Change of driver's license: the procedure for obtaining and exchanging

To drive a vehicle legally, a potential driver needs a driver’s license. Changing and reissuing this document is a routine operation that drivers encounter. Only not everyone understands how to act in a particular case. Next, we will try to find out what is useful to a citizen for re-issuing a certificate. Practice shows that there is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is to take into account existing legislatively established standards for the mentioned operation.

Reasons for handling

Changing a driver’s license is not the most difficult task. Sooner or later, every driver faces it. And there are reasons for that.

Driving License - Replacement Rules

The thing is that there are many reasons for reissuing a driver’s license. Among them are the following:

  • change of personal data of a person;
  • driver sex change;
  • the opening of the next category of driving a vehicle;
  • expiration of a document;
  • WU recovery during spoilage;
  • identity theft or loss.

If a citizen’s state of health changes dramatically, you must also contact the authorized services for the re-production of HE. There is nothing special about this.

Validity period

Replacing a driver’s license when changing your name is a procedure that many women often face. After marriage and taking the husband’s surname for themselves, they must mandatory reissue the certificate. Only after that the girl will be able to legally get behind the wheel again.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a driver’s license in Russia has a certain validity period. It directly depends on what type of document in question.

The national driver’s license is valid for ten years, and the international one is three years. It is worth noting that the relevance of the MVU is lost if the national rights are recognized as invalid. This is a statutory norm.

Where to request

Changing a driver’s license after 10 years from the date of issue of the document has certain features. We will talk about them in more detail a little later. First, consider the upcoming manipulations in general terms.

Re-receiving WU

Changing a driver’s license is done through various government agencies. You can submit a request through:

  • MFC;
  • Traffic police;
  • MREO;
  • Organizations like My Documents
  • single window services;
  • private intermediary companies.

The last trick is not in special demand. The thing is that citizens can get the help of intermediary companies for a fee. True, the price tag is often very high. And therefore, we will not consider such a situation. It is much more profitable to formalize the rights on your own.

IT-technologies and VU

Changing a driver’s license when changing your name or for any other reason requires compliance with certain rules. They are described below. In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. It is enough to thoroughly prepare for the corresponding process.

Some state and municipal services can be requested remotely. Namely via the Internet. For this, today they use the e-government website.

Is it possible to apply for a driver’s license with it? Yes. And restore them or reissue? Yes too. To cope with such an operation can be through the service "State Services".

Networking Conditions

An application for a change of driver's license, as has already been noted, can be submitted to the authorized service via the Internet. Only this process will have to prepare in advance.

A citizen must:

  • register an account on the e-government website (if it is not);
  • to enter data into an electronic application form at ESIA;
  • activate the account "Gosuslug" in any convenient way.

Only if these conditions are met, will a citizen be able to use the electronic government website. Prior to activating the profile, it will not work to request rights, reissue or restore them. Unconfirmed public service site profiles simply do not have such functions.

How can I verify my identity?

The most troublesome task when preparing for work with ESIA is confirming your account. There are several ways to bring an idea to life.

At the moment, you can:

  • order an activation code by mail;
  • implement the use of digital signature;
  • personally contact the Citizen Service Center.

How to act? Everyone chooses the answer to this question on their own. In practice, the most recent layout is most often used. Next, we will try to study all the proposed methods for activating an account on ESIA. Changing a driver’s license without a verified account simply doesn’t take place. Then you have to personally apply to the traffic police with a request of the established form.

Where to get a WU

We order the code in the mail

The first, though not the fastest way to verify your identity with the State Services, is to contact the postal services. It takes a lot of time, but it is a very simple layout.

To use a similar method of activation of "State services", you will need:

  1. Go to "My Account" on the e-government service.
  2. Click on the "Activation" section.
  3. Indicate among the available methods of verification of identity "By mail".
  4. Prescribe the address of the person’s place of residence. It is necessary to write down the actual address, not the registration.
  5. Get the activation code in the form of a registered letter.
  6. Type the corresponding "secret combination" in the "Activation" field in the personal account on "State services".

All that remains now is to confirm the operation and wait a bit. In the course of the actions, information about the citizen will be checked by the authorized bodies. After that, you will need to wait for a notification about the successful completion of the account activation procedure. It's time to deal directly with a change of driver’s license when changing your name or for other reasons.

Activation via EDS

The technique we examined is not one of a kind. If desired, you can activate the profile on Gosuslugi using an electronic digital signature. Not all citizens have it, so this approach is not in special demand.

Instructions for using this technique will look something like this:

  1. Connect an electronic digital signature to the PC.
  2. Go to Gosuslugi in your personal account, and then in the available methods of confirming your identity on the site specify the item "Digital Signature".
  3. Carefully study and follow the prompts on the monitor display.

Just a couple of minutes - and the job is done. Now you can change your driver’s license after the expiration date and more! A complete list of electronic services will be open to the user.

Personal appeal to the Population Service Center

Are you planning a remote replacement of a driver’s license when changing your name? In this case, you will first need to confirm your identity on the portal. And only then adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

Suppose that a person has decided to personally contact the Public Service Center to confirm the account. Under such circumstances, it is recommended:

  1. Prepare a passport, TIN certificate and pension insurance certificate (SNILS).
  2. Fill out an application for an activation code for the e-government website.
  3. Contact your nearest Service Center. You can view all relevant organizations on the Gosuslugi website if you choose "Other" - "In the Center ..." from the available activation methods.
  4. Submit a request in the established form, and then get the identification code on hand.
  5. Indicate the prepared number in the "Activation" field. He is in the "My Account".

At a similar stage, active actions can be completed. Further, a change of driver's license after 10 years, the restoration of a VU for any reason, registration of a vehicle and not only is allowed.

What is required to change a driver’s license

Personally go to the organs

Next, we will try to consider the existing methods for requesting a new driver’s license. It is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Especially with proper training.

First of all, we will study the most common scenario. Namely, a personal appeal to authorized services. To do this, you need:

  1. Generate a package of documents provided for a change of driver's license. It will vary depending on the situation.
  2. Fill out the application of the established form "for rights".
  3. Submit a request to the traffic police or other authorized service.
  4. To pay the state fee for the upcoming service.
  5. Pick up a new certificate at the agreed time.

It sounds as if the process does not cause any difficulties. Indeed, in most cases it is. But sometimes difficulties are encountered. For example, if you change your driver’s license after a 10-year service life.

"Government Services", or Help e-government site

Replacing a driver’s license when changing personal data in Russia can be done remotely. The e-government site will help.

We assume that a citizen has activated an account on ESIA. After that he will need:

  1. Log in to the site and then open the catalog of available options.
  2. Find the block "Driving and transport".
  3. Switch to the "Driving License" section.
  4. Choose the option that describes the service as accurately as possible. Say, "Restoring rights after loss."
  5. Enter the data requested by the e-government system.
  6. Indicate the authorized body in which I would like to pick up the driver’s license. At this stage, as a rule, you can also specify the date / time of the proposed visit.
  7. Confirm the procedure for submitting a request via the Internet.
  8. Make payment of state duty.

At this step, the action can be completed. Further, the person will only have to come to the authorized body with pre-prepared documents, and then pick up the finished “driver card”.

Change of rights on "State services"

Help for the operation

Documents for changing a driver’s license in Russia may be required completely different. It all depends on the reason for the citizen applying for the corresponding service.

As a rule, if you need to change your driver’s license after 10 years from the date of issue or for other reasons, a citizen may need the following papers:

  • passport;
  • old rights or certificate of loss of a document;
  • personal photos (3-4 pieces);
  • military ID (if available);
  • application in the established form;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • extracts on voluntary change of surname, name or patronymic;
  • sex change opinion;
  • extracts testifying to successful training in transport management of this or that category.

As practice shows, submitting documents to change a driver’s license in Russia with proper training is a minimum of trouble. True, reissuing the document "on time" is the most troublesome scenario.

Terms of service

The timing of a change in driver's license in the Russian Federation is ambiguous. The thing is that in Russia all of the above authorized bodies operate at different speeds.

According to the law, re-issuance of a certificate can take from 30 to 60 days. In practice, a document is prepared in about a month, sometimes earlier. At the same time, applying to the authorized body with a statement of “right” directly takes less time than a visit to the MFC.

More accurate information is best found at the selected authorized service. This will save a person from unnecessary problems and unjustified expectations.

The need for a commission

Changing a driver’s license upon expiration is an inevitable process. Moreover, it causes some difficulties for modern drivers.

MVU and national rights

Do I need to get a medical certificate to change my driver’s license? Yes, but not always. A medical examination must be completed if:

  • primary issue of the document is carried out;
  • a citizen requests a new driver’s license due to health changes;
  • there is a re-production of WU by term;
  • the commission provides for the opening of a particular category of vehicle.

Early exchange of a document does not require citizens to undergo a physical examination. Moreover, the issued form VU-003 is valid for all 2 years. For persons with restrictions on vehicle management - 12 months.

About Duty

It was previously emphasized that the service we are studying is not free. For her, without fail, will have to pay a state fee. It directly depends on what kind of rights are requested.

A plastic national driver's license will cost the driver 2,000 rubles, and his paper counterpart - only five hundred. For MVU you need to pay 1,600 rubles.

In 2019, it is planned to issue a new generation of chipped driver's licenses. They will cost the driver three thousand.

These duties are set at the federal level. They are the same for all regions of Russia. You can reduce these by thirty percent. To achieve such a result, you just need to deposit money for the production of a certificate through the State Services.


Replacing a driver’s license when changing your name does not require exams. The same applies to issuing a document in most cases. Examination tests are usually encountered if:

  • primary paperwork takes place;
  • need to restore WU after confiscation;
  • a person opens up another category of driving a vehicle.

Now it’s clear how the change of driver’s license takes place under certain circumstances. If you adhere to the suggested tips, you can avoid most of the problems.

Obtaining new rights instead of old

Important: it is recommended to order the rights at the place of registration of the potential applicant. This technique will significantly speed up the process.


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