Dracaena: types, recommendations for content

Dracaena, the types of which will be discussed below, can truly be called a modern and stylish indoor plant, which successfully and harmoniously fits into almost any interior, bringing exotic and originality to the room.

Evergreen perennial shrubs with a woody stem - this is what dracaena is in nature. The views of this plant were so loved not only by amateur gardeners, but also by professional designers that today they are the recognized sales leaders among all large plants grown indoors.

Dracaena, whose species are diverse (there are about three hundred of them), is perfect for creating bright floral arrangements at home. In addition, this plant will be perfectly combined with such representatives of the decorative flora as aspidistra, ficus, aglaonemes, sansevier, spathiphyllum, etc.

So, let us consider in more detail the most common types of dracaena in indoor plant growing, as well as the rules for caring for these plants.

Fragrant Dracaena

It has impressive leaf sizes, the width of which can reach 10 cm. The leaves have a wavy edge, and over time bend by an arc. The plant requires shady conditions and careful watering.

It looks like a false palm dracaena only when the plant is old and already lignified. The top in this case, as a rule, is cut off, and the shoot is again covered with young foliage twisted in the form of spirals. White and yellow flowers are unusually fragrant.

Dragon tree

Subject to good lighting, the edges of the leaves of dracaena acquire a red tint. Blood-red spots are clearly distinguishable on the stem - this is a resinous juice. It was due to this dracaena that it got its name - the dragon tree.

Unpretentious in terms of care, the appearance of dracaena tolerates shadow, and low winter temperatures, and irregular watering, and dry air. It grows to 1 meter at home, while in nature there are specimens reaching a 20-meter height.

Fringed dracaena

The plant has a serpentine stem, which begins to branch with age. In height, dracaena can grow up to three meters or even higher. The leaves are narrow, have a curved shape. Dracaena is unpretentious in conditions of detention.

Dracaena Sander

The plant needs careful watering, but due to its compact form, it successfully fits into the interior of a small-sized apartment. The leaves of dracaena are short gray-green or bright green, slightly twisted. The stalk reaches a height of 0.7 -1 meters.

Dracaena Godsef

It is a highly branched shrub with very unusual leaves - small, rounded and decorated with golden spots. The plant tolerates dry air well and is generally very hardy, only needs careful watering. The dracaena stems are reed-shaped, erect, thin, covered with membranous scales and can reach a height of 70 centimeters.

Bent Dracaena

The plant must not only be regularly and accurately watered, but also often sprayed, since it does not tolerate low humidity. The stem of the dracaena is weak, and in general this species is recognized as difficult in indoor culture.

Derema Dracaena

Watering should be neat and regular. This species is characterized by slow growth. Only an adult plant can reach a height of 1.5 meters. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, can have either a completely green or striped color. The trunk is not prone to branching. The smell of the flowers is not very pleasant. The fruits are a tripartite box filled with seeds.

Now you can imagine what dracaena is. Its types are diverse, so this indoor plant can satisfy the tastes and needs of almost any grower.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25066/

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