How to choose a nailing gun. Pneumatic nailing gun: price, reviews

It is difficult to name a more common construction and installation operation than hammering nails. The need for its implementation is faced by almost every business executive who cares about the technical well-being of his home. And this is not to mention specialized carpentry, where work with fasteners is put on stream. One way or another, the operation is primitive, and to save time on its implementation, tool manufacturers have long produced a nailing gun in different variations. Models differ in characteristics, structural design, operating principle and other operational qualities.

nailing gun

Basic selection options

Productivity is not always a key parameter of choice, but in furniture production, where such a tool is used most often, this parameter is important. It is determined by the number of shots that a pistol can produce per minute. For example, a medium-power electric nailing gun performs about 30 beats per minute. Models that work with small brackets give out a larger number of shots, but they are designed to form simple rivet fasteners like sheathing.

For ease of use, it will be useful to calculate the capacity of the drum with fasteners. The most capacious stores contain about 300 nails or staples. Next, the impact force is determined. And here there is a direct correlation between productivity and the quality of the performance of driving. Typically, the larger the number of operations, the lower the quality of implementation. That is, a high-performance nailing gun is more likely to be focused on working with soft wood and small-sized fasteners. There are exceptions, but this applies to expensive professional devices.

pneumatic nailing gun

Features of pneumatic models

The most widely used electric models, but pneumatics has its advantages. They are mainly due to the fact that the pistol lacks a full-fledged engine, since the shock effect is produced by supplying compressed air. That is, the pneumatic nailing gun has the lightest construction in the class, so it is also the most convenient from the point of view of physical handling. This is especially important when performing serial operations, when you need to keep your hand on the weight for a long time and at the same time carry out the activation of the stroke. But there is also a flip side to pneumatics. Like any other tool running on compressed air, this unit requires the connection of a compressor unit. And this implies additional costs and causes inconvenience in the overall organization of the work process.

electric nailing gun

Consumable Classification

Both electric and pneumatic models have modifications that work separately with nails and brackets, as well as universal β€œomnivorous” versions. At the same time, it is advisable to abandon the latter option immediately, since such devices often have less work resource, that is, they often break down. As for specialized models, for example, staple guns are used for furniture upholstery, stitching thin cladding materials, fastening panels, etc. An electric nail gun is more productive, which allows you to work with a board, plywood sheets, as well as thick and durable film. Such models are called neulers and are often used in professional construction - for example, with their help they fix the lining, plinths are hammered, walls and ceilings are finished.

In the context of a review of consumables, it is worth considering the size of the elements. Staple-mounted models usually work with a full size range, and a pneumatic nailing gun may have limitations depending on its design capabilities. The standard length of nails available for use is 8-10 mm. For professional models, this range varies from 15 to 30 mm.

nailing gun Price

Manufacturer's Reviews

The market offers many nailing machines designed for different purposes. So, consumer confidence earned Bosch models. Owners of devices from the PTK line, in particular, note the convenience of using a rubberized handle and the possibility of electronic adjustment of impact power. Stand out from the total mass and Makita nailing gun in the modification AN901. This model, although it does not provide record performance indicators, but it works confidently with driving long nails into dense material. A lot of positive feedback is received by domestic devices from the Zubr line, in which you can also find devices for removing nails and staples.

How much is a nailing gun?

The cheapest devices are estimated at 1-1.5 thousand rubles. These are models with small performance indicators, many of which are designed to drive short fasteners. In the middle range (up to 3 thousand rubles), you can find good universal devices with high-quality assembly and a capacious drum. A multifunctional nailing gun, the price of which varies between 5-7 thousand rubles, will also provide the user with the ability to control power parameters.

makita nailing gun


Electric and pneumatic models are not the only devices in the class of nailing tools. An alternative to them is powder and battery models, which also have their advantages. For example, a nail gun working on gunpowder is able to efficiently introduce thick nails and dowels into dense materials. Cordless guns do not have high power, but they allow you to perform work away from the mains. Actually, pneumatic modifications provide a similar advantage, but in the process of moving them you need to use the compressor unit.


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