How do they become presidents of the country: what steps await on the way?

The work of the president of the country is responsible and complex: the head of the Russian Federation V. Putin somehow compared it with the work of a slave in a gallery. But dreaming to take this post shows up a lot. So, it makes sense to figure out how they become presidents.

how to become presidents

About the Constitution

The person who has looked after the presidency for himself should first of all study the constitution of his state. It is in the Constitution that the procedure for the election of the head of state and the basic requirements put forward to the applicant for the post are prescribed. So a high school student who is considering how to become president of Russia should at least wait a little: people who have not reached the age of 35 can apply for this position. Nothing will come of a foreigner, even the most talented: only a citizen who has lived at least 10 years in the country can be president of Russia.

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Learn the story!

The next recommendation for presidential candidates is to study the history and personal experience of the heads of various states. Polling stations - this is the last stage of the presidential race, people come to the ballot boxes with a ready-made solution. And before making their choice, the population compares candidates for the post and evaluates not so much their election promises as real merits to the country and society.

The wealthy Virginia planter D. Washington (first American president) was unanimously elected to his post. But, of course, not for a good harvest on his estate. D. Washington was a brilliant politician, a true patriot of his country, a fighter for its independence.

About D. Washington

Now, few people remember this, except for the Americans themselves, but almost until the end of the XVIII century America was not an independent state, but was a colony of Great Britain. The Americans reaped the bitter fruits of colonialism: from the unjust taxes imposed by the English side, to other (rather tough) oppression, repaired by the mother country. From 1775 to 1783 the military confrontation between the American rebels and the British for the independence of their country continued. The American Continental Army was led by experienced colonel D. Washington, who had managed to heroically prove himself in the Franco-Indian War. He hardly thought then how to become the president of the USA - D. Washington simply did everything for the country that was in his power. And the result of this confrontation is the independence of the American states, the Constitution of the country, which this outstanding person also took an active part in the development of, and only then his well-deserved election as the first head of state.

So a young man who is considering how to become president of the Russian Federation may first need to formulate his desires in a slightly different way. For example, think about what he can do for his country. In the days of the USSR, a song was popular with the words: "Think of the Motherland before, and then about yourself." Since everything Soviet is now back in fashion, it would be nice to borrow the best slogans of those times.

About election systems

And yet, how do they become presidents? Differently! Here again, it makes sense to refer to the law. For example, in the United States, the presidential election system is quite complex, although it is quite transparent. Elections are not direct - the head of state is elected in the Electoral College. Each state selects representatives (their number is fixed), the same, in turn, voting for the president, represent the will of their state (although, it happens, they vote differently). The goal of such a complex process is not to bring some dictator to power. And, I must admit, so far the system has been working properly: there were different presidents in the USA, but there were no tyrants among them.

An indirect system of elections exists in other states. Is this good or bad? Probably, in each case, the answer will be different. For example, the idea was voiced that the president of Ukraine can also be elected in the Rada - by the votes of people's deputies. But this idea was not developed, as it seemed undemocratic. Knowing the features of Ukrainian politics, one cannot disagree with this.

how to become president of Ukraine steps

About elections in Ukraine

By the way, most recently in Ukraine, early elections of the main person of the state took place - P. Poroshenko became him. The Ukrainian situation is now very difficult: society is split, the country is balancing on the brink of civil war, cities are being bombarded, people are dying, and the economy is collapsing. The spiral of change spins very rapidly, painfully, unexpectedly. It is unlikely that until recently P. Poroshenko seriously thought about how to become president of Ukraine. The steps that the new head of state will now have to take cannot be called easy. To reconcile the warring forces, to unite the country, to boost the economy, to establish normal relations with neighbors - this is not an exhaustive list of upcoming affairs. I really want P. Poroshenko to have the wisdom, responsibility and strength to stand at the helm of state with honor in such a difficult time.

On the history of the presidency in Russia

But, of course, it is more interesting for a Russian citizen to know how they become presidents in Russia. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The Institute of the Presidency in Russia was established on April 24, 1991 (the republic was then still part of the Soviet Union), and the first election of the Russian president was held on June 12, 1991. Boris Yeltsin was elected by him, who then received 57, 3% of all electoral votes. Yeltsin’s rivals were such famous personalities at that time as V. Zhirinovsky, A. Makashov, V. Bakatin, A. Tuleev, N. Ryzhkov. Why did Yeltsin win? The answer will become clear if you go back to those years, remember the history of the country and the biography of the first Russian president.

how Putin became president

Why he?

It seems that two factors helped to win Boris Yeltsin. The first - his close relatives were not granted by the Soviet government. Grandfather Yeltsin, a big worker, was considered a fist, his father, a builder, was also repressed. Boris Yeltsin himself in those years among the party elite was also considered a dissent. He was inherent in a sincere desire to change the country, to make it democratic. This is precisely what was then most in demand in society.

And the second factor - B. Yeltsin had a rich biography of a prominent Soviet and party leader, manager, and therefore his election is quite natural. This is partly the answer to the question of how to become the president of Russia. Yeltsin’s steps, his actions were concrete, understandable, and the people appreciated them. Indeed, many politicians and simply indifferent people put forward brilliant ideas, but do nothing to implement them. And voters cannot be fooled - they try to vote for those who have already distinguished themselves in real life.

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How did Putin become president of Russia?

The personality of B. Yeltsin can hardly be called unambiguous, and his presidential activity is ambiguous. In 1996, he became the head of the Russian state for the second time, and was supposed to be in power until the 2000 elections. But it happened differently.

On the eve of 2000, B. Yeltsin announced that he was leaving the post of Russian president. It was a very touching appeal to fellow citizens: the president asked them for forgiveness, and in his eyes (according to the cameraman) there were tears. B. Yeltsin explained his decision by a combination of factors, and V. Putin (then head of government) approved the acting duties. And again the question - why is it?

how to become president of Russia

It’s not easy for ordinary people to grasp the intricacies of political cuisine. Still, trying to figure out how Putin became president is again worth starting with a digression into history. Military operations in Chechnya and Dagestan, explosions of residential buildings, numerous casualties and instability ... V. Putin during his prime minister showed himself to be an energetic organizer who managed to fight back the militants. On March 26, 2000, the Russians elected V. Putin the head of state, thus fully confirming the decision of B. Yeltsin. They associated with the young president hopes for the restoration of stability, order and prosperity of the state. They still connect it: on March 4, 2012 V. Putin won the presidential election for the third time , gaining 63.6% of the vote in the first round.

how to become president of Russia steps


The president is the leader of his power, therefore, at this post, voters want to see a man wise and responsible, faithfully defending the interests of his power and respecting its citizens. And also - charismatic, as it is customary to say now: one who knows how to say a word, and smile, and express sympathy. Therefore, in the elections (unless, of course, they are democratic), those who win by their qualities managed to win over the electorate win. Do presidents always justify the aspirations of their citizens? This is another question.

And further. Presidents are also people. Their inherent weaknesses and weaknesses, they may not like very much, their activities can be condemned or approved. But almost everyone who was once elected head of state has one thing in common - they are personalities! And this is the main answer to those who are trying to understand how they become presidents. If you want to become a leader - educate yourself in your personality!


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