Methods of Doman-Manichenko: reviews of effectiveness

From birth, the child begins to absorb all the information surrounding him like a sponge. The children's brain is unique in its imitation mechanisms, in identifying itself with a significant adult. Repetition of habits and habits, words and actions, intonations of the voice of a beloved adult - all this gives the kids an excellent base for creating their own unique way of interacting with the outside world.

Using this absorption and active development, specialists began to develop various methods and techniques of early development. These programs and methods are aimed at the fact that a little researcher in a playful way learns all the concepts and laws of our world. He has activated brain centers responsible for the coordinated work of mental processes, and as a result, the child learns without straining. One of the most famous early development techniques is the transformed Doman-Manichenko technique.

The history of the transformation of the Doman technique

supercards by the method of Doman Manichenko

Working with young children who had deviations in the functioning of the nervous system, American Doman (a neurosurgeon by profession) came to the conclusion: if you cannot use all the mechanisms of the central nervous system and psyche, then you need to use the compensatory functions of the brain. Based on this, he developed a method that allows you to compensate for the missing functions by stimulating other organs or functions. For example, through the organs of vision, you can make up for hearing loss, and so on. Children were given cards with different images, most often classes began with cards on which red dots were drawn. As employees noted, such cards attract attention well. The conducted experiments exceeded all expectations - children who were lagging behind in development, after a while, were already ahead of their peers.

Glen Doman did not stop there. He continued to develop his method, replacing old cards with others. Thus, children with developmental delays absorbed almost any material. After experimenting with children with various deviations in mental development, Doman decided to try the method on healthy babies who have no brain damage. The results were also shocking: if you start classes from 6-9 months, by 2-3 years the child will already be able to read.

After such discoveries, the methodology was actively used in various institutions for the early development of children. But, as in any theory, there were also flaws and inaccuracies in the Doman method. After 20 years of studying the technique developed by Doman, Andrey Manichenko corrected it a little. Firstly, he, being an experienced psychologist, improved it. After all, Manichenko tested her on his 3 sons, he knew for sure all her minuses and pluses. Secondly, the specialist adapted the method for classes with children in Russian.

What is the development of the child according to the method of Doman-Manichenko?

technique of Doman Manichenko

The Domana-Manichenko method belongs to the section of techniques for early development. Since very young children are engaged in it, the duration of the lesson is also short - up to 1 minute. But on the day of such classes should be at least 50.

How is the lesson going? The child is sitting, and his mother shows him the cards and loudly calls what is depicted on them. Particularly noteworthy are the Domana-Manichenko cards. They are distributed in series, for example, 10 cards with animals, plants, numbers. For each lesson, different series are prepared. It is interesting that, having shown one of them to the child, the mother should not show it again within a month. Besides the fact that the child sees the image, he also hears how the name of this picture is pronounced. In such a study, mnemonic mechanisms (visual memory, auditory), spatial orientation, emotional connections develop.

The Domana-Manichenko methodology also involves further development, cards are made not only to study concepts and names, but they also show a certain fact about the subject. For example, information about the potato, where it grows, what it is used for, and so on. Along with this, the task of the mother is to stimulate the child to active movement.

Advantages of this method

methodic manichenko

There are many methods for the development of the child, developed by different specialists, they all differ from each other. Doman, Manichenko, Zankov, Montessori, several other psychologists, educators and doctors say that the best time to educate a child is up to 3 years old. Some emphasize physical development, some focus on developing self-learning skills. But not all methods comprehensively consider the formation of a child’s personality.

The method of Doman-Manichenko refers to such methods of development of the baby, which cover different areas of the study of the environment. If a day according to the methodology, up to 50 lessons can be taught, which should not be repeated within a month, then a tremendous amount of information is provided to the child.

With this presentation of information, which is presented in this method, the results will please the most skeptical parents.

  • Pursuing this method with the baby, many parents note that at a more adult age he has encyclopedic knowledge.
  • In addition to mental activity, the child acquires the skills of physical emancipation. After all, one of the main requirements for parents in this technique is to encourage the child to actively move.
  • From a very young age, the baby will develop phenomenal memory. Absorbing all the information and repeating it after a certain period of time, he will learn to remember the smallest details of objects and events.
  • Over time, the skill of speed reading is acquired. It is also very useful in adulthood, and fast reading is preserved for many years.
  • Gradually, the child becomes a leader, as he is confident in his knowledge and abilities.

Basic postulates

method of Doman Manichenko

  1. The kid is the center of all activities, everything around him, moving. This means that mom should adapt to his individual pace of study, encourage his activity and try not to bore him with visual material.
  2. The game is the main way of learning, development and relaxation. A child at this age perceives information best in gaming activities, so showing and reading cards should also take place in a playful way.
  3. The consistent development of the child. The Domana-Manichenko technique in its arsenal has a large number of card series. All of them are arranged in such a way that the child gradually learns the concepts and objects of the world around him. You can not show the baby first light cards, and then images for learning to read. Training should be phased.

The role of the game in the methodology

Doman Manichenko

At an early age, the baby understands the world around him only through play. Counting, reading, developing logic, memory, thinking, the child learns through active pastime. In the first three years, the baby does not develop by leaps and bounds, but literally. Every month he has new achievements, which pleases both the baby and the parents. With pleasure and ease, the baby masters any information. Therefore, the game is the main activity of the child in the period from 0 to 3 years.

The main directions in development

cards of Doman Manichenko

Methodic Manichenko, adapted for Russian-speaking children, is aimed at the development of peanuts in the following areas:

  • speech development (listening to the names of images, studying letters, the baby learns to speak and make phrases, sentences);
  • familiarity with the environment (study of professions, products, transport, etc.);
  • creative development (through the consideration of images, the baby develops imagination);
  • reading instruction (consideration and study of letters, syllables, words, perception of names through photographic memory in letters);
  • the study of mathematics (the development of logic, thinking, mastering counting, elementary problems);
  • education of positive character traits (with the help of a fairy tale).

Why do I need Domana-Manichenko cards?

Any technique has its own toolkit. In some, these are some kind of sports equipment, others are based on work with sand, paints, plasticine. Methodic Manichenko (as an addition to the scientific data of Doman) involves only work with cards. These are sheets of paper (cardboard) of the same size, on which the object is depicted, the word is written, the task is indicated, everything that in any way has the property to develop the brain of the child.

Most often, mothers themselves prepare them for their babies, since getting them in full is problematic. Each mother knows what information her child needs and teaches knowledge in a playful way through cards. Supercards by the method of Doman-Manichenko do not have any magical effect, they are only shown in a certain order and quantity.

Combining upbringing and development

technique of domana manichenko reviews

Any development or formation of skills in a child leaves an imprint on his personal qualities. The kid learns to be active, but at the same time disciplined, purposeful, kind and responsive, quickly grasp information. All the skills acquired through training in this technique, in more adult age, will be indispensable for him.

Is this technique so miraculous? Parent reviews

For many parents, the first method of teaching children is the Domana-Manichenko technique. Reviews about it are mostly positive. But there are some points that should not be forgotten:

  1. The child develops according to an individual scenario, and not as experts have determined, there is no need to demand the impossible from the crumbs.
  2. Without fanaticism - the child needs sleep, food and walks as well as development, one should not underestimate anything in significance.
  3. A child in itself is a value, not its achievement.


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