Alexander Trapeznikov: biography and creativity

A detective story is a genre in literature and cinema, the main sign of which is the presence of an incident where its circumstances should be disclosed. The name comes from the English words detect - "discover" and detective - "detective".

This genre branches into several directions: psychological detective, historical, ironic, fantastic, political, spyware, crime. The latter is especially different from the rest: in a criminal detective story, an action is usually described on behalf of the offender, not the detective or the police officer investigating the case.

A detective investigation can also act as a side storyline in a work of any other genre.

Detectives were written by many famous authors. The classics of this genre are considered to be the novels of Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Francis Biding and others.

Among Russian authors, recognized detectives are Boris Akunin, Tatyana Ustinova, Alexandra Marinina. One of them is Alexander Trapeznikov.


Alexander Anatolyevich Trapeznikov was born on December 31, 1953 in Russia, Khabarovsk. His father was an officer, and his mother was a teacher and lawyer.

A few years after the birth of a son, the family moved to Moscow. There Alexander Trapeznikov received two higher educations, having graduated from the philological faculty of the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute and the Institute of Journalistic Excellence.

In addition to studying, Trapeznikov was involved in sports: athletics, boxing, chess.

For several years Trapeznikov lived in Hungary. Returning to Moscow, he changed many different professions: he worked in the library, research institute, watch factory, and publishing houses.

The works of Alexander Trapeznikov were first published on December 28, 1978. The Moscow Metro newspaper published several short stories. This was followed by publications in other publications: “Spark”, “Moscow Literary Man”, “October”, “Tomorrow” and others.

author of trapeznikov alexander anatolevich

At the moment, the authorship of Alexander Trapeznikov owns about three dozen novels.

Creativity: detectives “Mousetrap”, “Genius of Madness”, “Secrets of the monastery shelter”

The novel "The Mousetrap" was released in 1996. In some publications, the name is changed to "Lost in the Wormwood."

alexander trapeznikov books

This is a story about a Moscow actor named Vadim Sviridov, who came to the village of Polynya. Grandfather Sviridova, the sorcerer-healer Arseny, recently died, having drowned, and Vadim needs to make an inheritance. He still does not know how much it will cost him. Vadim Sviridov will have to go through strange tragic events, after which his personality will change beyond recognition.

Another detective of the author Alexander Anatolyevich Trapeznikov is “The Genius of Madness”.

The protagonist is Alexander Tropenin, a psychiatrist who recently opened his own clinic. The patients are rich people who come here to relax and heal nerves. Tropenin uses clients for his research to expose thorough, hidden facts from the past.

The novel "Secrets of the monastery shelter", included in the series "Attraction of fate", tells about a group of strangers who were at one time in one place. In a hotel, once a former mountain monastery, people die one after another. Investigate this will be the Moscow historian Alexander Sievers.

Other books by Alexander Trapeznikov. The Crusaders

In addition to detectives, Trapeznikov also wrote historical novels, science fiction, and journalism.

alexander trapeznikov books

One of his historical works is the Crusaders series, co-authored with Sergei Smirnov, Alexander Segen and Mikhail Popov.

The cycle consists of 5 books; it tells about medieval military campaigns from Western Europe. The purpose of the crusaders (named so because they sewed crosses on their clothes) was to free the Holy Land from Muslims. It was believed that participants in the Crusades would receive a complete atonement from all sins, so not only soldiers but ordinary people joined the movement.

"Shadow of the Moon"

Shadow of the Moon is Trapeznikov’s novel in the genre of action-packed prose. It was published in 2001 by the Geleos Publishing House and entered the series The Best Russian Action.

The focus of the book is Igor Kononov. He can be called "Russian Don Corleone", since Kononov is the head of a large mafia group. However, none of his entourage knows about the other side of his life.

Characteristic of creativity

The main features of all the works of Alexander Trapeznikov are a fascinating, dynamically developing storyline, not devoid of unobtrusive humor, as well as detailed character characters. Throughout most of the narrative, the reader remains in suspense, as the characters are on the verge between life and death.

alexander trapeznikov books

In the writer's work, a special place is occupied by historical subjects. His novels about the distant past convey the culture and atmosphere of that time, however, they are written in a simple modern language, easy to read.


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