Interesting traditions of the Ukrainian people for children: list, features and history

The traditions of the Ukrainian people are rich and diverse. They are always filled with interesting customs that have passed through the ages. It is noteworthy that Ukrainian youth adopts these traditions, in which their spiritual connection with their ancestors is visible. In most customs, you can see the interweaving of pagan and Christian beliefs.


traditions of the Ukrainian people

Many traditions of the Ukrainian people are associated with religious beliefs and celebrations. In the Christmas season in Ukraine, the practice of caroling is common. These days, children go from one house to another. They wish all the masters of peace and prosperity, sing Christmas songs, and scatter barley and wheat on the floor, as symbols of happiness and prosperity.

These are very pleasant traditions of the Ukrainian people for children, because the owners in return should generously treat them with sweets, sweets and even give coins. It is believed that if this is not done, then there will be no luck in the house.

Christmas Eve

interesting traditions of the Ukrainian people

Other traditions of the Ukrainian people are associated with the festive table on Christmas Eve. This is a holy evening that is celebrated on the eve of Christmas. On this day, the festive feast must necessarily consist of 12 lean dishes. That is, exactly correspond to the number of apostles who are considered the main disciples and assistants of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, according to the traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people, freshly baked bread, dumplings, kutya, uzvar are put on the table. In the dumplings, the owners hide small coins. It is believed that the one who finds such a gift, the whole coming year will be very successful. For children, looking for a treasured coin in dumplings is akin to a sensation of a miracle and an unusual surprise. The interesting traditions of the Ukrainian people for the 2nd class are fascinating material on which you can discuss the features of the life of ancestors.

And that's not all. You can recall Diduha - the national symbol of the harvest, which is carefully cherished from the time of haymaking until Christmas. Among the interesting traditions of the Ukrainian people, it is necessary to note the custom to give him an honorable place on Christmas days. Diduh is similar to a human figure, in which stalks of various cereal crops, for example, rye, oats, wheat, and also fragrant hay are inserted. During the feast, the participants of the festival sing Christmas songs, remember how the year went, discuss how to make the next one even more successful.


traditions of the Ukrainian people for children

On the eve of Lent, in the tradition of the Ukrainian people to celebrate Shrovetide. This is a pagan custom that even Orthodox families celebrate today. The church favors him.

The essence of this holiday is to see off winter and the solemn meeting of spring. Therefore, Shrovetide week is characterized by especially vivid festivities, because it is followed by the most severe fasting in Christianity. Before seven weeks of severe food restrictions come, people try to eat plenty. Every day, it is customary to cook pancakes, go to visit friends and family.

Many traditions of the Ukrainian people for children are specially adapted. For example, this applies to pancakes. They are an obligatory attribute of Shrovetide, which is very popular with kids, because pancakes are prepared both sweet, with jam, and with fillings. In a word, for every taste. Damn symbolizes the sun, which so yearned for people for a long winter. It carries a warm and springy mood, which is so lacking.

As you have already noticed, the traditions of the Ukrainian people in a scientific style are similar to the Russian and Belarusian ones. If we talk about Shrovetide, the main custom these days is the preparation of dumplings with cottage cheese.

At the end of the Pancake week it is customary for everyone to go for mass celebrations. In addition, Forgiveness Sunday is celebrated. On this day, it is customary to put up with everyone, ask for forgiveness from relatives, friends and even strangers.


traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people

The main Orthodox holiday, Easter, is necessarily celebrated in Ukraine. Celebrations take place on a spring day, when you can enjoy the coming summer with a calm soul.

Among the interesting traditions of the Ukrainian people there is one such thing: not to sleep on Easter night. All Orthodox believers are instead sent to all-night service in the church. According to custom, they take beautiful baskets in which the best dishes are placed for their consecration. And when they come home, they arrange a real feast, because it is on Easter that the seven-week most strict Christian fast ends.

At the same time, there is another tradition in Ukraine: no matter how rich the festive table may be, it is necessary to start the feast with Easter bread. It has a special shape, it is often made sweet and coated with glaze.

At a meeting, friends greet each other with the phrase: "Christ is Risen!" Having heard this appeal, you must answer: "Truly Risen!".

Summer solstice

interesting traditions of the Ukrainian people for grade 2

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is another example of what pagan customs and traditions are present in the life of modern people. It is celebrated on the day of the summer solstice. This holiday is accompanied by a large number of rituals associated with fire, water and various herbs.

The most desperate jumps over the bonfire that night. At midnight, it is customary to go to the forest in search of a blooming fern, although many believe that this plant never blooms. Nevertheless, some believe that if you can still find such a fern, he will certainly indicate the path to the treasure.

Ukrainian girls on the holiday of Ivan Kupala weave wreaths of wildflowers and let them through the water. This custom is especially common among unmarried people. It is believed that the girl will find family happiness on the shore to which her wreath will nail.

It is also customary to go to the field before dawn and speak grass on the health of loved ones. It is in the wreaths of this grass then the boys and girls jump through the fire.

The tradition of matchmaking

Family plays a big role in the life of Ukrainians. Therefore, all the traditions associated with it are thought out especially well.

Any marriage ceremony begins with matchmaking. According to ancient custom, representatives of the groom come to the brideโ€™s house to agree on a future wedding. As a rule, among them are elderly and respected people, often they are village headmen, if it happens in the countryside. The girl gives the answer, making the guests a rushnyk (this means that she agrees) or a pumpkin, which symbolizes refusal.


traditions of the Ukrainian people in a scientific style

A few days before the celebration, the bride's family traditionally bakes ceremonial bread - loaf.

On the morning of the wedding day, the groom arrives at the house of the future wife to buy her out. As a rule, the ransom is symbolic. Often they demand from the groom to carry out some tasks in order to pick up their chosen one, or to demonstrate that he knows her well.

Then the couple is crowned in the church, and it is customary to celebrate the wedding in the groom's house. After a gala dinner, the young wife uncovers the braid and puts on a scarf, which means her married status. These are some traditions of the Ukrainian people.


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