Military oath: procedure and traditions

Military oath is a solemn promise of fidelity. This is the text that is pronounced when joining the Armed Forces. The tradition of taking the oath extends to persons assuming the office of president of the country.


The history of taking the military oath dates back to the 9th century. It is this century that dates back to the first mention of this custom. The first military oaths known to us were made in a festive atmosphere.

After the baptism of Russia, a tradition came from Byzantium to invite the clergyman to the oath. Speaking the text of the military oath, the warrior kissed the cross.

In Russia

Peter's traditions

Under Peter I, the ritual began to be carried out, spreading the banner. At the same time, a whole regiment was going to take a military oath. A large role was assigned to bring to it. The situation with the military oath was solemn. It was attended by high authorities, the clergy.

The troops came in formation, carrying banners in their hands, and orchestral music accompanied the procession. The ceremony itself was carried out, putting his left hand on the gospel, while his right was raised up. When the text was read, the person kissed the gospel.

In the Russian Empire

The entire period of the existence of the Russian Empire, the tradition was carefully observed. The first charter of the imperial army included a military oath of allegiance to friendship and military partnership. The official text of this ancient ritual was given there.

Under the king

With the change of the rulers of the country, the state system, the text with the oaths of allegiance to the military oath underwent changes. Nevertheless, in any case, the meaning was the same - to defend the interests of their state, not sparing sweat and blood.

Order of Adoption

At the moment, the military oath of the Russian Federation is given near the monuments of military glory. Also, this solemn ritual is carried out in places where there were heroic battles for the Fatherland. The text of the oath has changed significantly over the years. However, its meaning is the same as hundreds of years ago.

Separately fixed the procedure for bringing to military oath. This is a special ritual that occurs when the formation on the parade ground. At the same time, everyone is wearing a full dress uniform and a weapon in their hands. There is an orchestra on the parade ground, the banner of the unit is taken out. In the first line are the sworn ones.

Before the ritual, the performance of the unit commander takes place. He makes a speech about the importance of taking a military oath. Sometimes he personally gives weapons to young soldiers. Further, the serviceman is called out of action and read out the text of the military oath. Then he puts his signature in the document, then he goes back into operation.

Oath now

As soon as the procedure is completed, the unit commander congratulates those who have taken the oath. The orchestra plays the national anthem. Under the solemn march, the army leaves the parade ground. Everyone who took the oath on this day is released on this day.

About the meaning of the oath

It is believed that the words of the oath contain a deeper meaning. She is short, but, fulfilling his military duty undertaken on this day, the soldier rewrites the pages of his biography. After all, now he will obediently follow the instructions of the Fatherland. He goes through trials of his own maturity.

Since the text contains a promise to follow high ideals, every soldier takes important obligations upon taking the oath. In them lies the main meaning of his service. From that moment on, he officially became the defender of his country.

Punctual adherence to the words spoken on this day is a law for soldiers. Departure from it leads to dishonor. In order not to experience its consequences, the soldier carefully follows this word. From the very first days of service, he observes a military oath. Violation of obligations even in trifles leads to damage to combat readiness, to the interests of the country and all who are dear to the soldier.


If a foreigner enters the service in the Russian Federation, he does not swear allegiance. He only undertakes to comply with the Constitution of the country, to follow the requirements of the commanders. Cadets take the oath.

In Soviet times

At the same time, one must remember that there is no criminal liability in the country for refusing to take the oath. However, refusals to accept it are unacceptable. Each soldier can only serve under oath. If military service is contrary to religious beliefs, it is replaced with an alternative civilian service. But a soldier will never serve without taking an oath.

About the Jews

An interesting fact is that earlier the form of oath differed depending on the religion of the soldier. So, if a Jew entered the service, taking the oath was carried out in accordance with the Charter of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions.

The oath of this category of citizens took place on any day except Saturday and holidays. The ritual was held in synagogues, in prayer schools. Took her rabbi or assistant. The presence of 2 Jewish witnesses was mandatory, if possible.


Military oath in the USSR was given by every Soviet citizen, joining the armed forces. He promised to follow the requirements of the Constitution of the country. The oath taken was a law for a soldier. Throughout Soviet history, the text of the oath has changed more than once.

In 1947

About the oath of the cadets

The cadets take a separate oath. But you need to know that it is not military. Each cadet corps has its own text of military oath. The meaning in it is always the same, only the form of its expression is different. Each cadet vows to be diligent in his studies, to follow the requirements of his commanders, and with all his steadfastness to bear the hardships of life.

About changes

To a large extent, the ritual that has existed for centuries underwent changes under Peter I. Then it was radically improved by Catherine II. Until that moment, the text was handwritten. Already in 1765, the text began to print.

Emperor Paul I made his attempts to change the custom. He changed the status of the banner. Of course, up to this point, the banner was treated with a corresponding thrill. But Paul I made treatment with him even more carefully. It was impossible to "leave the banner under the threat of the death penalty." In dangerous cases, it had to be carefully guarded. Each banner had its expiration date before Paul I, but the emperor introduced the principle of eternity of banners. A separate provision was introduced on the consecration of new banners and the return of obsolete ones. In addition, everyone began to leave signatures for differences in battles.

The banner actually became a shrine, on which they began to swear oaths, as in the Gospel. This ritual and special attitude to the banner persisted until 1917, when the revolution thundered.

Under Paul I, a ceremony of “nesting the Banner” was deep in meaning. During it, the banner was nailed to the pole. At the same time, all the officers gathered together with 10 soldiers from each non-commissioned officer. Both the princes and commoners took the oath.

The military oath acquired its final form after the defeat of the Russian Empire in the Crimean War. It was then that many reforms were carried out. The concept of mutual responsibility was removed from the charter. A soldier had previously led her. It should be noted that in the XVI-XVII centuries, when such a custom existed, commoners did not appear in the army voluntarily, they were collected "by device" - according to official decrees. In order for the archers to fall into the troops, commanders' instructions were needed. They were recorded in writing - in special documentation, which indicated that the future warrior is suitable for state regiments. Further, these instructions were transferred to the voivodship chancellery, and young warriors, under commanders and guarantors, made solemn oaths. Reform after the Crimean War introduced the custom of giving an individual primary oath on the cross and the gospel.

Before the revolution

Later, a return was made to the Peter's traditions of swearing at the whole company. After the young fighter’s course, each recruit was sworn allegiance under the banners. If there were no banners in the unit, the oath was taken at the guns. When the recruits only entered the unit, they were called young soldiers. After the ritual of taking the oath, they were called ordinary.

Then, when the revolution was completed in 1917, and the management of the state became very heterogeneous, military oaths were drawn up by the unit commanders themselves. The texts of all were very different - each ship, each part had its own. Only in the spring of 1918 was a single official text of the oath for each unit approved. It was called the Formula of Solemn Promise. Later, a single day of taking the oath was officially established - May 1. On the battlefields of World War II, the Red Army followed the oath, the text of which was established in 1939.

Oath text 2018


Thus, the modern military oath retained many features of different historical eras. It has been perfected over many centuries. It has both European and original national features.


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