Installation and design of facades

Designing the facades of houses is a procedure for the comprehensive calculation and analysis of the capabilities of the bearing capacity of walling and walls. According to the results of the analysis, you can understand what materials to use, what kind of work to build the facade to carry out, and also what climate zone requirements to apply.

design of ventilated facades

At this stage, the fire safety of the facility, the wishes of the customer for decorative design and wind loads are determined. The finished project allows you to quickly assemble the facade, determine the most important components of the work and display the total cost.

The main stages of design

facade design

Designing ventilated facades is accompanied by the preparation of technical specifications. At the first stage, an architectural project is developed taking into account the wishes, which allows you to understand how to design the building. The project should be consistent with the master plan for the development of the city.

At the next stage, a list of technical indicators of the system is made, namely its noise insulation properties and heat efficiency. Based on all the documents drawn up, a preliminary budget calculation can be made. Designing the facade of the building is also accompanied by an analysis of the technical indicators of the object. It is important to calculate the bearing capacity of fences and walls, as well as to carry out a geodetic survey of the facade.

At the stage of drawing up the working draft, the layout of the facing material is carried out, which is optimized with an eye on the geometry of the walls. The analysis of technical indicators carried out at the previous stage allows decomposing the facade subsystem.

The design of facades is also accompanied by the design of nodes adjacent to the structure, as well as the technical nodes of the system joints. It is necessary to calculate a material optimized specification and form an estimate of the cost of materials and work.

Design Highlights

design of house facades

At the preparation stage, design is carried out, which allows you to evaluate the characteristics of the object. An initial analysis is carried out, which involves testing the anchor for breaking. This procedure allows you to understand what is the load bearing capacity of the walls. It will be possible to determine the number of frame mounting points.

The design of facades at this stage helps to understand what are the strength indicators of substrates made of different materials. For example, with regard to brick or concrete, these building foundations have higher strengths compared to gas and foam concrete blocks.

design of facades of cottages

Facade design also involves surveying. It displays the location of walling, stained glass, windows and technical elements. These include: lighting elements; billboards; equipment. The result of the survey is an electronic circuit in the form of a drawing. It includes planar and elevation marks of the walls, the geometry of the walls and their relations. Based on these data, it is possible to make a specification of the elements of the subsystem. All this will be required for leveling surfaces and layout in separate sections.

design and installation of facades

The design of facades at the stage of geodetic survey allows optimizing the consumption of materials, as well as linking the structure with a ventilated facade system. Preparation of the project allows you to create a bill of materials taking into account optimization. The project indicates the main components and junctions, as well as instructions on the materials used and assembly.

The design of the facades of cottages is carried out by specialists. The cost of these works is calculated individually. This should include the necessary calculations and preparation of the specification of the object. Geodetic work will cost you 30 rubles. per square meter. Design work has a cost of 75 rubles. per square meter. Thermotechnical calculation will cost 60 rubles. per square meter.

Preparation of materials and tools

The installation technology of a ventilated hinged system provides for the presence of some tools and consumables, among them it should be highlighted:

  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette wheel;
  • corner;
  • drill;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • facing material;
  • rule
  • plumb bob;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • metal profiles;
  • slats and slopes.

Ideally, it is better to replace the screwdriver and drill with a perforator. The grinder must be supplemented with a grinding nozzle. For work, you will also need metal scissors, as well as a knife.

For concrete, 10 mm drills should be prepared. For metal, they should have a diameter of 4 mm. You will need gaskets made of paronite, plastic dowels and anchors. You should take care of the availability of fasteners.

Device features

building facade design

The circuit diagram is as follows. Insulation is attached to the wall. It is covered with a vapor-permeable film, which acts as a wind barrier. It performs the function of waterproofing and protects the insulation from water with strong oblique rain.

The next layer is the air gap, which serves as ventilation. The lumen thickness is 4 cm. The outer layer is a decorative coating. It gives the facade an attractive appearance and protects the insulation from rain and damage. When designing ventilated facades, the amount of material that will be used to carry out the work is determined. This should include insulation, crate and decorative coating. The finish layer will be held on the crate.

Choice of insulation

Foam can provide excellent thermal insulation. It is one and a half times more effective than mineral wool of the same thickness. The foam is non-hygroscopic and not afraid of moisture. It has low vapor permeability, which can be a minus.

Extruded polystyrene is somewhat stronger mechanically, but does not give tangible benefits when warming. The cost of polyurethane foam is significantly higher compared to polystyrene foam. With vapor permeability here, too, everything is sad.

As an alternative solution, mineral wool should be considered. The cost and vapor permeability make it the most popular among other heaters. In non-residential premises, the volatility of the fibers is not a problem. Cotton should be protected from destruction by air by a wind barrier. The best insulation will be basalt wool, because it has high rigidity, which means it hardly cakes with time. It is better to buy insulation in plates, rather than in rolls.


When designing and installing the facade, you must select the materials. The crate should be a wooden block of square cross section with a side of 40 mm. You can use a galvanized profile for drywall. In order to level the distance from the wall, galvanized suspensions and a profile system are more often used.

Choosing a decorative coating

The absolute champion as a decorative coating is vinyl siding. It combines a whole range of useful qualities, which make it a popular facing material. It is easy to process, cheap, light in weight and allows you to create a very attractive facade.

Installation Recommendations

At the first stage of creating a “ventilated facade” system, it is necessary to assemble a vertical crate. The distance between the elements should be 5 cm less compared to the width of the insulation. Thermal insulation is inserted between profiles or bars. The entire crate should be in the same plane. You can check this by pulling a thread between the extreme elements.

The lathing should surround all openings and corners, including door and window openings. At the next stage, you need to install the insulation layer. Then the wind barrier is laid with an overlap of horizontal stripes. The lower bands are hemmed first. In order to create a ventilated gap, the wind barrier is hemmed so that it is slightly recessed into the openings. An alternative is stuffing on top of the bar and the wind barrier of the slats.

Siding is attached to the finished crate with a layer of thermal insulation. It is important to remember that polyvinyl chloride has a large coefficient of expansion. In this regard, it is not recommended to fix the panels in a stretch or firmly. Approximately 5 mm of space should be left from the edges of the panel to the nearest stop. Fasteners should allow the panel to sag a bit and move in a horizontal plane.


design of ventilated facades

Ventilated facades are a great way to ennoble a building and protect the insulation layer from external influences in the form of weather factors and mechanical damage. Before starting work, it is necessary to design the facade, which is especially true for non-residential buildings.


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