How to wear thermal underwear for adults and children: features and recommendations

Have you ever been to the north, or at least to Siberia? Do you know what forty-degree frosts are? To tolerate such temperatures without harm to health, you need very warm underwear. And how much you need to wear to feel comfortable and not freeze! Although in this case, you can very easily become like a ball of woolen things. In addition, a huge amount of clothing causes discomfort during movements. What to do? In the article we will talk about thermal underwear, how to wear such clothes and take care of it, as well as how to choose clothes that are convenient and comfortable for you.

thermal underwear how to wear

Thermal underwear will help

The first to learn how to wear thermal underwear were athletes. They have long and very successfully used this beautiful clothing, staying warm and “dry”. Thus, these things are designed to retain heat, remove moisture from the body. Everyone knows that it conducts heat and cold faster, so that a sweating person freezes instantly.

If you visually inspect such clothes, we will see that it is very similar to underwear (for men: the appearance of pants, t-shirts; for women: the shape of shorts, breeches, t-shirts with short or long sleeves). Color (often dark colors) does not repel the buyer of such clothes.

Another important aspect: modern thermal underwear “breathes” very well, which is extremely beneficial for the body. And also does not hang on the body, but fits the figure of a person. This is important, because in addition to linen, we will need to wear something on top.

Where is thermal underwear used?

If you think about where you can use thermal underwear and how to wear it, then situations that require this comfortable clothing will come to mind. These are the cases:

  • lengthy construction work in the cold season;
  • hunting or fishing trips;
  • hiking in the forest, hiking trails;
  • winter sports (skiing, ice skating, snowboarding).

That is, the need for these clothes appears if a person plans a long stay in the cold, and at the same time it is important for him to maintain comfort when moving. Thermal underwear is suitable for both athletes and people who are engaged in any physical activity.

how to wear thermal underwear

Unique properties of linen

Why is thermal underwear so favorably different from other clothes? It's all about the composition and type of tailoring of this product:

  • Special fiber weaving. Between the fibers there are air pads that, when heated, retain the heat of the human body. Remember the “airbags” at the windows between the two frames - this example just shows how the heat is kept in the houses even in very severe frosts.
  • Special fabric processing. When moisture forms on the skin, the laundry as though pushes it out of the fabric, the air still leaves heat, so that a person is comfortable.
  • The constituent parts of the fabric also have a special function: it is the synthetic material that better repels moisture. Plain tissue absorbs sweat and begins to “cool” the body. In addition, they are more stable in strength.

how to wear thermal underwear to children

How to wear thermal underwear?

Questions on the use of thermal underwear arise periodically in many people. To make you comfortable and convenient, we recommend:

  • Thermal underwear should be worn on a bare and dry clean body. If you put on underpants or a undershirt, you get a greenhouse effect: damp and cooling will start to act negatively, and the heat will go away.
  • The underwear should fit snugly on your figure and be a little smaller. That is how it will retain heat, forming a “air cushion”.
  • It is not recommended for athletes or people engaged in active physical labor to wear thermal underwear for a very long time. The rest of those who wish can use the laundry for any time, given that they began to make it from very high quality materials.

An antibacterial pad is “applied” to the fabric, which prevents the smell of sweat from spreading, as well as bacteria multiplying. Sewing such linen is also peculiar: on clothes you will not find any rough seams, hem. His seams are flat, they do not press and do not damage the skin, that is, the clothes are very soft and pleasant for the body. Various rubbing as well as stitching labels are missing;

how to wear thermal underwear to a child

True, you should carefully look at the number of natural and synthetic fabrics in the product, and then take into account the purpose of using thermal underwear.

How to wear thermal underwear for children in winter?

If the child is active, stays in the cold for a long time, then it is better to choose synthetic fabrics. The effect of heat storage is the same: air between the fibers and moisture repulsion. It is important to determine how to properly wear thermal underwear for a child, for what purpose he needs these clothes.

If your baby is statically lying or sitting on a walk, then you need to choose linen, which includes wool and polyester. If the parents will know how to wear thermal underwear to the child, then you can prevent hypothermia. If you choose high-quality clothing, then it will warm the baby for a long time.

How to wear thermal underwear? Put it on a naked, dry and clean body. And one more nuance: do not buy underwear for a child for growth, remember that clothes should fit tightly to the body.

how to wear thermal underwear in winter

Children can be cold in the summer, and in the winter, and in the offseason. What special underwear is worth wearing then? How to wear thermal underwear in the winter, we examined. In the summer, it’s worth choosing something like t-shirts, breeches for the child so that the child is comfortable, dry and comfortable.

Now parents should understand how to wear thermal underwear to children. You need to select it in size, acquire only high-quality things, wear it on your naked body. These recommendations are almost no different from tips that tell you how to wear thermal underwear to adults.

How to care for linen?

So, we examined in detail how to wear thermal underwear. Now let's talk about how to care for such things.

We all want to have a neat appearance and love that things serve for a long time. To do this, follow these rules:

  • washing should be carried out at a temperature of about forty degrees;
  • it is better to wash by hand, very carefully;
  • fabric underwear is “afraid” of bleaches, chlorine, that is, such substances must be excluded;
  • after washing the laundry, do not squeeze it so as not to deform the fabric, just hang it on a flat surface, and the water will drain and evaporate as it dries;
  • Thermal underwear cannot be dried on heaters;
  • if you wash your laundry at temperatures above 60 degrees, your product will lose its water-repellent properties.

The laundry should be washed as it gets dirty, but at least once a week with constant wear.

how to wear thermal underwear for children in winter

Unpleasant nuances

There are some uncomfortable nuances when choosing such clothes:

  • We learned how to wear thermal underwear, but at the time of purchase in the store there is an inconvenience. It is necessary to try on clothes on a naked body (because you remember that you need to “feel” how tightly it fits to the body).
  • A difficult size chart can also lead you into a state of bewilderment (for men, women and children, the tables are different).
  • Buying thermal underwear can cost you a pretty penny, stock up on a large amount to purchase these clothes. Saving on thermal underwear, by the way, is not worth it.
  • Remember that universal thermal underwear does not exist: for running, walking, fishing you need different sets of underwear. The choice will help a consultant in the store.

Three types of thermal underwear

It has already been indicated above that the kits are different in their parameters. But here everything is relatively simple. There are kits to help keep you warm. Such products use merino wool, silk and cotton. Moisture-repellent linen is usually made of synthetic fabrics (polypropylene or polyester is used). Mixed fabrics are used to maintain heat and repel moisture.


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