Monument to Tatishchev (Togliatti). History of creation

On the banks of the mighty Volga in the city of Tolyatti, there is a monument to its founder Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev - the great Russian statesman, historian, geographer, philologist, numismatist, ethnographer and economist of the eighteenth century.

The description of the monument to Tatishchev in Tolyatti - historical value, which is under protection as an object of monumental art, will be presented a little below. A lot of work was invested in its creation, by the way, a memorial plaque wraps around the monument in the form of a ribbon with the text on which all those who were involved in the creation of this historical stone masterpiece are indicated. Starting the topic “Monument to Tatishchev (Togliatti)”, it is necessary to get a little acquainted with the biography of this person who devoted his life to research work.

Monument to Tatishchev Togliatti

Interesting facts from life

He was born in the Pskov district on April 19, the years of his life from 1686 to 1750. The Tatishchev clan comes from the ancient Rurik clan. At the age of seven, Vasily already served as a steward under Tsar Ivan Alekseevich. Then he was enrolled in the Azov Dragoon Regiment. Then, in the rank of lieutenant, he participated in the Northern War, where he fulfilled the diplomatic missions of Peter I, fought in the battle of Poltava and in the Prut campaign.

A little later, Tatishchev studied at the Moscow School of Engineering and Artillery. Later he improved his knowledge in Germany.

After studying, he began to serve in St. Petersburg, where he set himself the goal of compiling geographical studies of the Russian land, and immediately set about collecting and studying the necessary materials. He later created the postal book of Russia.

At the same time, he was appointed manager of state-owned mining plants in the Urals, where he proved to be an excellent economist and business executive.

Tatishchev became the founder of such Russian cities as Stavropol, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Orsk.

Description of the monument to Tatishchev in Togliatti

Diplomat and economist

He spent two years in Denmark and Sweden as a diplomat, solving issues related to mining. His activities contributed to the strengthening of the monetary system, the opening of the Ural mine mines and plants, the compilation of a mining charter and the establishment of diplomatic and economic relations with the khanates of Central Asia.

However, courtyard intrigues did not pass Tatishchev, and he will be sent to life imprisonment in a family estate in Boldino, Moscow district.

On July 15, 1750, at the age of 64, the scientist died and was buried on the Christmas cemetery near the village of Boldino. Before his death, he was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

He was a versatile scientist who wrote the capital work “Russian History from Ancient Times”. He compiled the first Russian encyclopedic dictionary.

Vasily Nikitich was married to Avdotya Andreevskaya, with whom they had two children.

monument of culture Tatishchev Togliatti

The history of the monument to Tatishchev in Tolyatti

And now we come to the most important thing, to the formation of the city of Togliatti, which used to be called Stavropol. The monument to Tatishchev is very important for the city. Tolyatti Avtovazbank contributed financially to the creation of this monument, which it was decided to perpetuate right on the banks of the largest reservoir on the Volga, which is also called the Zhigulevskoe Sea.

The sculptor Rukavishnikov in the process of work slightly changed the sculptural composition. It was assumed that Tatishchev should have been pointing with his hand towards the flooded Stavropol, but they made a neutral gesture in the direction of modern Togliatti.

the history of the monument to Tatishchev in Togliatti

The architectural structure itself is a stylobate resembling the fortress of the era of Peter I.

In the center of this fortress a pedestal for equestrian statue was built. In fact, the monument to Tatishchev is unusually beautiful and majestic. Togliatti honor the founder of their city. The height of the monument is 14 meters, and the sculpture is 7.5 meters. Limestone and bronze were chosen as the material for manufacturing. In the range of stylized capitals there is a relief sign, it is a cross. Nearby is a staircase with lanterns, again in the form of turrets, an inclined platform lined with paving stones.

the history of the monument to Tatishchev in Togliatti

Monument to Tatishchev (Togliatti)

The memorial monument was built with the money of the Spiritual Heritage Foundation, citizens and various organizations. A total of 14 million 134 thousand rubles were spent. And 835 thousand were spent on the arrangement of the adjacent territory.

The monument to Tatishchev (Togliatti) was created in less than two years and opened on September 2, 1998. The opening ceremony was attended by the mayor of the city of Togliatti Sergey Zhilkin, invited guests, residents and even descendants of Tatishchev - Nikolai and Maria Zhestkov. The bishop of Samara and Syzran Sergey consecrated the monument.

The opening of the monument, albeit belated, but still a tribute to the founder of the city of Stavropol - a flooded city that rests under the Volga waves near Togliatti.


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