Sea fishing fish savarin (varekhou): description, photo

Savarin (varekhou) is a fish that belongs to the perch family. It inhabits the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Most often, large schools of savarin can be found off the coast of New Zealand and Australia. What kind of fish are these? We will consider the photo and description below.

general description

fish savarin
Savarin is a marine commercial fish. They have a laterally compressed body with clearly distinguishable dorsal fins. The eyes of the fish are round, large. A small mouth has several rows of small teeth. The scales are small, with a silver tint. Externally, the fish is very similar to tuna, especially the subspecies of savarin, a blue varรฉhou that has scales with a bluish tint. However, it is distinguished from tuna by its smaller size. It will help to understand what kind of appearance this fish has, the photo presented above.

Savarin or Warehaw is of commercial importance to New Zealand and Australia. In these countries, the annual catch of fish of this species is tens of tons. From here, small fish are shipped to Japan, where sushi is made. Individuals weighing about 4-5 kg โ€‹โ€‹are sent for export to Europe and America.

In what conditions does savarin live?

Savarin belongs to the category of warm-water fish that live at a shallow depth near the coast. Usually these fish are kept in flocks. They feed on a variety of inhabitants of the depths, in particular, fry, crustaceans, squids. The maximum weight of savarin is reached on the order of 5 kg. Such fish are caught by seines and trawls. Accurate fishery statistics on the amount of savarin caught are not kept.

How does savarin enter the domestic market?

fish photo
As noted above, the bulk of savarin is caught by countries that belong to the Oceania region. Then the fish comes in frozen form, whole or in the form of cut carcasses to the markets of the USA, China, Japan, Indonesia. Further, the product is shipped in limited quantities to European countries.

The nutritional value

Savarin fish is quite high in calories. There are about 113 kcal per 100 g of product. However, she is not valued for this. Indeed, in the seas and oceans there is a whole mass of cheaper and nutritious fish.

Savarin fish is in demand due to the saturation of its meat with proteins. To satisfy the daily need for the indicated element, it is enough for an adult to consume no more than 150 g of this product. Warehaw meat also contains important elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, and potassium.

It is worth noting that Savarin fish lives only in clear waters. Therefore, it is considered as a safe, environmentally friendly marine product.

Savarin in cooking

warehaw fish
Savarin fish has a tender brownish-brown fillet. During the heat treatment, the meat brightens. Fish is valued for a small amount of bone and waste. Quite often, her fillets are used for making sushi. In addition, savory meat is ideally suited for a dried product. Smoke fish can be cold and hot.

At home, steaks and balyks are prepared from savarin. Suitable fish also for cooking, frying, baking. The best solution is to cook her fillet on the grill. In the latter case, the bulk of the fat flows from the fish. At the same time, the meat becomes fried and retains all the useful, nutritious substances.

What harm can the use of savarin cause?

Savarin belongs to the category of so-called oily fish. Its fillet contains a high concentration of fats. It is believed that the frequent use of such meat can cause diarrhea. However, this occurs in case of overeating or improper preparation of fish.

As practice shows, eating balyks and smoked steaks made from savarin has no unpleasant consequences. Cases of poisoning concerning this fish refer only to insufficient heat treatment of meat, eating fillet in the form of sushi.

Refuse to eat Savarin meat is not worth it. The only exception is the individual intolerance of such a product. However, you need to cook this fish in such a way that fat completely leaves its fillet, because the latter does not bring almost any benefit to the body.

Popular recipes for making savarin

blue warehaw
Most often, such fish is cooked on a wire rack. For 1 kg of fillet take a few cloves of garlic, lemon, parsley, bay leaf and rosemary. The fish is washed, cleaned from the insides, and then cut into small pieces. Salt and pepper are added to taste. The meat is rubbed with chopped garlic, ground bay leaves and sent to the refrigerator for several hours. Next, the fish is placed on the grill, where it is cooked over low heat, periodically turning over. At the end, the finished meat is decorated with greens, watered with lemon juice.

Among the popular recipes, it is also worth noting the preparation of savarin with fruits and vegetables. To do this, you will need apples and grapes, as well as tomatoes, onions, salt, pepper. The entrails are removed from the fish, the ridge, bones are carefully removed, the fins are cut off. In this case, the skin is not removed. It is recommended to leave even scales, which will make the meat more juicy. The inside of the fish is filled with slices of fruits and vegetables, salted, pepper, and then laid on a wire rack and baked for about an hour on low heat. Of course, before eating fish dishes, you need to remove the scales.

A great option is to cook a steak of savarin filet. To do this, pieces of fillet, spared from skin and bones, are fried on the same grill. Fried meat is served with sour cream sauce, where chopped green onions, parsley, ground pepper, grape or apple vinegar are added.

I would like to note that eating more than a few slices of fillet at a time when you first get acquainted with this product is not recommended, no matter how delicious the cooked fish is. If the body normally accepts such food, portions can gradually be increased.


marine fishing fish
So we looked at what constitutes savarin. The fillet of this fish has not only a unique taste. Her meat contains a whole mass of trace elements indispensable for the human body. Therefore, it is not surprising that savarin is in demand in the domestic market.


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