"White Bim Black Ear": a summary, the meaning of the work

white bim black ear summary

There are works not only of Russian, but also of Soviet literature, not to read which means very seriously depriving oneself. Such books must be read, more than once and at different ages. They make you think about eternal truths and enduring human values.

White Bim Black Ear: Summary

The plot is a very simple story. About a smart dog, which took a writer and a hunter, about his life with his beloved master. The story is conducted, as it were, on behalf of three storytellers: the owner, Bim himself and the author. Moreover, Bim’s impressions are also conveyed by the author, but the narrative style is fundamentally changing. Childhood, hunting, communication with a wise and selflessly beloved person - this is Bim's happy life before the disease of the owner. This dog is the White Bim Black Ear. The summary cannot give an idea of ​​Bim’s perception of the human world, of all the dog’s experiences, of all the misfortunes that fell on his head.

white bim black ear content

Bim searches for his dear master and dies just a few hours before he is discharged from the hospital. If you do not read the book "White Bim Black Ear", a brief summary will not help sympathize with Bima, he will remain one of the dogs who are simply unlucky.

According to the story, a film was made, which at the moment is known even better than the work itself. I must admit that the director has repeatedly used common melodramatic tricks. The film is a heart-rending story, while the book, if you read it, is also a story about Soviet society. After all, there are many of them: lost, turned out to be homeless, abandoned due to the death of the owners or because of their irresponsibility. Not all of the "losses" are, of course, smart as Bim, they understand the words, so intelligent, but they all look at the world with the same confidence as he. In the book, Bim, of course, is greatly humanized, he thinks and acts not by instinct, but as a person. This is what causes such a strong emotional reaction.

The film "White Bim Black Ear", a brief summary of which will fit in two lines, is two-part. And all this is Bim’s misadventures, which look in one breath.

artwork white bim black ear

But sympathizing with Bima in the book, are everyone ready to behave the same in life? The work "White Bim Black Ear" touches and makes you cry, but does it teach anything? Or emotions remain on their own and do not affect actions? Is anyone ready to shelter a stray dog? There are a lot of such cities in our cities, but they cause only irritation in almost all people. The book "White Bim Black Ear", the contents of which many have known since childhood, taught the goodness of not all. Why it happens? Why are the most wonderful literature, the most exquisite works of art, not changing a person automatically, simply because of the strong impression they made? In order to become kinder, more humane, it is necessary to carry out tremendous internal work. Each new generation must necessarily read such books in order to learn to be more attentive to those who are nearby.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25038/

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