New Generation Passport Application: Filling and Filing Rules

In order to travel outside the Russian Federation, citizens will have to draw up specialized paper. It is called a foreign passport. This document is requested for both adults and children. Below we will talk about filling out and submitting an application for a new generation passport. What tips and tricks will help to cope with the task? During the preliminary preparation, there should be no problems.

Filling in an adult application

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the applications for issuing a new generation passport are different. Today, a “overseas” may be requested:

  • for a child under 14 years old;
  • on a minor after fourteen;
  • for an adult person.
Application form for a foreign passport

To begin, consider the process of filling out an application for an adult. In this case, the citizen will have to indicate:

  • F. I. O. of the applicant;
  • gender;
  • date of birth of the applicant;
  • place of birth (according to passport);
  • address of registration and actual place of residence;
  • telephone number for communication;
  • mail box (e-mail);
  • passport data;
  • information about whether a person has access to state secrets (usually they write "No" here);
  • information from the old "foreign" (if available);
  • information from places of work and study over the past 10 years.

Important: while filling out the questionnaire, there should be no empty fields. The exception is the block, which indicates the citizen's electronic mailbox for feedback.

Filling out a "children's" application

An application for a new generation passport for a child under 14 years old is submitted by the legal representatives of the baby. Here the principle of entering data coincides with the previous layout.

The difference is that instead of the employment information on the back of the questionnaire, the parent writes his passport data and confirms the fact of receiving the corresponding service.

How to fill out an application for a biometric passport

Other rules

What other rules must be followed when applying for a new generation passport? There are not as many as it seems.

Here are the basic principles that every applicant should keep in mind:

  • questionnaires are printed in the form of double-sided paper;
  • information on a person’s employment and training for a decade is counted from the day of applying to the registration authorities;
  • all data is written in capital letters;
  • field applications are not allowed in applications.

That's all. There is nothing incomprehensible or supernatural in this. If it is difficult for a citizen to fill out a request for a biometric “abroad”, he can turn to intermediaries. The relevant companies for a fee will prepare a questionnaire and help in obtaining a passport.

Documents for obtaining a "foreigner"

An application for a new generation passport will be considered only if there is an appropriate package of papers. Which one?

Adults must bring:

  • completed application form;
  • personal photos (3-4 pieces);
  • old "foreigner" (if any);
  • receipt of payment of duty (3.5 thousand Russian rubles);
  • identification;
  • military card (for those liable for military service).
Samples of "foreign" old and new generation

In the case of children, approximately the same list of papers will be required. It will be supplemented by:

  • birth certificate and / or passport of the child;
  • identity card of the legal representative of the minor;
  • certificates of registration of the child.

At first glance, it seems that the procedure takes a lot of time and effort. In reality, this is not so. An application for a new generation passport for a child under 14 years of age will be considered after payment of the state duty for an operation equal to 1.5 thousand rubles.

Where to apply

And in what bodies do they accept applications for the issuance of a "foreign" of a new type? A person can seek help in:

  • MFC;
  • migration services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • UFMS;
  • passport desks;
  • passport and visa centers.

If you wish, you can apply for a new generation passport through the "State Services". In this case, when paying the fee, the citizen receives a 30% discount. It is enough to register for ESIA, confirm the profile, find the appropriate service and fill out an electronic application.

Important: foreign passports are issued within a month from the moment of applying for the service. If the request is not filed at the place of registration, you will have to wait up to 4 months.


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