsportsmanlike person should not start it: the lack of movement awakens the worst character traits in an animal, up to aggressiveness. The bull terrier must spend at least an hour and a half a day on the street, and in running, jumping and other active body movements. The owner will have to contribute to this, because the dog is not interested in “having fun” alone. Experienced dog owners buy tennis balls and play with the pet in order not to look for a stick every time.

Dog training

This does not mean training the dog for teams or preparing her for the show. This is precisely upbringing, like the way children are raised. And it should start from the first minute a puppy appears in your apartment. Bull terriers are smart and trained, but stubborn. Persistence and patience will be required to explain the rules of behavior to the dog. And calm! From the point of view of the representative of this breed, screaming and nervousness are a sign of weakness, that is, something that neither the English nor the Staffordshire Bull Terrier accepts. The character you showed in the first months of your new family member’s life will provide you with respect for his whole life.

In puppyhood, the dog begins to socialize. At first, you will have to walk more to teach your pet to be patient with other dogs and behave properly on the street.

mini bull terrier character

Bull Terrier Training

It begins a little later than education, but to postpone the first lessons for a long time is not worth it. When the puppy is six to eight months old, you can proceed. If you are not going to drag the dog into the guard, it is enough to teach it only to the most necessary commands: “near”, “not allowed” (or “fu”), “to me”, “aport” and “give” - all these signals will greatly facilitate walking animal. "Place", "lying", "sitting" are very useful to restrain the animal at home or at a party. Additionally, under the guidance of an instructor, you need to teach your dog not to take food from outsiders, not to pick up leftovers on the street and to carefully respond to sudden movements of passers-by.

If you need a bull terrier guard, the instructor will outline the nature of the additional training, taking into account your wishes and personal characteristics of the dog.

bull terrier photo character

Where and how to keep the bull terrier

When taking this dog to the house, it must be borne in mind that her coat is short. Year-round maintenance in the yard does not suit her in any way. In addition to winter colds, the dog does not tolerate the excessively bright sun. You could say this is a domestic breed. In the apartment, the bull terrier, like any other dog, is allocated a place that is selected taking into account the characteristics of the breed - away not only from drafts, but also from radiators, since it can catch a cold from overheating without even going outside. To sleep, he needs a soft litter. But you can not take into account the size of your living space: with regular long walks, the dog will feel comfortable even in a small-sized "Khrushchev".

Pet Care Rules

The short hair of the bull terrier has both pros and cons. On the one hand, for walks in the cold you will have to buy a dog jumpsuit. On the other hand, it is not necessary to take care of the hair: it is enough to comb it out once a week with a soft brush (like clothes) so that the dog fades less in the apartment. In dirty weather, you don’t need to wash the dog after the street - it’s better to wipe it with a soft damp cloth.

As for nutrition, the dog of this breed does not have digestion problems and can eat any food (dry and wet), as well as independently prepared food for it. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the correspondence of the portion size to the needs of the bull terrier. When overfeeding, these dogs are often obese.

staffordshire bull terrier character

What is bull terrier sick with?

The breed is distinguished by good health and good immunity. Relatively common diseases are mainly hereditary or congenital in nature. These include:

  • deafness;
  • jade;
  • displacement or deformation of the lens.

However, it is quite simple to exclude these diseases from your pet: when buying a puppy, you should ask about the presence of such problems in his ancestors. Good breeders discard dogs with such defects, so when you go to the kennel you are guaranteed to protect yourself from buying an animal with congenital diseases.

Of the acquired, in addition to the above obesity, there are problems with the heart and skin. However, subject to the basic rules for keeping bull terriers (quality walks, thoughtful nutrition and care), the risk of encountering them drops to zero.

Miniature bull terrier

On this branch of the breed I would like to dwell separately. Despite its small size, the mini-bull terrier character is as serious as its large relatives. Therefore, one should not count on a slight “victory” over the stubbornness of the animal. In addition, the mini-bul is much more difficult to learn than representatives of the breed of traditional sizes. So, when buying such a puppy, do not treat him as acquiring a plush toy - this is not a dog for the faint of heart.

Let dog lovers themselves appreciate how cute a bull terrier can be (photo). His character - strong-willed and stubborn - does not prevent the dog from being a good friend and a cheerful companion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2494/

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