A useful ginger plant. How to grow it at home and in the country?

Ginger is a fairly common plant. They use root as a seasoning for vegetable and meat dishes, in baking, and make healthy drinks out of it. Most often they buy ginger in the markets or in stores, not everyone knows how to grow it in summer cottages and at home on the windowsill. The technology for growing this plant is simple. Ginger shoots outwardly resemble bamboo.

How to grow ginger

Growing ginger at home on the window is pretty easy.

Grow ginger
First, go to the market and buy fresh ginger root. Eyes should be clearly visible on it, of which shoots will later develop. The root should be divided into dividers, each should have 2-3 eyes, you can plant with one eye, but the bush will develop longer and will look weak on the window. Slices should be dusted with wood ash and dried. If there is no ash, then you can do without it. Next, we plant the roots in a nutrient mixture, any soil is suitable, it is good if it contains humus. There should be a drainage hole in the pot, it is advisable to pour some sand on the bottom. After planting ginger, how to grow it, you can not worry. Now we must wait for the roots to grow the root system, only after that the shoots will grow. It is only necessary to periodically water the ground so that it does not dry out much, to maintain it in a slightly wet state. It should not be poured, otherwise the roots can rot. The first shoots will appear in about a month and then go to growth very quickly. In winter, watering is needed moderate, in spring and summer - plentiful. If the shoots begin to bend under their own weight, they should be supported. If necessary, transplant ginger into a larger diameter pot (if roots stick out from the drainage hole). By next spring, ginger will bloom, there is no special decorative effect in the flowers, but it’s still nice when your pets feel good. After flowering, the ginger root will ripen in 1-2 months, and it will be possible to harvest the first crop, if this is not done, the pot may crack. The plant is shaken out of the pot and a piece with 2-3 shoots is cut from the rhizome. His
Ginger cultivation in the country
can be planted in a new nutrient mixture, and the rest of the root used in food. Wonderful ginger plant! How to grow it at home, we figured out. Now let's go further, we will plant it in the garden.

Useful ginger - growing in the country

We buy fresh ginger root and, as in the first case, cut it into several pieces, sprinkle the slices with ash and dry it. Now we plant ginger in the summer cottage. How to grow - we will consider further. Planting should be done as early as possible, it resembles planting potatoes. Ideally, this is the beginning of March, but this is only possible in warm regions. In the rest, snow still lies on the plots at this time, so the ginger planting is postponed to the beginning or middle of April. We plant to a depth of about 15 cm in well-humus-rich soil. Next you need to weave, loosen, if necessary, water. It is better if the area where ginger grows is bright and protected from the wind. After some time, shoots will appear, and by July it will bloom with β€œpanicles” of a reddish color. Harvested in the fall, in late September - in October, in the southern regions you can leave the tubers in the ground until December.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2506/

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