Zundere is ... Zundere and Yandere are archetypes of Japanese pop culture

Those who are interested in modern Japanese pop culture at first have to come across a lot of new terms, including when describing characters - zundera, yandera, kuder, dundera, genka, moe. This article will help you understand the basic archetypes of anime, manga, and game characters . The above classification is more concerned with female characters, so we will mainly talk about girls. You can understand what the zundere means, and how this type differs from others.

general information

Zundere is one of the most common character archetypes in modern anime. Almost no film or series is complete without a girl or guy of this type of character, and most often in one of the central roles. As a rule, the zundere is a young girl with a boyish figure. But the basis of the archetype is not in appearance, but in character.

zundere is

The name of the tsundere is a combination of two words: "tsunzun", which means sharp, withdrawn, indifferent, and "dederere" - tender, languishing with love. It is in the combination of these opposite properties that the character of the character lies.

Outwardly, the zundera seems arrogant, cold, rude, irritable. This is an independent and completely independent person who can behave quite harshly with others.

But in relation to a lover or friend, another, soft side of the heroine appears. The zundere is trying to hide his feelings, often under the guise of anger, but with the development of the love line, “dederere” begins to show more and more often, realizing and accepting his own emotions.

Characters of this type are characterized by a frequent change of mood, in critical situations literally every second. Typical representatives: Aisaka Taiga ("Torador"), Shana ("Fire Shana"), Sanzenin Nagi ("Hayate, battle butler").


Zundere is one of the six main archetypes of characters, but not all heroes fit into a strict classification. Characters who are largely reminiscent of the zundera, but significantly departing from the canon, are attributed to subtypes, which can be up to ten. Let's consider some of them.

Zundere Yandere Kuder Dundere

Tsunaho (tsunoji, tsunbaka) is a character who tries to look cold and restrained, but due to natural distraction and clumsiness, this does not work out well. Tsunaho often looks stupid and gets into ridiculous situations.

Zuntere is a milder, shy version (here the second part of the word is formed from “Terer” - shy). Natural modesty does not allow the character to look frankly cold and arrogant, and the object of warm feelings can easily confuse him.

Zundora is the coldest, unemotional character who has a hard time waking up the soft side. A good example is Senjougahara from Monster Story.

Tsungire - here the ending is formed from the word "kireru", which means a short circuit. Such a hero is seemingly indifferent, but he gradually accumulates emotions in himself, which over time can lead to a real explosion.

Tsongshun is a character whose outburst of negative emotions is replaced not by a manifestation of gentleness, but by depression.


Zundere and Yandere vary significantly, despite the similarity in name. Characters like Yandere at first may seem cute, modest, and very peaceful.

Zundere sister

But under the influence of strong emotions, the yandere show aggression and cruelty, most often aimed at others who can harm the hero’s relatives or himself, rivals in love, detractors who threaten friends. But in some cases, a lover may become a victim of yandere. In an attempt to protect their interests, the yandere can be cruel and will not stop even before the murder.

For a yangir, a subtype of yandere, a push in the form of love is not needed, this character acts according to his hidden motives and is often mentally abnormal. Typical yandere: Sonozaki Shion ("When the cicadas cry"), Katsura Kotonakha ("School days"), Ryoko Asakura ("Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya").


If the sister of the zundere is too harsh, then the couder, on the contrary, is closed, silent, cold, phlegmatic, restrained. She does not demonstrate her emotions and completely controls them, often avoids communication, prefers solitude. Often Kuder spends a lot of time behind books, different mind, logical thinking, objectivity.

zundere and yandere

Over time, the Kuder reveals itself to a lover and close friends. Typical representatives: Nagato Yuki ("The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"), Ayanami Rei ("Evangelion"), Misaki Mei ("The Other").


Representatives of this type are also silent and reserved, but not at all because they are unemotional. On the contrary, Dander is overwhelmed by feelings, but such heroes are unnecessarily shy. They are often simply ashamed of their feelings, trying to hide them. Dundere can avoid the company of other people, prefer books to communication. Their innermost thoughts often trust the diary.

what does zundere mean

Dundere are often business girls. Due to shyness, they experience great difficulties in communicating, especially with the opposite sex. Typical representatives: Hyuuga Hinata (“Naruto”), Shiomiya Shiori (“Only God knows the world”), Onodera Kosaki (“Fake Love”).


The characters of this archetype are classic sanguines. They are friendly, active, energetic, always in a good mood, cheerful and carefree.

zundere is

Cheerfulness and optimism are in full swing. Genki are sociable and are not shy about anyone. They are often characterized by excellent performance in sports. Genks are usually straightforward, but sometimes they hide problems behind their fun so as not to disturb relatives.

Typical representatives: Suzumiya Haruhi (“The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”), Sozonaki Mion (“When the cicadas cry”), Minori Kushieda (“Toradora”).


If the tsundere is most often brisk and active girls, then moe characters are most associated with the word "kawaii". They are incredibly cute, charming and innocent, have an attractive appearance, shy, naive.

Zundere Yandere Kuder Dundere

Some clumsiness and awkwardness give them a special appeal. Often they are not capable of physical exertion, have a timid and indecisive character. Nevertheless, the purity and naivety of moe are so attractive that everyone around them seeks to take them under their protection.

Typical representatives: Asahina Mikuru ("The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"), Takara Miyuki ("Lucky Star"), Tova Erio ("Radio signal from the eccentric").

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25041/

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