Purple pants: what to wear? Tips from a stylist to create a flawless look

Amazing and rich, deep, attractive purple like many women. But not everyone dares to dress up in clothes of this color palette, because you need to know what is combined with and who suits, and who turns pale. We'll figure out what purple pants can and cannot be worn.

What do psychologists say about this color?

Each gives his own interpretation. According to psychologist Stefanescu-Goang, color causes latent excitement. His teacher Wundt, however, believed that purple contributed to the appearance of obese melancholy seriousness and anxious-sad mood. Many psychologists claim that this color means sensuality, emotionality and spirituality. But if you go too far with him, anxiety, apathy, sadness and despondency can arise. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute with other shades, and in a state of depression, abandon it altogether.

Skinny pants

To whom it goes

You need to know what is not suitable for everyone. Violet color will undoubtedly emphasize the beauty of dark-skinned women, but it will not suit the red-haired beast. It is better to dress in the clothes of this palette in the evening, as it requires bright makeup.

People with a passion for this color can be described as striving for spiritual development, tranquility and peace. The individual is perceived by others as an open and creative personality, which is guided by intuition. More often purple is preferred by infantile dreamers.

The most popular among pregnant women, children, adolescents, creative people who have good intuition, developed imagination and abstract thinking.

What is it combined with?

Violet color consists of blue and red. It has a rich gamut of shades: lavender, lilac, eggplant, purple and others. Suppose black-violet will be an accent spot in the ensemble.

The tandem will be successful:

  • With contrasting shades. For example, with black and gold, fiery red, deep green, bright blue and others.
  • With muted colors. Suppose with a pale pink, dark brown, gray.

And one more rule - purple color loves a combination with flowing satin fabrics.

Purple pants

Accessories to it

Feel free to choose gold and silver jewelry, massive in the form of necklaces and bracelets, for outfits of this color scheme. A luxurious touch will be made by stones (amber, carnelian). And do not discount high quality jewelry.

Sapphires, topazes and amethysts are also suitable for the purple image. Costly stones can be replaced with unnatural ones. Hanging earrings will look great with them. Bag and shoes are matched to match the top.

Let's talk about pants of this color.

So, we find out with what you can wear purple pants:

  • The combination with white will be wonderful. If they frame the main color, they get an elegant ensemble. This outfit is complemented with a short leather jacket in black or neutral. Shoes should also be a calm shade or match the trousers.
  • Extravagant black color will make the image elegant. A dark top and shoes will complement the accent spot perfectly.
  • Look gently with pink. And the creamy-milk palette combines without fail with light purple hues. You can also try pastel blue and green shades.
  • Fans of experiments can be combined with a yellow blouse. Turquoise platform sandals and a bright scarf will complement the image.

As you can see, this color can be combined with many shades, the main thing is not to overdo it.

With a purple jacket

A bit of history

Do you know that since ancient times, purple has been considered magical and magical? A tandem of passionate, mysterious, fatal red and spiritualized, sublime, restrained blue gave life a new color. No wonder the gods of Olympus and the heroes of Homer dressed in purple robes.

Violet reconciled the gloss of red and the eternity of blue. In different nationalities, the first color was associated with alpine violet. In Antiquity was the most revered and dear. It was very difficult to get it, so it was ranked as a symbol of aristocratic power. Purple was the first shade to be obtained. The clothes of this palette could be worn exclusively by the emperor of Ancient Rome. By decree of Nero, ordinary people had the right to use fabric of this shade only for belts and rims. Subsequently, Byzantium became the successor of veneration of the divine color.

So, what else do purple trousers go with?

You can not adhere to a monophonic bright palette, a floral print in the same tones will be a good ally. Find out what to wear purple women skinny pants with. When assembling an image, you should avoid:

  • Top baggy shape.
  • Reception of layering.
  • Sports shoes.

Loose, light blouses, tunics, shirts, and even sweaters, which can be framed with a thin belt, will suit narrow purple trousers. We select shoes, one should be:

  • Be sure to heel.
  • Lighter in tone of purple trousers. This will extend the legs. Black will be shortened. Don’t wear resonant black ankle boots. We also exclude boots.

A floral blouse on a white background is a good fit. Saturated violet is a rather heavy color, so it can be easily lightened with sand and even orange shades. If you decide to complement the bow with a jacket, it should also be neutral.

And feminine blouses of calm tones will suit the purple tight trousers. A good combination will be with plain light t-shirts and black jackets. You can wear a cardigan with short sleeves also black.

Purple kit

Many faces of purple

Each shade has its own name. Here are some of them: orchid, lilac, violet, thistle, fuchsia, lavender and others. Thanks to mixing techniques, you can get deep dark or light transparent tones.

Stylists do not recommend to make an outfit from monophonic things, so it will be sugary and uninteresting, moreover, it may turn out to be pressure on others, uncomfortable. If you really like this color, collect onions from its different tones. For example, light purple jeans and a pale lavender blouse or sweater are suitable for rich purple shoes. Let's look at other options for combinations of this palette with purple pants in the photo.


Do not lose your personality!

Stylists advise to be careful when choosing this amazing color so as not to lose its own shine. Purple is divided into four categories:

  1. Dark, saturated - plum, eggplant. Having carefully worked on the image with this palette, you can sparkle like a faceted diamond at any party.
  2. Translucent - lilac and violet. These shades can emphasize the lightness and romance of a feminine thin nature.
  3. Tones with a rich red tint - the choice of judicious, balanced ladies.
  4. A palette of blue shades. Emphasizes the mystery and inner passion of creative nature.

Fashion experts say that when working with this color, you need to be in a good mood because it reflects it. Only by investing joyful, bright and positive emotions in the process of drawing up an image, you can create an attractive magic of attention and admiring glances of people. Now we know what to wear purple pants with. The photo will tell you some more bold decisions.

How to wear purple pants

Let's make a bold image

If you are not afraid to stand out from the crowd and not be afraid of goggles, you can safely put on rich purple pants with a fuchsia or coral blouse or a bright short top in red or yellow. You can pick up a deep green top. The image will be bright and flashy, interesting.

When the question arises of what to wear purple pants with, you do not need to panic and abandon them. Just understand that they are the basic foundation of the image, an accent spot that needs to be framed so that it laconically merges into the overall picture of the ensemble, and does not get out of it and cuts the eye, or even worse repels it.

If this is an outfit assembled in one palette, do not particularly bother, the main thing is that things do not merge into a continuous smear. If the ensemble is built on contrast, it is better to use two bright accents, and soften the polarity with accessories.

How to wear purple pants

There is another rule: if the pants are plain purple, the blouse can be selected with a variety of prints (floral, geometric, ethnic, whatever). Pants with a pattern will not tolerate neighborhood with variegated blouses. The top in this case will be calm, plain, restrained.

When choosing shoes, it is better to dwell on the color scheme of trousers. Of course, you won’t be mistaken if you put on shoes or sandals of classic black or white, but remember, black shoes in tandem with lilac pants will shorten their legs. An excellent solution will be sandals with high heels or stiletto heels in beige shades. So, now we know what to wear with women's purple pants, the main advice is not to be afraid to experiment, trust your own taste and intuition, and you will succeed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25064/

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