Thoughtful and unthinkable nicknames of cats: what to name a pet?

Many people give birth to pets, and most often cats. The desire to see a living creature nearby, all the more responsive to affection, is quite natural for a person: for most of us, loneliness causes discomfort. So we start a furry pet, give him a name. What cat nicknames you can’t hear ... Murky, Vaska, Leopolds and many other purring creatures look at us from many windows, they are found in almost every house.

However, few people think that nicknames for a cat are no less important than a name for a person. Choosing a name can affect the nature and fate of the animal. Hearing the nicknames of cats (especially for the first time), we subconsciously attribute some qualities to pets. And life is structured in such a way that it responds to our own thoughts about it, whatever they may be, regardless of whether we want it or are afraid of it. So it turns out that giving nicknames to cats , we direct them to a certain fate. Calling the animal “Fool”, we almost leave no chance to be smart and smart, as this name itself prompts us to look first of all for evidence of the cat’s stupidity and not notice rational behavior. What we are looking for is what we find most often. All that remains is to add awareness to our own thoughts, words and actions in order to learn how to receive exactly what we really want for ourselves.

Cats themselves prefer short names that contain hissing and whistling sounds. Remember the standard “kitty-kitty”, which almost any cat will react to. You can, of course, teach the dog to respond to kitty-kitty, but this will be the exception rather than the rule. The love of hissing and whistling sounds is associated with the peculiarities of cat's hearing, and the preference for short names has several reasons at once. Firstly, the nicknames of cats , freed from excess length, are easier to remember (the memory of animals is usually well developed, but we humans remember a couple of syllables easier than fifty lines), and secondly, in the process of long-term communication with a pet the long nickname will still be shortened to one or two syllables. There is another factor that is often forgotten: animals are very sensitive to our emotions, which respond to the nickname (or, conversely, form it). If the name is chosen so as to emphasize the love of the owner, even people feel it well, not to mention our smaller brothers.

Thus, it turns out that “Shista” (it may well turn out from “fluffy”) will appeal to a cat more than “Abra-Kadabra”, but this nickname may not take into account any features of a fluffy animal. The owners have to think about what name to choose to reflect the beautiful three-color color, tenderness and kindness of the pet, because once you give a cat a name, you will have to live with it for many years. In addition, some people give birth to a pedigree animal with a good pedigree and want to emphasize an elite origin in the name. You cannot deny this right to anyone.

I would like to warn that the pet is called the same way as someone from relatives or acquaintances. In no case should this be done: the binding of the fate of a person and an animal bearing the same name may occur; and if it also turns out that they both live in the same house - there have been cases when for one of them everything ended tragically. It is unlikely that a sane person will want to confront himself with a choice of which of the two he is ready to lose, when you can simply choose a safe name for the animal. It may be, of course, that those cases were a coincidence, but is there any risk? After all, the nicknames of cats can be absolutely anything (except for the names of people you love), so it is quite possible to choose something suitable from an unimaginable set of options. The main thing here is fantasy, multiplied by love. Take some time to give your cat a beautiful and unique nickname, and he repeatedly purrs your efforts.


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