Fan pipe in the house: device and replacement

When the construction of the house is almost completed, they proceed to the arrangement of the sewage system. Any flaws in the design or during the installation process can lead to the formation of unpleasant sewer odors. To avoid this, you will need to install a powerful ventilation system. As such, the so-called fan pipe is used. Let's see what it is, how it works, how to install it.


What is a fan pipe? This is part of the sewer system that connects the sewer and the atmosphere. Most often, in most projects they use a popular scheme where the ventilation pipe is led up to the street through the roof.

sewer pipe

The pipe is one of the branches of the sewer system. She goes through all floors of the house. On the roof, the fan pipe is covered with a fungus so that various debris, as well as rain and snow, do not get inside.


Sewage in sewers always moves from top to bottom. If you begin to drain water at one of the points, then it will go further through the pipeline. If drains come from several places at the same time, then the sewer riser will be full.

This is the reason for the formation of a vacuum in the system. Due to the rarefaction, water in the hydraulic locks will begin to leave. This is what will cause an unpleasant smell if such a pipe in the house is not equipped.

If there is a fan pipe, then air will enter the system through it. Due to this, the pressure is stabilized. Water locks will be where they should, and the smell will not get into the room.

Sewerage with such a pipe is used to remove gases that accumulate in the system. Another design serves to stabilize the pressure in the system, as well as to protect against water locks. The pipe allows for the normal operation of the sewage system.

When a pipe is needed

Based on SNiPs, in low-rise buildings, which are one-story and two-story houses, the sewer system scheme does not have to include a fan ventilation pipe. The reason for this is as follows. In buildings, the volume of effluents that merge simultaneously is very small. Even if all plumbing fixtures will be operated, it will not work to completely block and fill the sewer riser. This is only possible in rare cases.

installation of fan pipes

In private housebuildings, a fan pipe is required (including in a multi-storey building). If the house has two or more floors and each has several plumbing fixtures (for example, a toilet and a bathroom), such a system is simply necessary. Also, ventilation is indispensable when the house has more than two bathrooms and they can be used simultaneously. Another installation of ventilation is mandatory for houses with pools or any other source of a huge amount of drains. A pipe is also necessary for small diameters of the sewer riser, as well as if there is a septic tank or cesspool near the house.

When you can do without fan ventilation

In the case when the house has one floor and there is one toilet and a bathroom, then you can not equip a ventilated riser. Sometimes it may be necessary to install a special sewer valve, such solutions are more relevant for summer houses and cottages.

Fan ventilation pipes in an apartment

In multi-storey buildings, this design is a necessary part of the sewage system. Such a ventilation system is simply a must. Even in a five-story apartment building, the number of drains is very large (especially in the morning, evening and on weekends).

How to choose the right one?

Before installing the riser or replacing it with a new one, you must correctly select the ventilation pipe. Even minor errors and miscalculations can lead to the fact that the system may not work correctly. There are several important parameters - this is the diameter, length, and also the material.

The size

If the sewer pipe is made of cast iron, it is logical that the ventilation system should be made of the same material. If all the elements are plastic, then the ventilation pipe for sewage should be made of plastic. Use of other materials is prohibited. The size of the fan pipe can be from 110 millimeters or more for plastic, as well as 100 millimeters for cast iron. To choose the size is quite simple. There is one rule: the size of the toilet outlet should not be larger than the diameter of the ventilation pipe or riser.

The situation with the size is simpler if there is a fecal pump in the scheme of the sewer system. It is installed when wastewater cannot exit the system by gravity. Such situations occur when the septic tank is higher than the sewerage exit from the building.

sewer pipe

If there is a fecal pump with a grinder, then it can draw drains from small pipes. At the same time, blockages inside are completely excluded. When the sewage system is equipped with such a device, the fan pipe may have a diameter of 50 millimeters. If there is an element of large size, then you can install it.

The most suitable sizes for a small cottage or cottage are diameters of 50, 90, 100 millimeters. This is quite enough if the riser has a diameter of 100 millimeters, the sink has a diameter of a drain pipe of 50 millimeters, there is a washing machine and a shower or shower drain.

The form

The choice depends on whether the place is available for installation and subsequent maintenance. The shape and size of the pipeline must be considered. In places where access is difficult, pipes with a curved shape, as well as various adapters and elbows, are most often installed. In fairly spacious rooms, you can use an ordinary direct design.


On sale you can find products for arranging a fan pipe for sewage from polymeric materials, as well as from metal. What's better? Consider each type separately.

Polymer systems

This is the most simple, affordable and durable option. Polymer products have many advantages. But she also has flaws.

Polymer products are presented in a very rich assortment. These are mainly pipes made of PVC, HDPE, LDPE, as well as polypropylene products, which differ in shape, diameter, color and equipment.

Plastic fan pipes are offered at a very affordable price, and this is an important advantage for arranging sewers in private construction.

Another plus is weight. The weight of the entire structure will be negligible. Also, light weight greatly simplifies the transportation process. In addition, plastic facilitates installation due to the need for a small amount of tool. Installing such a system is much simpler; it can even be done with your own hands. In this case, the cost of funds will be minimal.

in a private house replacement of fan pipes

The main disadvantage of pipes made of polymers is their strong susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. This significantly reduces the operating life if the installation is carried out in an open way. You can also highlight the low level of strength and vulnerability to mechanical damage.

Metal Products

Metal systems in the arrangement of sewer systems in private buildings and large apartment buildings have been used for a very long time and do not lose their relevance even now. This is due to the following advantages and positive characteristics:

  • Cast iron alloys are characterized by a high level of strength. Due to the rigidity of the metal structure, a safe and uninterrupted operation of the structure for a sufficiently long period is ensured.
  • Cast iron and metal pipes can be used in regions where climatic conditions are rather unfavorable. The metal steadily withstands various kinds of mechanical damage and serious external loads.
  • A metal fan pipe in a private house is not susceptible to ultraviolet light. The product can be mounted for long-term subsequent operation.

The disadvantage is the inherent predisposition of cast iron to corrosion in any metal products. To protect the pipe, the metal must be specially treated. As this, spraying or galvanizing is used. Another significant minus is the large mass and high cost.

pipe in a private house

To equip a fan pipe for sewage, it is necessary to purchase not only the product itself, but also a large number of various fittings. During the installation, special equipment is used.

How to find out if there is such a pipe in the house?

If the construction of the house is not carried out, but instead a prefabricated building is purchased, it is best to make sure in advance whether there is sewage ventilation. To do this, just flush the toilet. If the sound is squelching or sucking, then the pipe is either absent or clogged. In the latter case, she needs a cleaning.

Installation Rules

There are certain requirements for the installation of fan pipes. The riser exit should not be led out to the attic, but directly to the atmosphere, to the street. If the gases from the sewer collector exit to the attic, this will cause an unpleasant odor and high humidity.

The riser must be no smaller than the sewer. If the dimensions of the ventilation pipe are larger, then there is nothing wrong with that.

pipe in the house photo

The outlet of the ventilation product should not be close to walls or near other structures (for example, balconies or windows). Violation of this requirement will lead to stains on the walls and an unpleasant odor. In winter, the outlets of ventilation products can be damaged if they go under the roof overhang. The sewage pipe for private households should be one. It includes all the points where the drains will come from. There should be a temperature difference between the lower and upper points. It should be warm above and cold below. The riser can be laid in the ventilation shaft. But at the same time, it should not be connected in any way with ventilation channels in living rooms and with chimneys. It is allowed to connect several sewer to one riser.


Depending on the direction of output, you can equip the system according to two popular schemes:

  • The horizontal way. It provides that the pipe was not led out through the roof, but through the wall. Do this in relatively rare cases. And you can use such a scheme only in private housing construction. A grill is installed on the pipe hole.
  • A vertical fan pipe installation is used in most cases. Here the pipe riser is brought out only vertically and only upwards. You can make an exit with a slope at a right angle. From the riser perform a tap at a right angle, from which another tap is performed. Then from it goes a straight section, which will go into the hole above the roof. You can draw a conclusion at an angle. In this case, the bend is performed at 45 degrees, from it - another same bend, and then a straight section. By the way, the ventilation pipe can continue to the hole in the roof.

How to draw a conclusion through the roof?

The ventilation riser section located above the roof must also meet the requirements. The height of the pipe above the material of the operated roof should be at least three meters. The position above the flat roof, which is not in operation, is not less than 30 centimeters. The height of the pipe on the pitched roof should be more than 50 centimeters.

fan pipe in a private house

The output is always covered by a deflector. It is necessary so that debris, birds, insects, snow and rain do not get inside.

If it is possible to bring the line through the pediment, it is advisable to do just that, and not use the method with the output through the roof. So you can save time and not seal roofing materials. Also with this approach it will be easier to replace fan pipes.


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