The installation of ventilated facades is simple and effective

It is understandable the desire of any person to save his home. Such care needs not only the interior, but also the facade of the building. It is he who takes on all external influences, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that over time the house begins to decay. One way to avoid destruction is to create extra protection. To understand how this can be done, just consider the installation of ventilated facades.

installation of ventilated facades
In order to avoid unnecessary destructive effects on the building, there is nothing prohibitively complicated. In fact, another wall is created in front of the facade of the house, taking on all the attacks of the external environment. Such a device ventilated facades additionally provides several degrees of protection. Of these, one can note:

  • external use of materials that are particularly resistant to natural influences, such as porcelain stoneware;
  • creating a channel (ventilation) between the facade and the external wall, which removes moisture from the interior and improves the microclimate inside the building, the house "breathes";
  • providing additional thermal protection to the building;
  • the ability to change the appearance of the structure without reconstruction.

ventilated facade technology
After we have described the principle according to which the installation of ventilated facades is carried out, the technology of its creation becomes understandable without complex explanations. Initially, a vertical crate is installed on the wall, its step is equal to the width of the heat-insulating material used (it is located between the rows of the crate). A vapor barrier film is attached on top of the insulation to protect the structure from moisture outside.

Then a counter-lathing is performed, on which the facing material will be further fixed. The installation of a ventilated facade may differ from that described - many companies offer services for creating such structures, and each has its own technology for performing work. But with any version of the implementation of such a structure, the use of an external protective wall and the provision of an air channel between the external protection and the facade wall (or insulation, if applicable) are unchanged.

ventilated facade installation
Considering the arrangement of ventilated facades, it is necessary to pay attention to the ventilation duct itself, due to which an air flow is created that protects the external walls from accumulation of excess moisture, it also provides additional thermal insulation due to the air gap. It is the presence of such a channel that makes the facade protection quite effective.

However, do not forget about the finishing material, in which, due to its unique capabilities, porcelain is most often used, as already mentioned. Taking the first blow of the elements, it protects the buildingโ€™s facade from destruction, as a result of which the life of the building can be up to fifty years. An important advantage of the external finish is that it allows you to change the appearance of the structure. Given the rather significant cost of cladding, it will serve as a demonstration of the status of the owner.

So, the device ventilation facades as a mandatory component of the structure includes external protection and ventilation duct. Other elements may vary depending on the supplierโ€™s company, but it is these parts of the hinged facades that protect the building from destructive external influences and provide the necessary microclimate in the interior.


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