Proper care of orchids at home: features and recommendations

One of the most beautiful indoor plants is an orchid. Its flowering is bewitching. This plant can become the main decoration of any interior. In order for the orchid to feel good at home, she needs to provide proper care. Its subtleties will be discussed later.

general description

How to care for an orchid at home? This question is of interest to many gardeners. After all, this beautiful plant is one of the most desirable for growing at home. To understand all the subtleties of this process, you will need to learn better about the wonderful flower.

Orchid transplant at home step by step

Orchid is a member of the orchid family. It includes almost 10% of all plants in the world. This is an ancient plant. Its traces were found in sediments of the Cretaceous period. Orchids grow in the wild everywhere, where at least approximately suitable conditions are created for them. However, tropical forests are a favorite place for this plant to grow.

Most species of orchids are epiphytes. These flowers do not have a double process of fertilization (which later types of green spaces managed to acquire). Moreover, the species diversity of orchids is huge. Some of them are very tiny. There are plants that grow up to 2 m in height.

Growing orchids at home requires taking into account some of the features of their growth in the wild. Many of these flowers grow on tropical trees. This helps to get the light necessary for life. Orchids are also often found on steep cliffs. They are firmly held by their roots for uneven terrain. Water accumulates in such depressions.

Many legends are associated with this flower. Some people still believe that cannibal orchids live in the jungle. However, the largest prey that prey species feed on is small insects. Orchid was associated in ancient cultures with love and beauty.


Today, different types of orchids are grown at home. They can have different sizes, colors and shapes of flowers. There are very small plants. Some orchids grow quite large. All of them are united by an indescribably beautiful flowering.

Orchid Dendrobium, home care and reproduction of which does not cause special difficulties, is a thermophilic plant. It also needs adequate lighting. One of the species popular today is the Dendrobium Phalaenopsis. If it is impossible to provide a temperature of +23 ° in the house, it is better to purchase a different type of this plant. This is the Dendrobium Nobile. The plant prefers moderately cold temperatures.

Orchid cultivation at home

One of the most unusual types of orchids is Wanda. It has a completely open root system. In this case, the plant does not need supports. Its watering consists in constant humidification of air. The plant receives moisture in natural conditions from fog, precipitation. Indoor plant loves high humidity and bright light.

Growing orchids at home will be simple if you select a species that will meet the existing conditions in the room. So, less demanding than other types (and therefore the most popular) is Phalaenopsis. This type of orchid is characterized by abundant flowering. She loves heat and light, but with a decrease in temperature she can adapt to environmental conditions. Flowering continues for a long time.


How to care for an orchid at home? It will be necessary to provide the plant with everything necessary. First of all, you need to pay attention to lighting. This plant needs a lot of diffused light. However, it must be borne in mind that direct sunlight is contraindicated to her. This rule should be followed when choosing a place for the orchid to grow.

Flowering orchids at home

The main symptom of a lack of sunlight is the lightening of leaves. They become elongated. If there is enough light for the plant, the flowering of orchids at home will be long and bewitchingly beautiful.

In summer, the plant that stands on the windowsill will need to be shaded. If this is not done, the orchid will get a burn. Also, too bright lighting does not allow the plant to properly adapt to environmental conditions after a long winter period. For shading, a special opaque film is used.

Autumn shading is not required for the plant. At this time, the light intensity decreases. The plant will gradually rebuild, entering a dormant period. It will form buds, develop new shoots.

It is also worth paying attention to the duration of daylight hours. It should be at least 12 hours. If it has become shorter, the orchid will require artificial lighting.


Care and watering orchids at home should be carried out depending on the type of plant. It is also important to consider at what temperature a particular species grows. There are orchids that need a high, medium temperature. There are also cold-loving species.

Plants that prefer heat should grow at a temperature of daytime from 23 to 32 ° C. At night, the temperature can drop to 15 ° C. In winter, the temperature can be kept at 15-18 ° C. In this case, the temperature difference should not be more than 3-5 degrees. Its decline should occur gradually.

Orchid dendrobium home breeding care

Plants that prefer an average temperature should grow in conditions of 18-23 ° C in the summer and 12-15 ° C in the winter. They are most often found in mountainous areas. Such plants are more hardy. However, they do not like the rise in temperature.

Cold-loving orchids are grown at home. In the wild, such species grow on highlands and in the mountains. They prefer a temperature of 15-18 ° C. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 11 ° C.

Almost all types of orchids feel comfortable at a temperature of 13–27 ° C during the day and 13–24 ° C at night. The difference between day and night temperatures must be maintained in order for the plant to bloom for a long time.


How to water an orchid at home? This is one of the most important factors that affect growth and flowering. The plant does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of water. To correctly perform this procedure, you need to know the features of the growth of this species in the wild. From this factor, irrigation rules can vary significantly.

How to care for an orchid at home

Species such as Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, prefer to grow in a slightly damp substrate. However, the soil should not be wet. If the house grows Dendrobium, Oncidium, Cattleya, the soil must dry completely before it is moistened again.

When choosing the frequency and abundance of watering, the room temperature and the amount of light are also taken into account. It is also important to consider the size of the pot in which the orchid is located, and the composition of the substrate. During the growing season, the plant needs more moisture. Since the orchid is an epiphyte, it can tolerate short-term drought. However, if this situation becomes regular, the leaves will begin to fade.

Excess moisture is also dangerous for the plant. The roots in this case will rot. A yellow outline forms around the edges. Knowing how to water an orchid at home, you can achieve its chic appearance.

For watering, soft (settled) water is used. It should be a couple of degrees higher than the temperature in the room. In the summer, orchids, on average, are watered 2-3 times a week. In this case, you need to monitor the condition of the soil. In winter, the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Plant propagation

Reproduction and transplantation of orchids at home is a responsible occupation. The appearance of the plant depends on the correctness of these procedures. Orchids can be propagated in many ways. One possible option is the separation of the rhizome. For this, the plant will need to be taken out of the pot. Roots are carefully cleared of soil. Rhizome must be cut between the false bulbs. Charcoal should be poured onto the wound of the plant. Two separate plants are planted in separate pots.

Orchid at home

For propagation of the orchid, its cuttings on the tops are also suitable. This method is suitable for those species in which the nodes are at a sufficient distance. At a height of half of such a handle, you will need to cut off the shoot. The cutting site must be disinfected with charcoal. The knife must also be sterile. Then the shoot is planted in a pot of soil.

It can be used for breeding side shoots. When it appears on the plant, it must be sprayed. This stimulates the appearance of roots. It is separated and an orchid is transplanted. At home, planting a plant in this way is easier.

Also used for orchid seeds. This is a complicated method that only specialists use.


Of particular attention when considering the rules of care is an orchid transplant at home. Step by step, this procedure should be considered in detail. The plant does not respond well to such procedures. Therefore, work must be done carefully. It is best to leave the root ball of the earth. If this is not done, the hairs on the shoots in the ground are damaged. It is through them that the plant receives the necessary nutrients and moisture for life.

Therefore, the lump does not need to be removed. This is done only as a last resort, if the soil already does not contain mineral components, has lost its structure. In other cases, transshipment is done. Larger capacity required. A new substrate is poured into it. Next, you need to get an orchid from the pot. It is installed in a new container at the same level as it was before.

Orchid transplant at home

Only after the flowering period is over can an orchid transplant be carried out at home. Step by step, this procedure should be considered in detail before starting work. It is carried out if the pot has become small for the plant or in the container live and dead roots are intertwined. Also, the procedure may be required for salinization of the substrate.

If the substrate needs to be removed, the orchid is removed from the pot. It must be carefully freed from the substrate. Dry, rotten and damaged roots must be trimmed. The roots are washed with water. Soil is poured into the prepared container. The plant is set in a pot. Soil is poured into the container. The growth point should not be covered with soil. It is slightly moisturized and put in the shade for several days.

Transplant substrate

How to transplant an orchid at home? A step-by-step description was presented above. However, it is worth paying attention to the preparation of the substrate. It is purchased in a specialized store. You can also prepare the soil yourself. For this, chopped fern root, peat, tree leaves, pine bark and charcoal are used. Willow leaves can not be used.

A properly prepared substrate allows you to not fertilize the plant for a long time. In the container for transplantation, a drainage is necessarily equipped. It should be 25% of the entire pot. There should be holes in the bottom.

If the orchid will be grown in a wicker basket, then the cracks need to be processed. They are poked with sphagnum moss. At the bottom of the pot or basket, soil is poured with a slide. A plant is installed on it, gently spreading the roots. Another substrate is poured on top. It does not need to be sealed. If necessary, the plant is additionally fixed to a support of threads or wire. Watering is not carried out for 4 days. The wounds should dry and heal.

Flowering period

An orchid at home can bloom with proper care for a long time. During this period, it must be provided with everything necessary. In the period of growth and flowering, the plant requires a lot of light. In summer and spring, the orchid is stockpiled. In autumn, it blooms. Watering should be increased at this time. However, stagnation of water in a pot is unacceptable.

You can make fertilizers that are purchased in a specialized store. The leaves of the plant should be sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. Humidity around the blooming orchid should be high. In this case, you must periodically open the windows in the room. This will create the right microclimate.

However, drafts should be avoided. Also, sharp changes in temperature should not be allowed. Before the flowering period, watering is reduced to a minimum. If the orchid has managed to stock up with all the necessary substances, it can bloom continuously up to six months. After this, a number of actions are also required.

Care after flowering

Orchid at home after flowering requires some care. The flower stalk after drying does not need to be cut off immediately. For some time he will nourish the flower. Only when it turns yellow can the peduncle be removed. The stump should be about 2 cm.

Watering is reduced at this time. Feeding is also not required. If a plant is then transplanted, it may not bloom for a whole year. To resume the process, it is recommended to transfer the plant to another place.

Having considered the features of orchid cultivation at home, you can achieve its healthy appearance and charming flowering. The plant will delight its owners for a long time.


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