Is it possible to have 2 work books at the same time? Why do I need a work book

Can I have 2 work books? This is a very interesting question that many citizens ask. This may be due to the desire to get another job or to hide from the new boss the true reason for dismissal from a previous job. Nevertheless, all citizens need to know that you can have only one work book. This will avoid problems with the law and paying taxes. You will learn more information on this subject from this article.

A little about the main thing

HR book

Can I have 2 work books? This question is asked by most citizens who want to find another job for additional income, but do not want to inform the new boss that they already have a main place of work.

Moreover, very often the leaders themselves do not perceive the information that the subordinate wants to earn extra money at another enterprise. After all, this reduces the level of labor productivity in the main place of work. One way or another, but many citizens start up another work book so that there are no unnecessary questions when applying for another job. But is it legal? In this case, it should be said that no regulatory act currently indicates how many work books a citizen can have. Nevertheless, this does not mean that there should be several. After all, this creates unnecessary problems with the law. Not only can the employee in the department be told that he has submitted false documents to the employer and dismissed from the enterprise, problems with paying taxes arise here at the most unexpected moment for a person.

Where may come from

subordinates and boss

Second work book? How is it that a person worked all his life on one document, and then another suddenly appears in him? In this case, everything is quite simple. For example, if a person was fired at the initiative of the boss from the enterprise, and not at his own request, it becomes clear that then he may have serious problems with new employment. Because not every leader will accept a person who did not cope with his duties at the previous job.

Another reason for the appearance of the second labor may be that, due to the lack of necessary experience, a person could not find a job, and he was not accepted anywhere, so he decided to acquire a ready-made labor with falsified data. In this case, such actions of a citizen can be regarded even as a criminal act. This should not be forgotten.

In addition to the foregoing

worker brought a work book

If we return to the question of whether it is possible to have 2 work books, then it is necessary to say the following:

  • according to the law, this is unacceptable, because for part-time employment this document is not required, and it is not necessary to hide the desire to have additional income from the head of the main place of work (especially if the person is family-owned and has children);
  • if the labor was spoiled, lost, then another document with the inscription "duplicate" is issued in return, and all information about the official activity is entered into it (after receiving the duplicate, the first labor will be invalid).

What could be the consequences

labor book legislation

This is a very topical issue for those who decide to work officially on several documents and then receive a pension. So, if you have two work books, a citizen can violate the law when receiving a tax deduction, which is provided only at one place of official activity. Not only the employee, but also the head of the organization can pay a fine for this.

the manager wants to fire a subordinate

Moreover, if the boss finds out that the employee submitted a forged document to the organization for employment, he will dismiss him under the article. Also, the presence of another citizen is dangerous because he can be attracted for falsifying documents. And this is a criminal offense. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to have 2 work books, we can say that this is not prohibited by law if only one of two documents will be used for employment at the enterprise. Otherwise, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

Who should purchase a work book

Where to buy a work book? This issue is no less relevant at present, because at many enterprises, managers ask future employees to purchase a document for themselves. So, in this case, the actions of the employer contain a complete violation of the Labor Code, but only if the employee has never worked and does not have this document. You need to know about this. In this case, the employer must draw up a work record for the young specialist. This is done within a week after employment.

Where to buy labor

boss and future employee

Sometimes there are situations when the employer still offers the future employee to buy himself a labor at his own expense. Whether or not to appeal such a decision is already a private matter. You can buy a work book in the store at the publishing house (for example, where the city newspaper is published) or in the stationery department. This document is not prohibited for sale, but it can be difficult to find it because many manufacturers of such official documents prefer to personally cooperate with enterprises. However, in practice it is different.

Therefore, if a citizen asks where to buy a work book in order to get a formal job, then he just needs to visit the nearest stationery store. As a rule, the purchase price of this form is not very high.

What the law says

The 225th Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 fully discloses a number of issues related to filling out, maintaining and even storing labor books.

Even in this by-law there is no clear wording that the employee must have a single copy of the document in question. Nevertheless, why is the employee who works part-time another job? After all, the law does not require this. It is enough to bring a certified copy of the work book to the head of the enterprise where the citizen plans to work part-time. This is the order.

Here, I would also like to say once again that, according to the present resolution, a young employee who has never worked before has an employer required to issue a work book. Because this rule is fixed in law.

In addition, if a person has lost his or her labor, then he must apply within 15 days to the head of the organization at the previous place of work with a statement to issue a duplicate of this document. This is the order.

What this document looks like

Currently, the form of the work book has a small format (approximately a quarter of A4 sheet). This document is clad in a hard crust of gray. On top of the cover is the inscription "Labor Book" and the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

cancellation of work books in Russia

There are columns inside this document to fill in information about the employee. Based on the passport, his F. I. O. and date of birth are entered here. Further indicated is the person’s specialty and level of education (entered on the basis of a diploma).

At the next spread, information about the work is indicated (when accepted, order number, number, position), the date of dismissal is also recorded. In addition, information on employee awards is entered in the workbook.

work book form

It is necessary to indicate here that this document contains personal data of a person and should be stored only in the safe cabinet of the organization. You must know about this. As a rule, work books are in the personnel department, although by law they must be kept by the manager.

It is also necessary to say that the form of the work book is approved by the already mentioned Government Decision No. 225 of April 16, 2003.

What is needed for

Currently, only this document will be able to confirm the seniority of the citizen. This means that if a person works informally, therefore, he does not have a work book and in the future he risks losing his pension. It is very important.

It should also be noted here that currently many people even have several work books. By law, this is not prohibited, but not permissible. After all, when appointing a pension, experience will be taken into account only according to one document, therefore, the second one is simply not needed.

Why do I need a work book? This issue is of interest to many young people who are just starting their career in the organization. So, as mentioned above, labor is a document confirming the employee’s official activities and his experience. These data are necessary so that a person can receive a good, decent pension in old age.


Some citizens are currently trying and working on two work books in order to earn good money. Is it legal? Here it must be said that for the performance of official activity at once at two enterprises it is not necessary to have several work books. Because when applying for a part-time job, a citizen does not need one more document confirming his official activities. Enough, as mentioned earlier, its certified copy from the main place of work.

Is it possible to have two work books at the same time? As mentioned earlier, this is not prohibited by law. However, in practice this is unacceptable. Because serious problems can arise with the tax service. Moreover, if it turns out that the employee uses a fake labor, the boss will fire him on his own initiative. So you do not need to have two work books.

Some women believe that if they work on two work books, they will be able to receive maternity benefits from two enterprises at once. But by law, this is unacceptable. Because such actions of the employee will be considered fraud.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to have 2 work books will be negative. Because otherwise, the employee can pay for it not only with the workplace, but even with freedom. Although a direct ban on the conduct of two labor in the law is not provided.

cancellation of work books

On the abolition of work books

Is it planned to cancel this document confirming the length of work of a citizen? Legislators have been talking about this for a very long time, nevertheless, up to now, paper labor books still operate in Russia. Therefore, the employer is obliged to enter in them information about the performance of a person.

The abolition of work books in Russia was planned at the beginning of last year. Nevertheless, at present everything remains unchanged. Moreover, the planned cancellation of the labor document has not received due approval from most employers. Many hired employees were also outraged. Because many of them are simply afraid then to remain without pensions.

Therefore, the abolition of paper work books is still in the project, which until now has not been implemented.


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