Tilda moose: patterns, step by step instructions and recommendations

Funny and cute tilda dolls were invented by a Norwegian designer named Tony Finger. Within a few years, they became popular all over the world, and long-legged rag dolls made friends - hares, bears, and even moose. Now you can sew such a cute moose in the style of tilda dolls.

How tilda moose is sewn

Pattern is the main thing in creating a moose based on the tilde. You can use the finished one proposed by the designer in your magazines, or draw it yourself. The main rule and the difference between the tilde moose and all the others is the long elongated paws and head, as well as the presence of only eyes on the face.

tilde moose

By the way, this is the main highlight of all tildes - despite the fact that their faces have only eyes, their images are very expressive, and each tilde is not like the other. The costume carries the main semantic load, so the tilda moose can be dressed up in pants and a knitted sweater or in shorts and a shirt, or you can make it New Year's and sew a Santa costume for it - everything is limited only by your imagination.

What is needed

To create a toy you will need the following materials:

  • The body fabric is beige, light gray or light brown, however, your tilda moose can be any other color or even sewn from a fabric with a fine print. For the body, dense cotton, linen or calico is best, but you can sew from thin felt and fleece. By the way, for horns it is better to take another fabric, for example dark brown, but you can make them to match the entire toy.
  • Cloth for clothes - you can take whatever you like - cotton, velveteen, jeans, knitwear, linen, cambric, or you can even knit the outfit in which your tilde moose will be dressed.
  • Pattern.
  • Material for stuffing the body, the easiest way to find a synthetic winterizer.
  • Threads in tone of fabric.
  • Wooden stick.
  • You may also need tracing paper (it will be replaced by any other paper for cutting), a felt-tip pen or crayon for cutting, zigzag scissors (or ordinary ones), a sewing machine or sewing needles, pins.

Elk tilda: master class on creating toys

To get started, draw, translate or print a pattern of your future moose. Do not make the parts too small - the smaller the toy, the more difficult it will be to turn out long and thin arms, legs and neck.

tilda moose pattern

Carefully cut out all the parts of the pattern, fold the body tissue in half with the wrong side out and pin the paper parts to the fabric. Translate all the parts, note that you should be able to:

  • 3 parts of the head (1 muzzle and 2 lateral posterior parts);
  • 4 parts for the ears;
  • 8 parts for arms and legs;
  • 2 torso details;
  • 2 horns details.

Circle each part on the wrong side of the fabric and cut, leaving 1 cm on each side for allowances.

It's time to take the needle

So, all the details are cut out, it's time to sew them. Sewing can be done either on a typewriter with a regular straight stitch, or manually with a needle seam forward. If the toy is small, it is best to sew it manually, since the appearance of your toy depends on the accuracy and accuracy of all rounding and pattern details.

elk tilda master class

When stitching parts, do not forget to leave un sewn holes for inverting and stuffing toys. On the pattern, these places are indicated by a dashed line. When you sew the body of an elk, note that the neck needs to be sewn up and the bottom left open.

Pay special attention to the head. First sew the backs together, leaving an un sewn hole on top. Then sew the details of the ears, attach them to the front of the head, placing it down and in. So, after eversion, the ears will be symmetrically located on the head. Then collect the whole head, stitching it around the circumference.

Collect the toy

First, turn out all the details on the front side. To gently twist the thin and long details of the arms and legs, as well as the neck, use a thin wooden stick, such as sushi or a skewer skewer. The pencil in this case will be too thick, and the needle will be too thin and may pierce the fabric.

After turning out, iron all the parts with an iron and proceed to stuffing. Take your time and stuff the details of the head, horns and body tightly, without gaps and so that the toy turns out to be smooth, without waves and bumps. To keep your tilde moose well holding its head on a long thin neck, use one trick - grease a small piece of a wooden stick with PVA glue and wrap it with synthetic winterizer. Insert it into the neck from the inside and then fill the body tightly.

doll tilda moose

Stuff your legs only up to the knee, not too tight, so that your tilde moose can sit. Once your legs are up to the knee, sew them in this place with a simple straight line to give your legs the opportunity to bend at the knee. Fill your hands completely, but not too tightly so that they lie along the body, rather than poking on the sides.

After stuffing, sew open holes on the head, horns and hands with neat stitches over the edge. Wrap an open slice on the body, put your legs into it and stitch it. First, pin your hands to the body with pins, and only after making sure of their symmetry, sew to the body. Sew horns to the back of the head between the ears, and the head itself to the neck. It remains to make a couple of stitches at the ends of the hands, so that it looks like a hoof, and your tilda-elk doll is ready. It's time to give her personality.

Add details

To make your toy character, it will need a face and a suit or a pair of accessories. Start with the face. As we have already noted, tildes and their friends have only eyes on their faces. Traditionally, they are made using the French knot technique , but you can draw them with a felt-tip pen or sew on beads. Mark the nostrils with a pair of stitches, where the patterns suggest. New Year's elk-tilda can be decorated with a blush. It is usually made with dry pastel or ordinary blush and dry brush.

To dress up a toy, use whatever is at hand. Sew simple shorts from the scraps of fabric and sew them directly to the torso. Cover the seam with a sweater that is easy to put on top, and if you don’t know how to knit, sew a sweater from any knitwear. A sweater is sewn as easy as pants. By approximate measurements of the entire moose, draw on the paper the outlines of a sweater with a one-piece sleeve (letter T).

patterns of Christmas moose tilda

Fold the fabric in half and attach the pattern to the edge of the fold, so you will carve a solid part of the front and back. In the middle, make a round hole for the collar and stitch the side seams and sleeves - a simple blouse is ready.

Scarves and hats, felt boots , bags and bouquets of flowers in the paws can complement the image, in general, everything that the fantasy tells you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25000/

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