Unusual DIY postcard for the holiday

Even the most modest gift will be decorated with an unusual postcard made by hand. With your own hands you can create a real miracle by investing a little of your spiritual warmth in needlework.

do-it-yourself unusual postcard

Making a card for a child

Often the question arises before the child: how to make an unusual postcard with his own hands quickly and without using those materials that are difficult for the student to get? The solution can be quite simple: you need to get only two sheets of colored paper, a pencil, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens for inscriptions from your stocks. And as a template for the application, you can use your own palm.

how to make an unusual postcard do it yourself

  1. A sheet of colored paper is folded in half across.
  2. A palm is applied to it so that the thumb rests on the fold line and is at an angle of about 45 degrees to it.
  3. A palm is drawn around the pencil.
  4. The figure is cut along the lines there so that the tip of the thumb serves as a connection with the second half of the figure.
  5. Unfold the received part and stick it to the future postcard.
  6. At the junction of the thumbs on the application draw a heart.
  7. Make out a beautiful inscription on a postcard.
  8. You can additionally decorate the craft with cut flowers or draw something beautiful.

Other cards from children's palms

This method can be successfully used to create collective cards. For example, all students in a class make such details with their hands. They can even be colorful.

On a circle cut out of cardboard, fingerprints of children's hands are glued in random order. You can interleave them with flowers or leaves.

If a postcard is being prepared for a kindergarten teacher or teacher, then in the center it makes sense to stick a photo of the honored in a round format. In this case, not only the palms, but also miniature photographs of the kids can be placed around the large face of an adult. The teacher will be very pleased to receive such an original postcard. She will be a truly memorable gift for many years.

A very beautiful New Year large-format postcard is obtained from children's palms pasted in the form of a Christmas tree. They are best painted in different shades of green. And as decorations, you can use real balls and lanterns. Although such a card looks best when you stick a miniature photo of a team member in the middle of each toy.

Scrapbooking card

With the help of scissors, glue, needles and threads, almost every creative person is able to create a masterpiece. And even it can turn out practically from unnecessary waste materials: from pieces of fabric and lace, buttons and small shells, the remains of wallpaper and clippings from magazines, dried leaves, flowers and twigs.

do it yourself unusual birthday card

Of course, besides the above, patience and perseverance, a desire to create and some imagination are required in order for a beautiful and unusual postcard to be seen. With your own hands you can make a very interesting craft. An original look is a carved briefcase with bows and rhinestones, flowers and miniature knitted amigurumi animals.

This is actually an unusual postcard. With their own hands for a birthday to a loved one, even a child will be able to do such an craft. And if the real gurus of scrapbooking take up the matter, the result will completely exceed all expectations.

Unusual postcards for Teacher's Day

It has long been a good tradition to prepare gifts for teachers with their own hands. But, starting to make postcards, it's a good idea to approach the process with a certain amount of humor, creatively. A traditional rectangular piece of cardboard folded in half, with applications and buttons glued on it, is already in the past. Today, masters-manufacturers of cards of unusual shapes are practiced.

With your own hands you can create a rather interesting option, for example, in the form of a wise owl with glasses, with a school pointer and a magazine under the wing. And you can even make a voluminous model of the school with opening doors, with a fence and flowers growing in the yard.

do-it-yourself unusual postcards for Teacher's Day

Postcards for music teachers

Crafts in the form of an open volumetric piano enjoy special love among needlewomen. Crafts looking like a piano look even more attractive.

do-it-yourself postcards of unusual shape

Of course, you have to work hard to get such a beautiful and unusual postcard, made with your own hands from paper and cardboard. But then you can be sure that after the holiday she will not fall into the garbage chute - no one will raise a hand to throw out this masterpiece along with unnecessary trash!

Postcard houses with opening doors

Man is a curious creature by nature. That's why he will definitely like an unusual postcard, made by himself, in which some secret is hidden. And all the unknown is hiding ... right, behind closed doors!

unusual beautiful cards do it yourself

Unusual postcards in the form of houses with doors or sash windows that can be opened and looked inside, are liked by almost everyone. Especially if in the window they see their smiling face. In New Year's cards on the threshold of a miniature hut, the curious meets an animal symbolizing the coming year.

Postcard for student day

As you know, on our planet there is a large group of people who spend their days extremely fun from session to session. Guess who we are talking about? Of course about the students! They even have their own holiday - Student's Day. And how not to make unusual familiar postcards with your own hands to your familiar studios for this day! Only they should be creative: not only reflect this most cheerful and carefree life, but also remind you of an upcoming session.

Since there was a conversation above about all your favorite doors that you want to open in order to see what is hidden behind them, it is worth using this idea. So, in the card for the student must be present attributes indicating relaxation and fun: sneakers, sunglasses, a beach suit, flippers, skateboard. And in the center there is something super-original with doors. For example, for biologists and doctors it could be ... a frog. After all, so many times they have already encountered the preparation of this doubly breathing creature in their classes! And a frog with doors on its abdomen is quite creative and ironic. No need to rip open the belly of an unfortunate reptile, just open the doors.

Simple Kirigami Postcards

Along with scrapbooking, there are other ways to create interesting options for congratulations on paper. The most unusual postcards are made using the Kirigami technique. This method allows you to make crafts by cutting and bending some parts of paper. Thanks to this technique, you can get a three-dimensional structure, which can be folded into a flat postcard.

unusual kirigami cards

The easiest option is a card with butterflies, birds and flowers. On the main sheet, wings or petals are cut out. Then these parts are bent. A second sheet should be located under the base - a bright lining that emphasizes the effect of volume.

Sophisticated Kirigami Postcard Models

Creating a man-made miracle in this way is quite difficult. It is important here not only to be the most accurate master, but also to choose a successful Kirigami scheme.

the most unusual postcards

But the result can be excellent! Using the Kirigami technique, amazing creations are obtained: lovely swans swimming in a pond next to the castle, a magnificent cake, amazing buildings and outlandish animals.

Kirigami is performed either in white or in color. White silhouettes look most effective with backlight. Colored ones also look great under ordinary lighting.

Postcards on dishes, household items or stones

For some reason, most people perceive the word "postcard" in the meaning of "cardboard card." In fact, the meaning of this term is that it is an open appeal. And it can be written on anything.

An unusual greeting card will be a gift mug with a picture. You can even specifically order this at points receiving such orders. One has only to carefully consider the text and plot of the picture, which the masters will put on the subject.

By the way, such items as open greetings can be watches and caskets, the back of a hedgehog comb, a mirror and many others.

Briefly about the main thing

When preparing a greeting card, each master must understand that the most important thing is the ability to convey the feelings that the giver has for the addressee: love, tenderness, respect, admiration, friendship.

The second condition is the creativity of the postcard. The more unusual and original it will be, the more pleasant it is to receive such a congratulation to the addressee. And unusualness is expressed both in the material for making the card, and in its form, and in the technique of execution, and in the plot. And of course, in those words that will express the congratulation itself. There is nothing more expensive than sincere and good wishes addressed to a near and dear person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25070/

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