How to transplant Kalanchoe: some tips

Many people are seriously interested in breeding indoor plants, and almost every house has several flower pots. A very common plant, which is in many home collections, is Kalanchoe. Many consider him to be a real β€œhome doctor” for his amazing healing properties. Kalanchoe can rightfully be considered a unique plant, it is noteworthy in that at the edges of the leaves a new young shoot is formed - children. Those who are interested in how to transplant Kalanchoe can try to propagate it first with children.

how to transplant Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is a perennial; in total there are about 200 species in the world. This plant belongs to the family Crassulaceae. The Kalanchoe plant was brought to us from the tropical forests of southern countries.

If you believe the legend, then at the beginning of the 19th century, Goethe's friend, the scientist Boiseret, presented this amazing plant with healing properties as a gift to the great writer.

flower transplant

At home, caring for this indoor flower is quite simple, although not everyone knows how to propagate and how to transplant Kalanchoe. This indoor flower does not like to grow in the shade, so it is better to place the pot on the south side, where there is a lot of light, and the flowers have enough heat. This plant is quite unpretentious and resistant to temperature changes, it also tolerates the dry air, which usually happens in apartments in winter. Care for Kalanchoe during the flowering period, first of all, is to maintain a room temperature favorable for the plant. If the room is too hot, he is unlikely to benefit from it, it can even drop flowers. In autumn, when buds form on the plant, mineral fertilizing can be performed using complex fertilizers.

Almost all varieties of this wonderful plant tolerate the transplant procedure quite well and quickly adapt to new conditions for them. However a flower transplant requires knowledge of several rules. In order for Kalanchoe to develop normally, it is necessary to choose the right pot for it. In a large pot, the plant will be uncomfortable, it is better if the dishes for the flower will be a bit cramped.

Kalanchoe plant

The soil for planting Kalanchoe should consist of a balanced mixture of leaf and turf land, humus and sand, taken in equal proportions. It is imperative that drainage is present in the pot. The plant can be propagated not only by seeds and children, but also by cuttings.

When new flowers grow a little, they must be carefully transplanted into separate small pots. Many plant lovers are interested in how transplant Kalanchoe.

Transplanting into new pots is a fairly simple process. Experts who know exactly how to transplant Kalanchoe recommend doing this every spring. Before you begin the process of transferring the flower to a new pot, you need to prepare the soil. This should be done in the same way as when preparing the soil for new plants. It does not hurt to add a few pieces of birch coal to the soil mixture, which very favorably affects the development of the root system.

When the pot and soil are prepared, the old plant must be carefully removed from the ground with the root and transplanted into a new larger pot.


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