Overhead sockets: installation and connection. Types of overhead sockets

The master’s knowledge of the rules for connecting the outlet will allow residents to protect themselves from the danger of being struck by electric shock. This condition is the main one when installing the patch outlet, but not the only one. Due to improper connection, high-quality power supply to various devices will not be performed. If the installation of the outlet is not reliable enough, then it will not be able to serve people for a long period of time.

connecting an outlet

Studying the information on installing the overhead outlet proposed in this article will not take much time from the reader. But that baggage of knowledge that contains the stated material has a lot of valuable information. They relate to the features of the work performed in the home electrical network. Such information can be useful in life. We never know at what point the knowledge gained can be useful to us.

When repairing outlets, switches, circuit breakers and other equipment, you will need to establish them, as well as reinstall or install them in a new place. Carrying out these works on the installation of an overhead outlet must be organized in such a way that there is no doubt about the safety and reliability of the devices. As you know, the safety of housing and all the people who live there are at stake.

How is the outlet

The main node of the double-wall consignment note is the assembly of the block assembly, the back of which is protected with a socket. The outer side has a decorative box and a fixed screw. The device of the box of the socket rj 45 of the consignment note is basically the front panel and the frame. The use of the socket is necessary if the socket must be installed on the surface of the wall, and not in the recesses.

socket with protective cover

The double outlet socket strip consists of the following elements:

  • housing;
  • phase and zero contacts, where the plug will be included;
  • terminals to connect power wires;
  • grounding contacts;
  • movable or rigidly fixed tabs to mount in a box or on a plane.

Grounding system features

Not all rj 45 overhead sockets are equipped with grounding. Simple devices do not include such a system. By tightening the screws, it can be expected that the movable tabs will be positioned to the sides. They will be fixed on the surface of the walls of the plastic box. Double tongue paws have a more secure fit. They are sharper, so they penetrate deep into the thickness of the plastic. If the terminals connecting to the power supply wire are screw type, they require pre-lubrication. For this purpose, you need to use cold solder.

Description of the types of sockets

Before performing high-quality installation of an overhead outlet, it must be successfully selected. There are options for choosing outlets, of which more than a hundred. Their differences will be in the structure and functions performed. For domestic use, simple devices are practiced - these are those recommended by GOST. Their choice will depend on the purpose of the application.

socket ip44

There are several types of overhead sockets that are most common:

  • Type C 1a - a device in which grounding is absent. Under operating conditions, such a socket can carry no more than 10 A DC, 16 A AC and voltage up to 250 V. Such a socket can ensure the functioning of the device, which completely dispenses with the grounding system.
  • C 2a - a device in which the presence of two contacts for grounding is noted on the side. With operating parameters that are similar to the first type, such a socket allows the ability to connect a high-power appliance - washing machines, water heaters, water pumps.
  • C 3a is a device similar to the C 2a device, but it has a pin type of grounding.
  • C 5 is a type of outlet that came to us from Soviet times. They are well suited for use in the old-style technique. The device can withstand current up to 6 amperes.
  • C6 is a variation of the so-called Euro sockets, which have wider holes for the plug. They protrude above the hull. The devices are suitable for use in electrical appliances where there is a suitable plug.

Preparatory work

Before installing the outlet, select the desired cable length. Options that have grounding require the use of a three-wire cable. If there is no grounding, you can do with a kind of two-core. As a rule, a core with a yellow color of insulation is intended for grounding, a red or brown color will be a phase wire, blue - zero. The choice of wire cross-section must be carried out, assessing the upcoming load.

types of overhead sockets

Moisture and dust protection parameters are designated IP44. The use of this marking indicates the installation in the network of a device protected from solid particles whose dimensions exceed 1 mm. Also, protection is needed in the presence of circular splashes. Installing an outlet in rooms such as a bath or bathhouse is undesirable. But these rooms are hard to imagine without lighting. Therefore, it will be necessary to select a variety of waterproof devices that will be equipped with special covers. This issue must be approached with all seriousness.

How to install wiring and sockets

If it is necessary to install a socket in the thickness of a concrete wall, a device of a special type of channel is provided by its gating. In order to successfully complete this procedure, it is necessary to drill holes for the socket boxes. After that, you should install the wires and boxes. Only now it's the turn to mount the outlet. This process requires accuracy and precision. If you want to install the outlet in plasterboard material, you will need to carry out similar work. The difference will only be that relatively little effort will be spent.

Some nuances

Wooden or mud walls require the use of an open method of fastening wiring. After all, its deepening into the wall will be unsafe according to the rules of fire safety. Such a wall requires the purchase of an outlet that is equipped with a socket. When installing a twin outlet, you must install the wire using special plastic boxes.

Description of connection types

The correct connection of the outlet depends on how many of them and what characteristics a particular appliance connected to such a power point has. Start by choosing the connection type, which are two:

  • consistent;
  • parallel.

The first method involves the need to connect each subsequent outlet from the previous device with zero, phase and ground. So you can successfully assemble more than 5 outlets in a vertical or horizontal way. The disadvantage of the system is the limitation for performing the connection of powerful types of equipment. For such outlets, this is undesirable.

overhead sockets

A parallel socket connection scheme provides a direct path to the junction box. The procedure for doing this is as follows:

  • Using special caps, ordinary electrical tape, or other devices, you must connect the wires from the outlet to the section of the power supply cable of the junction box.
  • Each power point must be provided with the wires that the junction box is equipped with. Thus, you can connect a device with great power consumption capabilities without risking the outlet itself.
  • To make this connection, choose wires with lower cross-section and capabilities than those that are connected to the junction box.

Socket installation height

How to determine at what height to install the outlet? Purely practical considerations will be needed here:

  • how convenient it is for users;
  • how long is the power cable for heavy devices - refrigerators, washing machines, how safe it is;
  • it must be borne in mind that it will be necessary to repair the outlets, and sometimes their complete replacement.

socket rj 45 consignment note

There should be a distance of 30-80 cm between the floor and the outlet. If a small height is taken to install the outlet, make sure that this device is safe for children. You can choose a product that has special curtains. The height of the top point of the outlet is not provided by any specific standards. However, it is indicated that it is important to maintain a distance of 15 cm between the floor slab and the outlet. The edge of the window opening should be located at a distance of 10 cm. If you install the ip44 outlet block away from the window, this device will be better protected from temperature extremes, moisture, dust and many other manifestations of the external environment. You can purchase a socket with a protective cover.

Features of the installation process

Electricians use a strict rule that complies with the official safety standard. Before carrying out work, it is important that the mains power is turned off. It is better to play it safe with double control and after switching off the circuit breaker, check the wiring for current. Such scrupulousness will save you from trouble when installing the ip44 socket.

Step-by-step instruction

So, to install the Legrand outlet, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Carry out preparatory work - disassemble the socket into parts.
  • Connect the wires to the “Legrand” patch outlet. A double or triple cable connects to receptacle terminals. They must be placed separately in the housing.
  • Connect the outlet by fixing the pads and screwing on the decorative box.
  • Screw the tabs all the way. With the right selection of the box, the reliability of the use of such a design is guaranteed.

overhead legrand sockets

After completing the assembly of the Legrand outlet (consignment note), connect the circuit breakers and check how operable the power point is. In this case, a common mistake is to turn on the first household appliance. Monitor for voltage with a multimeter. For the safety of work when installing overhead Legrand outlets, you must clearly follow the recommendations. So your house, relatives and friends will be protected from the possibility of electric shock.

To summarize

Even a young and inexperienced owner will be able to replace the outlet on their own if they follow the safety requirements. It is important to read the installation instructions for such a mechanism as overhead Legrand sockets, as well as prepare all the necessary parts and tools. To begin installation, the socket must be disassembled.

Please note that all work must be performed only on condition that the electricity in the house is turned off. During installation, it is advisable to double-check the absence of voltage. Since someone from home can accidentally turn on the power switch. You can use special power tools, then the work will be completed faster. With a careful attitude to the process, the connection of an overhead outlet can be performed efficiently and accurately.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25063/

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