How to make the door to the bath with your own hands: a step-by-step description and drawings

Doors to the bathhouse with their own hands can be made by any person who has experience working with woodworking tools. However, if you do not follow the technology, then there will be drafts in the room, the heat will go outside, and the hygienic procedure will not be so comfortable.

Material selection

do it yourself

If you decide to make a door leading to the bathhouse, then you should know: not every kind of wood is suitable for this. For this design, it is best to use birch, exotic varieties, oak or aspen. Affordable traditional pine, in principle, can be used to make doors, but it is better to use this material for the entrance structure, and not for washing or steam. Glass doors are often used today, as they excellently withstand high temperatures, humidity and are easy to clean. The only drawback is the high cost, and it is rather difficult to produce such a canvas on your own.

Doors of the bathhouse with your own hands can be made of metal, which is characterized by durability and strength. Most often, such doors act as entrance doors. Heat-resistant plastic also has excellent performance, among them: durability, strength, resistance to changes in temperature and humidity, as well as reliability. If you wish, you can order a canvas whose surface imitates natural wood species or any other materials.

Preparatory work

how to make a door to the bath with your own hands
Doors to the bathhouse with their own hands are still recommended to be made of wood, despite the fact that such products are presented in a wide range on the modern market. To do this, prepare a grooved board, the dimensions of which are 30x200 mm, you will also need a beam for tying a square web with a side of 30 mm, self-tapping screws, a beam for reinforcing 30 x 20 mm, glue for filling grooves and hinges. If you plan to build an entrance door, then you should additionally prepare thermal insulation, nails for fixing dermantine, dermantine itself, fishing line or wire, as well as accessories. The door frame will be made of 11x6 cm timber. You will need mounting foam, mock slats, clamps, a screwdriver, a plane, a tape measure, a hammer, a hammer drill with a set of drills, as well as anchors. For cutting wood, you can use an electric jigsaw, and a planer is suitable for processing the material. You can not do without a caliper, level and scissors.


Before you make the door to the bath with your own hands, you must determine the size of the canvas. Previously, the dimensions of this design were smaller in comparison with the usual today. The small size helped reduce heat loss. Old Russian baths were insulated only with moss, which is why the need for heat was urgent. Modern buildings are characterized by high thermal insulation qualities, so you can install doors to their full height. The standard dimensions of this design are 2000x800 mm.

Work on the door leaf

do-it-yourself door to the bathhouse

So, you are thinking about how to make a door to the bathhouse with your own hands. What will be the order of work? At the first stage, the grooved boards open in length. The above-mentioned size in height also includes the strapping of the canvas, for this you should use a beam with a width of 30 mm.

The beam is fixed around the perimeter of the canvas, so it is necessary to make a fairly simple calculation: from 2000 you need to subtract 60, which will allow you to get 1940 mm, it is with this parameter that you should cut the boards.

At the second stage, you should determine the number of boards in the canvas. The width of the element together with the strapping will be 800 mm, whereas without strapping this parameter is 740 mm. The standard width of the tongue-and-groove board is 200 mm, so one such unit must be cut lengthwise with a jigsaw. A protruding spike should be removed from the board, which is done with a planer. The end part should be made perfectly smooth, there should be no deformations or indentations on it. After the boards are ready, they must be assembled in one canvas, which will allow for a verification check. The strapping beam is cut into 4 segments, two of which will have a size of 2000 mm, while the other two will be 740 mm.

Gluing boards

do-it-yourself door to the bathhouse

Now we need to assemble the door (to the bathhouse). Do it yourself and do it easy. At the next stage, the boards can be glued together, white glue is used for this. Glue should be poured into the groove by fastening the elements with clamps in the corners. When assembling, the masters advise using a wooden mallet to tighten the grooves. If there is a workbench, the canvas is located on it, while it is possible to recreate the effect of the press for better bonding. After this, the canvas is left for several days to dry the glue. Then processed by a planer. Please note: you do not need to remove a lot of material, it will be enough to process the surface a little so that it becomes smooth, does not have splinter and cross-layer.

Web binding

When the door to the bath is done with your own hands, it is recommended to consider the technology in advance step by step. At the next stage, it involves tying the canvas. The beam is fixed to the ends by self-tapping screws, and at the corners of the workpiece they are fastened with an overlap or with the use of a spike. Self-tapping screws should be selected so that their length is greater than the width of the beam. The fittings should be immersed in 3 cm boards.

In order to increase rigidity, it is necessary to strengthen the transverse bars. If you are making an entrance door, then the trims should be installed on the outer surface. Between them in the future it will be possible to arrange a heater. If the door will separate the rooms inside, then it will be enough two slats that are attached at the same distance from the bottom and top.

Final work

do-it-yourself door to the bathhouse

If the master decided to make the door to the bathhouse with his own hands, he will be able to step by step consider the technology in this article. At the final stage, you can begin mounting hardware, namely handles and door hinges. If the design will be located inside, it is best to abandon the use of metal handles, as they will heat up under the influence of high temperature. This may cause a burn. It is better to use wooden products that are safe to use, and they can be made by you yourself. For finishing the sheet, it is best to cover the wood with a deep penetration impregnation, the composition should be environmentally friendly, not emit harmful substances and protect the material from rotting processes.

Door installation

do-it-yourself front door to the bathhouse
Doors themselves are installed in the bathhouse in such a way as to prevent tilting or skewing of the racks, otherwise the door will close and open with an interference fit. For racks, it is best to use an 11-centimeter beam, the thickness of which is 6 cm. The width of the racks should be 7 cm greater than the width of the canvas. It is recommended that the beam be prepared by sawing a groove in it into which the door leaf will be placed. The gap between it and the box should be equal to several millimeters, as the wood will expand under the influence of humidity and temperature. As you can see, it is not so difficult to make the doors for the bath with your own hands. You can prepare the drawings yourself or borrow from the article.
do-it-yourself bath door drawings

By the way, doors can open outward, while the slats must be placed there. This will reduce heat loss and minimize drafts.

If during the groove you noticed that it is too large, then you can use silicone seals, which are located around the perimeter of the box. The latter is fixed to the opening with long anchors, the holes between the box and the wall should be sealed with construction foam and decorated with platbands. The do-it-yourself entrance door to the bathhouse can be hung when the box is completely ready. If the design is heavy enough, you should purchase reinforced curtains in the amount of three pieces. Two of them are located on top of the canvas, while the third is on the bottom. In order to exclude unauthorized removal of the door, one curtain is fixed in the opposite direction, strengthening the fittings in weight.

Production of doors from lining

The door to the bathhouse from the lining with your own hands can be done by you using the same technology that was described above, however, the next step will be to finish the canvas material. For this, a lining is prepared, the length of which should be slightly greater than the line passing at an angle of 45 ° from one long side to the other. The material is fixed with screws in the groove, the subsequent installation of all boards is carried out by the same method. The lining should not interfere with the strapping, and the trimmed ends should be hidden. Each bar is numbered from top to bottom, after the finish is disassembled and trimmed with a hacksaw along the drawn lines. Such work should be performed on both sides of the canvas.

If you make wooden doors to the bathhouse with your own hands, then after cutting the finishing material, you need to install the trimmed workpieces back into place by attaching the elements to the canvas with three screws in grooves at an angle of 45 °. The extreme boards should be fixed on top, so that the harness hides their heads. It is important to eliminate the cracking of the groove; for this, holes 0.5 mm larger are drilled in it compared to the diameter of the self-tapping screw.


The door to the bath with your own hands can be treated with fine grain sandpaper. It should go through all corners, saving the surface from bumps, and also rounding sharp edges. Some masters advise using a manual milling cutter, with the help of which it will be possible to effectively process the edges with shaped milling cutters.

So the doors to the bathhouse are ready! You can decorate the design with your own hands. To do this, the canvas is trimmed with decorative trims, shaped materials and battens.


do-it-yourself door installation in the bath
The best option would be if you make the door from one variety of hardwood. It can be black alder or linden. In favor of these materials is the coefficient of thermal expansion, which affects the deformation of products. When performing a structure of wood of one species, it will be possible to ensure that the deformation is the smallest. An exception can only be the case when the canvas is made of pine boards, and the rest of the elements are made of linden. The canvas will be covered with moisture and steam, therefore, the coefficient of thermal expansion can be neglected.

Particular attention is paid to the quality of lumber, which should not have through knots and defects. Their presence is permissible only in the case when the wood will be used for the manufacture of door leaf, which is covered with trim. If there is no circular saw or milling cutter in your arsenal, then you can replace these tools with a chisel and a hacksaw. But only a true professional in his field can make a door "on his knee".


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