Children's cars on batteries: manufacturer reviews

Currently, electric cars have earned special popularity. Due to the variety of attractions in amusement parks, the wide selection in specialized children's stores and the affordability of buying this product, kids experience great joy if they can ride such a machine for at least a minute. But how to choose among such a variety of models and manufacturing firms that which will meet all the requirements of parents and a child.

What are children's cars on batteries

An electric car consists of two main parts - a body that simulates a real car, and an electric propulsion system. In turn, the "heart" of the machine has the following main parts:

  • battery;

  • Electrical engine;

  • switches (levers, pedals, buttons).

Some models are equipped with built-in add-ons:

  • motion reverse system;

  • speed control unit;

  • safety locks;

  • control panel that allows parents to control the electric car;

  • music devices.

What affects the price of an electric car

The cost of a children's car on batteries depends on various factors:

  • quality of parts;

  • electric car appearance;

  • set of functionality;

  • the size;

  • work from the remote control;

  • additional accessories - lights, music and more.

crossover for children

Of course, in the first place you will have to build on the amount that you are willing to spend on a children's car. It is important when buying to look at the technical specifications and remember that the cheaper and more complicated the product, the more likely it will be frequent breakdowns or even failure (avoid the opportunity to buy a low-quality fake).

For children of what age are electric cars suitable

This is a very important point when buying a children's car on batteries. After all, parents are primarily concerned about the safety of their child, which is why it is important to know how these or those models differ and for what age they are suitable. This will protect the baby and parents from possible injuries. So, electric cars are divided into suitable for age categories from 1 to 4 years, and from 4 years and older. Let us consider in more detail the models by age categories.

Electric cars for 1-4 years

For this age, models of children's cars on a battery with a control panel are suitable. Entrusting such a young driver with the opportunity to drive a car is fraught with the fact that the child will drive without being oriented in space. For this, a control panel is used that allows parents to control the car from a distance. Moreover, some manufacturers offer a remote control for a children's car on a battery, which has large dimensions - to prevent injuries in a collision. In such devices, seat belts are provided, which guarantees additional protection for the baby. The maximum load allowed for such models varies in the range of 20-25 kg.

electric car for girls

Electric cars for children from 4 years

For older children, manufacturers offer models - analogues of the most popular cars. Often both parents and children seek to find children's cars on Mercedes, BMW, or Audi batteries. A child sitting in such an electric car experiences not only driving pleasure, but also feels his involvement in parents who may ride such vehicles. The most popular are models such as the Mercedes Benz AMG G55. In addition, such battery-powered children’s cars have not only an excellent stylish look, but also good safety features. Thanks to the dimensions and seat belts, you don’t have to worry about protecting the child if an obstacle suddenly occurs . The maximum load of such models reaches 40 kg. In addition, the range of electric vehicles for this age is equipped with many additional functions, such as sound signals and the ability to turn on headlights. And on some there is a trunk where a child can put things or toys he needs.

electric car for baby

What are electric cars

In specialized children's stores you can find a wide selection of children's electric vehicles, which vary in type:

  • motorcycle;

  • ATV;

  • electric jeep;

  • double children's car on the battery.

Particular attention should be paid to the latter type, since it allows two children to ride in a typewriter at once, it can be either friends of the owner of this car, or a brother or sister. In a family with two children, this is the best option. Two-seater models and electric jeeps in Russia are represented by the well-established Jetem company. What are the customer reviews talking about. As for Tjago, this company offers various models of ATVs and motorcycles on batteries.

motorcycle on battery

This is a great option for children 2-4 years old. Parents in reviews are advised to look at manufacturers such as NeoTrike, Henes, Kids Cars.

Electric cars on the control panel

As mentioned above, this is a great option for children under 4 years old. In addition, it will bring joy not only to the child, but also to the father, who will be able to control maneuvers and remotely control the car in which the child is located. South Korean manufacturer Henes recommends excellent baby cars on a battery with a remote control. In addition, the same company offers many models for older children, both simple equipment and premium. The latter are equipped with a special on-board computer, leather seats and a dashboard with backlight.

copy Audi

As for the Russian manufacturer Kids Cars, which has established itself in the domestic market, you can find a wide range of models for children from one year up to 10 years old. Among the models there are electric jeeps, analogues of popular brands, ATVs and motorcycles. Another popular NeoTrike brand is a joint Russian-Chinese production. Before sending electric cars for sale in Russia, they are subjected to mandatory rigorous testing under the control of the Russian side. It is this attitude that makes it possible to ensure the reliability and safety of products. In addition, all products of this brand are certified. And the reviews of parents about her are positive.

What to look for when choosing

In order to understand what characteristics should be guided when choosing an electric car, it is important to understand at least the average performance of most of the proposed models in the Russian market.

Average technical specifications:

  • vehicle movement options - in all directions (back, forward, right, left);

  • electric vehicle speed - up to 3 km / h;

  • supply voltage - about 6 volts;

  • the mass of the child is 25-30 kg;

  • average duration of work is 2-2.5 hours;

  • built-in battery capacity - 7 A / hour;

  • additional functions - beeps, light bulbs, calls, music devices and more.

battery electric car

Above are the main characteristics of most models sold in specialized stores. First of all, when choosing a children's car on a battery, you need to look at engine power. It is important to remember that it needs to be recharged. In addition, the battery does not like long downtime and requires periodic charging, even when the electric car is not used. Pay special attention to safety, the case must be durable and protect the child in case of accidental collision with an obstacle. Care must be taken to ensure that there are no extraneous parts that, when struck, the baby could accidentally injure himself. Children's cars with batteries with rubber wheels are considered softer and more stable when driving on rough terrain.

Reviews about children's electric cars

Of course, reviews are always based on the practicality of the model. The most common complaint is about a small battery capacity. When the claimed characteristic indicates the work for 2 hours, and in fact the electric vehicle works for no more than half an hour. But enterprising parents found a solution to this problem in the form of additional removable batteries.

Another no less important point is the strength of plastic. Because the child finds it funny to bump into all kinds of obstacles. Many parents prefer models made in China and Europe for durability. Plastic cases manufacturers from these countries withstand numerous collisions.

In addition, already experienced parents recommend that when choosing a model pay attention to clearance - this is the distance from the bottom of the car to the asphalt. This issue will be especially relevant for those who use an electric car in the country or in nature, where the surface on which the baby rides is uneven and has many small elevations.

Motorcycles and ATVs are best taken for older children, as it can be difficult for crumbs to sit and hold onto them.

children's battery ATV

Remember, when choosing children's cars on batteries, it is important that they are safe and reliable. What kind of electric car the baby will have, parents determine on their own: it will be a car - a copy of a popular model, such as BMW, Mercedes, Audi, etc., or a motorcycle or ATV. The main thing is not to forget that this toy should first of all bring joy to the child, and then to his parents.


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