How to make a stick house

Always wanted to make a house of sticks, but did not know where to start? The article contains 13 excellent ideas on how and from which structures of various types of complexity can be built.

Ice-cream stick hut

house of counting sticks
From junk material sometimes wonderful crafts are obtained, the main thing is to attach a little imagination. For example, you can make a house of ice cream sticks. The construction of this design will be a fascinating activity not only for children but also for adults. The first step is to prepare the material. Itโ€™s not necessary to have a ton of ice cream, you can take sticks in a store or purchase them in packaging products.

How to make a house? Two sticks should be made of sticks. To do this, glue the ribs. Both PVA and a hot gun can be used as a binder. When the two long side walls are ready, you can start making short ones. We make them by analogy. And now you need to assemble the base of the structure. Glue the ribs as shown in the picture. When the foundation hardens, you can detail it. Cut a door in one wall and shape the gables in the shape of triangles. The base is ready, now we should proceed to the collection of the roof. First you need to put the sticks across to create a flooring. On one of the roof slopes, a hole should be cut out for the pipe. We collect it from sticks and erect it in place. The general form is ready, now you can move on to detail. We glue sticks across the roof for decoration, decorate the over-door space and make a blind area. The last of the thin sticks should lay out the window.

Decorative house

house of counting sticks
And what else can be made of waste material? You can build a pendant-house of sticks of ice cream. Make it very simple. We prepare the material and draw a wall pattern. Glue 9-10 sticks together. To keep the structure better, stiffeners should be attached from the back to the top and bottom. As the latter, you can use the same ice cream sticks. We will build the roof as follows: glue two sticks along the ribs, and then glue to each other with a slight overlap at an angle of 40 degrees. At the bottom of the house you can attach a decorative plate. Glue two sticks. Ropes will help to attach them to the lower stiffener. We paint the whole product in a delicate blue color, and then we decoupage with a beautiful napkin. On the bottom plate you should write a wish. A variation of this craft you can see in the photo above. It shows that the house can be made more original. In a similar way, you can create crafts of any complexity, you just have to make a fantasy.

Match House

house of counting sticks
Probably everyone in childhood loved to collect such crafts. And even in adulthood, many make houses out of matchsticks. But the original idea does not always come to mind how to assemble not a normal well, but a beautiful two-story building. Following our instructions, you can pretty quickly make a beautiful home. Let's get started.

First of all, we will assemble the base: we glue two on one match on both sides. We do the same thing again. The base will consist of two parts, but the work should be carried out in parallel. Glue two blanks to each other. Now glue the second layer. Carefully study the picture. To make the house beautiful, you need to place the heads of matches not in a chaotic sequence, but in a clear order. We continue to raise the base to the desired height. It is advisable to make it at least 20 cm. When the base is ready, two pediments should be made. To do this, just glue the matches to one another, and then cut out the triangle from the resulting figure. The pediments are attached to the base. Now lay out the roof. When the house is ready, you need to start detailing. We cut out the door and windows, make two wide balconies. So that the top does not fall on the bottom, it is advisable to glue a few matches that will serve as beams.

Cozy house

house of counting sticks
This design needs to be made from bamboo sticks and ice cream sticks. Carefully look at the picture, but rather print it so that the sketch is always in front of your eyes. How to make a house out of sticks? First, make two wide side walls. We glue together two ice cream sticks. Now it follows from bamboo to make a long and high fence. When it dries, you need to cut it into pieces. Two of them should be 4 cm wide, and one should be 8 cm.

Now we glue everything as shown in the picture. Do not pay attention to windows and doors, they need to be cut last. At the bottom of the wall you need to paste over with bamboo sticks. And it will look interesting if they are toned. Using the same scheme, we assemble the second wall. Now you need to make two short parts of the house. They are simple to make: we glue the ice cream sticks with ribs to each other, and the pediment should be created from thin bamboo rods. We connect the walls to each other.

The next step is laying out the roof. It should be made from sticks of ice cream. Moreover, they need to be laid out not along, but across. Now it is necessary to cut two triangular holes in the roof from two sides. It will be the attic. We cut the cut triangles in half and fasten them with a house, how to do this, you need to look at the picture.

It remains to add decor. We make windows and doors from tinted bamboo sticks, glue them together so that they create a lattice. We cut out the square holes and set the blanks in them. You can make decorative overlays for the roof and windows of the ice cream sticks painted in brown. A house of sticks is ready. Inside this design, you can put a candle so that it illuminates the structure.

Miniature houses

stick house
This building is very similar to the home of the Japanese. A house of bamboo sticks is easy to assemble. A long canvas is made. It consists of thin bamboo sticks glued together. When the workpiece dries, it must be divided into four parts. Two of them should be larger, and two smaller. These will be the walls. We glue them together. From the remaining pattern, you need to cut two triangles, which will have a width equal to the front part. We set the pediments in place. Now you should make a roof. It will overlap with straw, but the frame should still consist of bamboo sticks. We glue the base and put it on the house. On top we spread the roof with glue and decorate it with straw. To the house you need to attach a porch or terrace, surrounding the building completely. Remember to make a railing and cut through the door.

Toy house

sushi stick house
Even a child can create such a creation. After all, using a toy that is made by yourself is always interesting. A small house can be made of ice cream sticks. You need to glue them together 10 pieces. Then assemble a square from the walls. The roof should be done as follows: we construct a canvas from sticks for ice cream and cut out triangles from it. Glue them to two opposite walls. Now, starting with one of them, you need to stick ice cream sticks at an angle of 30 degrees to each other. And fix them flat, and not rib. For beauty, the roof can be crowned with a stick that closes the upper joint. Now you should cut a window in each wall and make platbands. It remains to assemble the door. It is made of four sticks that are attached with ribs to each other. In addition, the door must have an additional three stiffeners. Two of them pass from above and from below, and the third fastens diagonally. As a handle for the door, you can stick a large bead.

Round house

a house of Chinese sticks
Such a cute craft can be made from willow branches. A small house can become a candlestick or just a decorative element of the house. How to make it? First you need to make a base. It is done this way: six branches are connected together, and the seventh will be the chassis. She needs to braid each rib in turn. Such weaving is like swimming along the waves: a hand goes up, braids a twig, and then lowers and braids the next. Thus, you need to build a bottom. Now we extend the wireframe lines. If the twigs were short, they can be increased by imposing an additional willow branch on each nodule. We continue to weave the walls in the same way that the bottom was made.

Having made the product of the desired height, you should finish the base. The running rod must be connected in turn with all the others and fasten the intersection with glue. Now in a similar way you need to make a roof. The difference will be that this part of the product must be shaped like a cone. When the roof is ready, install it on the house and decorate with decorative wicker plates. In the wall of the house you need to cut a window, fix the branches with glue and hide the cut with a wicker border.


a house of wood sticks
Such a house of Chinese sticks can be created only by an experienced craftsman. We will try to repeat this creation. The first step is to make a large workpiece from sticks glued together. From it we will cut out all the details. When the workpiece has dried, you can begin to work. First you need to form the frame of a large house. Cut all its walls from the workpiece. Be sure to remember that two parts must have pediments. We assemble the walls by gluing them together. Now you should put on the roof of the house. It also needs to be cut from the workpiece. The next stage is the creation of the front extension. First, three walls are cut out, attached to the main house, and then a roof is installed. Similarly, you need to create all the extensions. Now you should cut through the windows and doors. The next action is the manufacture of balconies and terraces. Be sure to make a railing and handrails.


a house of bamboo sticks
Such a house of sushi sticks can be built literally in a day. It is based on an octagon. We draw a pattern on paper. Now you need to glue the sticks together, and then cut an octagon from them. The next step is to erect the ribs. To do this, cut the sticks into arbitrary parts and build walls from them, like bricks. When the base is ready, you should raise the poles and connect them with a lattice. Now we make the roof. First you need to make two pediments, connect them with a frame, and then cover the workpiece with chopsticks. On the roof, if desired, you can install a small house. Before the arbor should make a small porch.


how to make a house out of sticks
To create this craft you will need ice cream sticks. We will build a toy house. From sticks stacked ribs to each other, you should glue three walls and the floor. Putting the box together. She should miss one wall. This is done in order to make the house not decorative, but playful. Be sure to make stiffeners at all walls, otherwise the design will be very unreliable. Now you should make a roof. It will look more interesting if it is not straight, but with a small kink. First of all, we build a frame, and then dress it in ice cream sticks. In two walls, you can cut through the windows and make platbands and a frame. Finish the craftsmanship by making a terrace.

Photo Frame

small house
This house is made of ice cream sticks very quickly. To create the crafts, you will need two more wine corks. Cut the sticks in half and glue them together. Be sure to attach a stiffener to the back of them . From two whole sticks we create a silhouette of the roof, and from two more - the base of the house. We glue all the details on a cardboard, the size of the photo you want to frame. The walls of the house must be made either from sticks or from a cork cut into circles.

We collect a house with children

ice cream stick house
If you want to tell your child how silhouettes look, then you can collect them from counting sticks. The house should be done in outline. That is, lay out a small square and supplement it with a roof - a triangle. Do you think this is too easy? But the three-year-old child has a different opinion. Collecting such figures improves fine motor skills and develops imagination.

House of twigs

stick house
If you donโ€™t have ice cream or sushi sticks on hand, and you want to create a craft, you can take a walk to the neighboring park and pick several straight branches there. Which of them can be built? A house of sticks from a tree is made by analogy with all other crafts. The branches stick to each other, creating a long canvas. Two walls with pediments and two rectangles are cut from it. Next, you need to glue the box and cover it with a roof. Optionally, you can cut through windows and doors. Such a house can serve as a New Year's decor. In this case, its roof should be decorated with spruce branches, cones, balls or bells. And the branches of the house should be painted white.


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