All museums in Rome and their photos

The eternal city, falling in love with tourists from all over the world, is proud of its rich cultural heritage. The Italian capital, where the breath of history is felt nowhere, does not hide the artistic values, but exposes them for viewing in order to introduce guests to the past and present. No wonder they say that in no city in the world there are as many museums as in beautiful Rome.

Of course, it is impossible to go around all the museums of Rome in a small amount of time, so we will try to take a virtual tour of the interesting cultural sites of the city.

Little Italian Louvre

We begin the journey with the Borghese Gallery located in the vicinity of the Italian capital . It is considered the most desirable object for tourists who dream of visiting the iconic museums of Rome (Italy). Obligated by its appearance to the greedy cardinal who loves art, the famous landmark holds many secrets.

museums in rome

Cardinal Shipione Borghese, who didn’t stop at anything, who was said to have stolen famous canvases on his orders, thought about building a villa in the vicinity of the city. Possessing a good collection of sculptures and paintings, he wished to place works of art in a beautiful building. So the famous gallery appeared - a worthy setting for cultural values, which all travelers dream of seeing.

Unfortunately, after the death of Borghese, some valuable exhibits disappeared without a trace. At the beginning of the 20th century, the museum was bought by the Italian government, and all art lovers were able to get acquainted with a unique collection of sculptures and paintings.

A treasure chest that is hard to get into

The Italian treasury has the largest collection in the world of Caravaggio 's works and Bernini's sculptures. Now the eyes of the general public presented more than 500 paintings and several hundred sculptural creations. Tourists are breathless with delight at the sight of the gallery itself with luxurious frescoes, a mosaic floor, beautiful stucco work, and painted walls.

Numerous halls, where unique masterpieces are stored, are open for visiting all guests of the city, however it is more difficult to get into them than in other institutions in Italy. The thing is that there are no tickets on free sale, and only two hundred lucky for two hours can enter inside. True, for art lovers there is the opportunity to pre-order tickets online to the small Roman Louvre.

The oldest museum in the world

The next point of our trip is the Capitoline Museum in Rome, which in importance can be compared with the Hermitage. An Italian landmark that began its history in the 15th century with a collection of antique bronzes donated by Pope Sixtus IV, delights with its splendor. A whole complex of art galleries located on Capitol Hill - a symbol of the power of Ancient Rome - will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of art.

Capitoline Museum in Rome

The world's oldest museum is an architectural ensemble consisting of three palaces connected by underground passages and Capitoline Square. The cultural monument of Rome is of great interest to tourists. Archaeological finds, antique masterpieces, collections of classical sculptures, an art gallery, a numismatic museum and an exhibition of jewelry are presented here.

A complex of four branches

Of course, nobody will be able to explore the best museums in Rome in a small amount of time. But it is impossible not to visit a complex of several parts, which store artifacts of ancient Roman times, founded at the end of the 19th century. The local attraction, known far beyond the borders of Italy, is famous for the richest collection, which lovers of antiquity will appreciate.

The National Museum of Rome, which includes four branches at different addresses, tells about the ancient history of the city. The magnificent palace of Massimo will introduce you to an extensive collection of sculptures, sarcophagi, frescoes and tombstones.

National Museum of Rome

The baths of Diocletian, on the ruins of which the church was erected, keep a collection of epigraphy, which includes more than 10 thousand illustrated inscriptions.

In the Balba crypt, the entire history of the development of the ancient city is presented and archaeological finds of scientists are put on public display.

The luxurious Palazzo Altemps palace will attract attention with sculptures preserved from ancient times.

The most unusual museum

The museums of Rome are so diverse that I want to talk about the most unusual of them, and now we go to the church, which is located near the Vatican. The Gothic structure, decorated with marble sculptures of the dead, looking up with hope, makes a dual impression. The Museum of the Lost Souls in Purgatory is a large collection of evidence that deceased sinners show various signs to the living.

The Marseille priest traveled the whole world, seeking evidence of the existence of the afterlife. A small collection is inside the church and impresses visitors. Here you can see a nightgown with traces left by a dead mother who appeared to her son. The woman who reproached the offspring for a rampant lifestyle burned her fingers.

museums rome italy

Scorched handprints of people who fell into Purgatory and begging for help are presented on prayer books, a tabletop, and a pillow. The souls of the deceased asked to pray for them and left traces so that relatives believed them. Supernatural cases are direct evidence that sinners try to atone for their guilt and move to paradise.

It is noteworthy that for many years the Vatican, which denies the place of suffering of the soul, has advocated the closure of the museum, which goes beyond the usual tourist destinations.

Museum of Pasta (Pasta)

Looking at the unique museums of Rome, one cannot ignore the beautiful building, whose expositions are dedicated to the product that has become the symbol of Italy. Eleven halls of the famous sights will tell about the history of the pasta and the secrets of their preparation. It is interesting that the Greeks invented the national dish, and the country's inhabitants learned to keep the product in solid form.

the best museums in rome

Our little trip is coming to an end. Of course, even walking along the old streets of the beautiful city, you can get acquainted with the most famous monuments of the capital of Italy. However, numerous museums in Rome will present unforgettable emotions and vivid impressions, and fascinating stories of guides will be remembered for a long time.

Good news - since the summer of 2014, admission to government offices on the first Sunday of the month is free for everyone.


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