Sections and circles for children: where to give the child

Organization of children's leisure is the task of parents. Someone believes that the offspring has enough classes at school or kindergarten, so at home the child plays freely, walks with friends. Other mothers and fathers do not allow the heirs to "stagger around", from an early age leading them to dance and chess, English and drawing. Which approach is right? How to choose circles and sections for children so that additional classes will benefit?

Determined for the purpose

All parents want their children to be smart, healthy, skillful, sociable. Giving offspring to the circle, we associate certain expectations with it. There are three goals that pursue dads and mothers:

  1. General development. Parents take their children to classes so that they try themselves in different types of activities, gain new experience and have fun. The child is allowed to frequently change sections, when choosing his current interests are taken into account. Psychologists believe that this approach is the most correct.
  2. High achievements. In such families professional musicians or athletes are raised from the cradle. Additional classes are selected early, based on the abilities of the child or the ambitions of the parents. They have been given the closest attention over the years. If successful, the heir makes a successful career in the chosen field. But it happens that by adolescence, a child gets tired of "strumming" the piano, and a real rebellion takes place.
  3. Correction of various deficiencies. Parents choose a theater club for children to cope with excessive shyness. A fearful boy is given to judo so that he educates his character and learns to give back. It is important here not to aggravate the situation and be prepared in advance for failure, since it is not always possible to remake a child at his own discretion.
girls play soccer

Pluses from extra classes

Do I need mugs for children? Or is visiting them a tribute to fashion? With the right attitude of parents, developing activities and sections contribute to the following:

  • expand the horizons of the child;
  • learn to plan their time;
  • develop communication skills in a new team, allow you to find friends;
  • help the offspring become more disciplined;
  • arming with various skills;
  • promote health, tear children away from televisions and computers;
  • provide an opportunity to identify and develop innate abilities.


However, with the wrong approach, visiting circles and sections for children can turn into a painful "obligation". This happens if:

  • Parents do not take into account the interests of the offspring when choosing classes, insist on their visit, not paying attention to the apparent unwillingness of the child.
  • The schedule is too tight, children do not have free time for games and rest, fatigue accumulates.
  • The child did not agree with the teacher in character, he does not manage to fit into the children's team.
  • Classes are built without age characteristics, their duration is too long.

Mugs for young children

Modern mothers choose additional activities for children almost from birth. In their midst, infants swimming, baby yoga are popular. In developing groups, “one-year-olds” and “two-year-olds” get acquainted with finger games, perform exercises to music, draw, and master the first crafts from plasticine. To this may be added the study of letters on Zaitsev’s cubes.

baby yoga class

Such classes develop well large and fine motor skills, aesthetic taste, imagination, and crumb thinking. However, all these things can be done at home, without risking catching an infection. Kids are very tired of the road, a large number of people around. They are quickly distracted, cannot act according to the rules, are capricious.

Psychologists believe that at this age, communication and games with loved ones are much more important for children. If parents want to unwind, you can go with your child to the pool or to the Montessori group with a rich play environment. Collective classes will be useful if you plan to send the kid to kindergarten. But in general, you can still do without circles while doing creative work, dancing and gymnastics at home.

Mugs for children from 3 years

Younger preschoolers are happy to sing songs, come up with stories, draw "kalyak-malyaki", perform unprecedented dances and show "tricks". The age of 3-4 years is the best time for the development of creative abilities. You can record the crumbs in a circle where an experienced teacher, together with the children, creates crafts from clay, dough, plasticine, paper. At the same time, fine motor skills and speech develop.

kids make crafts

A good choice for music lovers would be a singing or dance club for children. Make sure that all classes take place in a playful way. Kids are not yet ready to sit at their desks and act according to the rules. For this reason, it is not necessary to send children to school preparation courses, where they teach reading, mathematics, and foreign languages.

Creative club can be combined with sports. Great for swimming, aerobics. Forget about competitive sports for now. Kids sincerely consider themselves the best and are extremely painful perceive defeat.

It is important that the selected circles do not violate the usual daily routine. The optimal number of classes is 2-3 for one week.

All in an adult way

The list of circles for a child of 5 years is expanding significantly. You can already start specialized training in drawing, dancing, singing. From the age of 6, children are taught to play musical instruments. In many sports sections, serious training begins. The boy can be given to football or hockey, various types of martial arts, biathlon, karting. Girls will like figure skating, ballet, rhythmic gymnastics. Swimming, tennis, horseback riding - the choice of activities is really great.

Parents should take into account the opinion of the child himself, and not go on about their unfulfilled desires. Sometimes you have to change several sections to find something to your liking. Be prepared for the fact that the baby will not be ready for serious work or that his interests will change over time. It is too early to build far-reaching plans, even if the offspring have obvious abilities for a certain type of activity.

ballet lesson for children

Getting ready for school

By the age of 5-6, developing circles for children, preparing them for school, are becoming relevant. Here, preschoolers are taught to read, write pictures, solve examples, and speak a foreign language. The training program largely duplicates the kindergarten. If you are studying with your child at home or attending a pre-school, you do not need such courses. Another thing is if the domestic baby does not perceive the mother as a teacher.

When choosing a development group, give preference to one where learning alternates with entertainment. Mathematics and gymnastics, drawing and playing with letters, modeling and dancing - preschoolers need versatile development. A good option would be preparatory courses at the school in which the child has to study. This will greatly facilitate further adaptation to the first class.

You are going quietly ...

With admission to school, the child’s life changes dramatically. Most recently, he spent no more than an hour behind books, and now for the sake of them he has to give up games. Do not load the first grader with additional classes until he fully adapts to new conditions.

child judo

You can talk about circles if the child has friends, he easily learns the learning material and has free time. It is better that on weekdays there should be no more than 2 additional classes per week. At the weekend, it is permissible to visit one section located near the house.

To cope with increased mental stress will help dance clubs for children, sports. Stubborn kids can be offered design, drawing, needlework, chess. Take a look at your favorite mug for 2 months, and only then make the final choice. It’s natural for children to change classes and try themselves in different types of activities. There is nothing wrong.

Extracurricular activities for primary school students

Students in grades 2-4 have distinct interests that should be considered when choosing a circle. They are more disciplined, so the number of classes can be increased to 4 hours a week. It is important that the child has one day left completely free from school and additional loads.

robotics club

Children need new experiences. It is useful to combine a variety of activities: intellectual (for example, chess), creative (theater studio) and sports (playing basketball). It’s great if one circle is chosen taking into account the offspring’s talents, and the other will compensate for not so developed qualities. So, a shy child can be sent to team sport, and a fidget to enroll in an art school.

The opinion of parents is very important for younger students. Advertise a robotics club for children, sign up for English courses together. It is very likely that the child will like a promising lesson.

Sami with a mustache

Choose a circle for children 13-16 years old is quite problematic. The point of view of parents is not as important for them as the opinion of friends. At this age, many drop out of classes that they have attended for more than one year. For example, a music school. If this does not happen, the teenager begins to take the chosen activity more seriously. For 40% of children, a hobby turns into a favorite business, which takes a lot of time and energy.

The interests of the rest of the teenagers are diverse, they are looking for themselves. Aerobics, wrestling, programming, tourism, skateboard, model school, photography ... Children can have up to 5 hobbies. At the same time, many tend to abandon their favorite sections when the first difficulties arise, without completing the matter. It is better to agree in advance with the offspring that one of the selected circles will become mandatory for him. So you will develop discipline in the child, accustom responsibility for their own decisions.

lesson in theater tsudiya

Allow or force?

Children are extremely volatile creatures. Yesterday, a son with burning eyes fled to boxing, and today he refuses to go there flatly. What if the child does not like the circle?

If we are talking about a baby under 5 years old, coercion is unacceptable. A child may not be ready for regular classes due to age. Perhaps, after the kindergarten, he wants to stay with his mother, and not rush to choreography. Go to the meeting.

If we are talking about an older child, find out the reason for the refusal and proceed further, proceeding from it. Interest in mugs for children may disappear in the following cases:

  • The child initially did not feel like learning to play the violin, but mom insisted. In this case, admit defeat and let me choose another circle on my own.
  • The road to the section takes a lot of time, the offspring does not have time to eat after school and teaches lessons until midnight. Exceeding the permissible load is very dangerous for health. Leave only one circle close to home.
  • The child has no contact with the teacher or peers. If conflicts arise, go to the teacher, discuss the situation. If the problem persists, change the section without regrets.
  • The daughter likes dancing, but she does not want to endlessly repeat the same element. Children often refuse to attend the club when they are required to make an effort for the result. Agree to take a "trial period". Let the child go to the section until the end of the quarter, for two months, and finally decide on his decision. At the same time, moderate your ambitions and do not demand immediate victories from him.

Mugs for children are a great opportunity to get to know yourself, to find hidden talents, to make the first mistakes, to know the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeat. But do not make an idol out of them, sacrificing a child’s childhood and your personal time. Any additional activities should be fun. Remember this.


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