Vacuum valve for sewage: photo, principle of operation. Installation of vacuum valves

During the construction of the sewer infrastructure, ventilation ducts for the removal of fetid vapors should also be provided. Not in all cases, especially private homeowners, think about such an addition, but it is necessary to maintain sanitary and hygienic standards. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the operation of the sewage can occur in normal mode even without the integration of special ventilation devices. However, an increase in the concentration of rarefied air in the sewer will sooner or later turn into an accident. A vacuum valve, the photo of which is presented below, will help to prevent unpleasant consequences. This device removes excess fumes, and with them odors.

vacuum valve

When should a valve be used?

To begin with, it is important to note that public utilities do not have the right to impose the installation of sewer valves. Unless in apartment buildings, the ventilation problem is solved by the service company. The need to install a vacuum valve is usually faced by owners of private houses. So, if in the country cottage a water lock was not initially provided with the riser being led out through the attic, then you will have to retrofit the system. At the same time, even in private houses, a vacuum valve for sewage does not solve the problem of the removal of accumulated gases. For example, if two toilets are used in different rooms, then the device may not work when draining at the same time. There are almost no alternatives to this system, however, properly calculated regular ventilation can completely eliminate the need for such an addition.

vacuum valve for sewage

Component device

In essence, this is a typical molded part that is connected to the pipeline by means of a seal. The basis of the element is a plastic case in which a side hole is provided. That is, you should choose a vacuum valve for sewerage with specific parameters. As for the internal filling, it is represented by the rod, which at the moments of activation opens the very hole with the valve. The action of the stem is regulated by a rubber pad-limiter. Also, in some models, protection is provided in the form of a cover covering the stem assembly.

Depending on the modification, the device can be supplemented with other functional devices. In particular, a modern vacuum valve may have a rubber membrane that replaces the stem. From the point of view of operational efficiency, this solution fully justifies itself, but many users complain about the fragility of the rubber parts as such.

installation of vacuum valves

Principle of operation

The action of the device is similar to the work of most other valve mechanisms - accordingly, it has two functional positions. In the normal state, the valve is closed, which ensures the tightness of the sewer system and does not allow odors to penetrate into the premises. But that is not the main task. The ability to remove gases to normalize the pressure is the function for which the vacuum valve is installed. The principle of operation of the aerator is based on the interaction of a sensitive shutter, which responds to the concentration of water and gases inside the sewer. In other words, when using the same toilet bowl, the valve is activated, letting in additional air volumes.

How to mount a vacuum valve?

The device itself is quite compact, and at the stage of the initial installation of the sewer system, its installation will not cause any particular difficulties. There are three ways to install directly. The most reliable and common involves the use of threaded connections. To do this, it is necessary to form a thread, treat it with silicone sealant and make a connection. As an alternative, installation of vacuum valves through the bell is also recommended. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a rubber cuff, also treated with sealing compounds, and then tightly push the device onto the end of the pipe. The third method involves the introduction of an adapter into the design, the ends of which are optimally suited for connection to both the valve and the sewage system.

vacuum valve photo

Pros and Cons of a Vacuum Valve

Like any additional component in the engineering system of the house, the sewer valve gives not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The advantages include its main function of stabilizing the pressure inside the pipeline. If we evaluate this element as an alternative to traditional ventilation devices of the sewage system, then experts first of all indicate the lack of need for organizing complex pipe outlets through the roof. Now it is worth highlighting the shortcomings that distinguish the vacuum valve integrated into the sewer system. Firstly, the device can withstand only small pressure loads, so it is advisable to use it only in small houses. Secondly, even models equipped with a stock do not differ in durability. Roughly speaking, this is a plumbing consumable that will have to be replaced over time.

vacuum valve working principle


Finding the right vacuum valve model on the market today is easy. So, high-quality import offers from Ostendorf and Sanit are estimated at 1000-1500 rubles. If we are talking about small loads in a simplified sewage system, then you can purchase a Russian vacuum valve from the manufacturers Polytek or Politron. This is a budget product, available for 200-300 rubles. Subject to proper installation, even an inexpensive valve will perform its function effectively, preventing odors from passing through the sewer system. Expensive models, in turn, can completely replace sewer ventilation, as well as cope with aeration tasks. However, the overall quality of the drainage system is determined by the characteristics of the main pipeline, as well as its combination with home plumbing.


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