How to get a land plot from the state for development for free?

After 1991, Russia entered a new stage in the development of land relations. At the same time, the institution of private property appeared. However, over a rather long period, land turnover in the country remained at a low level. What, of course, were the explanations. The fault was the transitional period of the last land reform. Which ended in the early 2000s. Since then, of course, there have been many changes. And the most important thing is that now on the question of how to get a land plot from the state for free, you can find a real, understandable answer. And this should be discussed in more detail.

how to get a land plot from the state for free

Turning to the law

The civilized circulation of plots intended for the construction of private real estate is regulated by the so-called Land Code. Some changes appeared in the legislative act after its revision, carried out two years ago. Starting March 1, 2015, an updated version of the RF Labor Code is in force.

In connection with the adopted changes, from that moment on, a different procedure is in place for Russian citizens to obtain land for the construction of private real estate. It is important to note the fact that land is provided from municipal or state property. Accordingly, the process of its design is complicated. Before receiving a land plot from the state for free, a person will have to collect a large package of documents and wait for a positive decision made by the authorized body.

Before turning to the details, I would like to say that in the framework of the development of the norms of the Land Code in 2015, it was decided to approve two programs for providing citizens of the Russian Federation with plots. The first is to issue them under individual housing construction in the Crimea. And the second - in the allocation of a hectare of land in the Far East. Everything is free, but not without "features." However, this is a different topic.

how to get land from the state for free

Municipal workers

So, now you can directly talk about how to get a land plot from the state for free. The first category of people who are given this opportunity is citizens working in the main place of work in the municipality. The list of posts that fall under this article of the RF Labor Code is not specified. However, it is known that we mean specialists who are most in demand in sparsely populated areas (teachers, doctors, etc.). Why so? Because the purpose of these innovations is to attract the missing professionals of various areas to the notorious municipalities.

The bottom line is that citizens are given land for free for five years. After this period, it passes into their legal property. This is stated in the 5th paragraph of Article No. 39.5 of the Land Code. For all six years, a person can use the site for its intended purpose. That is, to build an individual building on it.

how to get a building plot for free

For large families

This is another category of citizens interested in how to get a land plot from the state for free. For people with at least three children, it can be provided if the conditions for obtaining it are established. This is written in the 6th paragraph of article No. 39.5 of the RF Labor Code.

How to get land from the state for free under this program? It is necessary that the couple be officially registered (a marriage certificate is required) and have three children at least. Adopted children are also considered. Single parents can also take advantage of the program.

An important condition: all family members are required to have a residence permit in one apartment (house) and have Russian citizenship. Also, they should not have any of their own real estate on the territory of our country. If the relevant authorities decide that people have the right to receive a free site, then its shares will be distributed among all family members.

How to get a land plot from the state of the Russian Federation for free

Other cases

Talking about how to get land for free from the state, one cannot fail to note that not only citizens working in municipalities and large families can count on a land plot. They are also provided to the Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, as well as to full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory. Their right to receive free land is regulated by a separate law, which states that the provision of land to citizens of these categories does not contradict the norms prescribed in the RF Land Code.

It's important to know

Studying the topic of how to get a land plot for development for free, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it can be provided only once in a lifetime. And its maximum size is 15 acres (0.15 hectares).

Also, the law sets additional conditions that those who wish to obtain a site are required to comply. Large children, for example, must be registered as needing to improve their living conditions. Or have reason to stand on it. More often, large families are offered to improve their living conditions. This is not in addition to the site, but an alternative. Instead of land for building a house - major repairs, for example, or the expansion of living space. But this alternative is provided only if the citizens themselves agree to it. Without their approval, no one will “replace”.


About how to get a land plot from the state of the Russian Federation for free, the Code says very generally. The law refers to regional regulations and other features. But still there is a certain order. Although the exact list of documents required to obtain the right to the site will have to be clarified in the region of residence.

how to get free land from the state to a young family

The first step is to make a statement, the form of which can be found in the public domain, and go with him to local authorities. There, a person will be placed in a queue to receive a free land plot in his personal property. And then you have to collect documents.

How to get a plot of land in the suburbs or in a municipality for free? Firstly, it will be necessary to produce documents that could confirm a person’s use of the land for its intended purpose. Secondly, you need a contract concluded by a citizen with the municipality. This paper is an official confirmation that a person has the right to receive a plot for free use. And thirdly, you need a certificate of employment. It should indicate the position and the period during which a person worked at a particular enterprise.

What needs to be provided to other citizens?

Now it’s worth returning to the topic regarding how to get a land plot from the state for free to a young family. You will need passports and birth certificates of children, proof of residence registration, as well as papers proving that people do not have their own real estate. In addition, a certificate taken from the guardianship and guardianship authorities will be required. She will confirm that the spouses are full members of society who have not been deprived of parental rights. And if a person brings up his children alone, then he will need to submit a document in which this status is officially indicated.

how to get a plot of land in the suburbs for free

And how to get a land plot in Russia for free to people who do not belong either to large families or to citizens of municipalities? Well, they will need to present a document that would confirm their special status in society.

But this, of course, is not the final list. By decision of the authorities of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it can be expanded. And when a person presents the necessary package of documents, a decision will be made on providing him with a site. If it turns out to be positive, then the citizen is given an official certificate, which further confirms his right to receive land for development.

Refusal cases

Unfortunately, positive decisions are not made as often as we would like. But if the authorities refuse a person to issue a certificate for a free site, then they must justify it. And while referring to current legislation. If it seems to a person that the refusal is not substantiated, then he can use his right of appeal. This happens in court. But, before dealing with the appeal, it is necessary to delve into the study of the reasons for the refusal. Maybe the person really forgot to provide certain documents. By identifying the problem, he will be able to correct his mistake. He will only need to replenish the package of documents with the missing papers and re-submit the application.

How to get a land plot in Russia for free


Perhaps the most tedious stage. How many have to wait, excites all people interested in how to get a land plot in the Moscow region or any other region for free.

So, if the person’s petition was approved, then he will be put in the queue. It will take a long time to wait - not one, not two, not three months. A plot can be provided in an area located far from the region where the citizen lives.

Today, this is all the information known regarding a given topic. True, there is one more practical advice. People who want to get a free plot are advised to contact the land committee and get advice there on collecting documents. This will help to save nerves, time, money, and also to avoid trips to various authorities.


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