How many times a day to feed puppies: nutrition rules and recommendations

Nature has created and prescribed a pattern for the development of a dog in its genetic code. One of them is destined to become champions of exhibitions and become famous, while the other is never to leave the gray mass of relatives. How many times a day to feed puppies so that they grow up full and healthy? This question is especially relevant, because not only the well-being of the dog depends on the composition of the diet, but also on a well-composed daily routine.

Newborn pets

At first glance, there should not be any problems with the nutrition of the puppies - they have a mother who will take care of everything. But do not forget that in some breeds the number of cubs in the litter can reach ten or even twelve puppies, which is the norm for them. Before answering the question of how many times a day to feed puppies after birth, it is worth considering the situation in more detail.

If the cubs are still very small and their mother feeds them, you will need to carefully monitor them. Try to evenly distribute breast milk between them. Put the satiated and asleep puppies to the side, and in their place bring the weak ones to the nipple. Do not give stronger babies to deprive the rest of sufficient nutrition.

In vivo, the weaker would die from a lack of food. But it is in our power to help them survive, because the most active and lively dogs often grow out of them.

In special textbooks, sometimes calls are made for culling the weakest puppies. Perhaps, from the point of view of cynology, this operation is justified, but not everyone is able to take the lives of babies. In this case, the problem of feeding requires an urgent solution in the first days after the birth of puppies.

how many times a day to feed puppies

Feeding newborns

At two weeks of age, the eyes of the babies open, as a result of which their activity increases. The need for energy is growing. By the end of 3 weeks, mothers are trying to take a break from troubled cubs, for which they seek shelter. At this time, puppies need additional sources of calories.

If the mother died or she does not have milk, then the lives of the newborns are in the hands of the owner. Puppies urgently need a nurse or organize meals on their own. In the first days and weeks of life, the basis of their diet is milk. Feed them from the bottle.

How many times a day do you need to feed a puppy of this age? In the first week, milk is given around the clock every 2 hours. The interval is gradually increased, bringing to the end of the first month of life up to 4 hours.

Goat milk or a special substitute is poured into the bottle. The amount is gradually increased from 20 to 100 ml at a time. Puppies are not prone to overeating and stop eating when saturated.

By the third week, liquid cereals are introduced into the diet - an ideal option for the first feeding. Make semolina in milk with a little sugar. Start with 50 g per day, gradually increasing the amount to 250 g. With the introduction of complementary foods, puppies are given water.

Dogs are predatory animals, so the presence of meat in their diet is not only acceptable, but also desirable. Do not give puppies pork and lamb. For this purpose, it is better to use beef, in which there are no fatty layers and films. Babies are first given a β€œbrace”. Gather some meat mass on the finger and offer the baby. The reaction to a new product can be different: some will like it, while others will not even want to try.

The most stubborn smear this mass on the nose or lips, forcing the pet to touch her with his tongue. This is enough to once and for all the puppy has a love of meat. In the future, be careful that the pet along with such a treat does not bite your finger.

how many times a day do you need to feed a puppy

Breed Dependence

How many times a day to feed a chihuahua puppy (dog, terrier, etc.)? A wide variety of dog breeds and their sizes makes us think about the dependence of the diet on these signs.

The nutrition of babies in the first weeks of life will not differ significantly. To wonder how many times a day to feed puppies of York or another breed, it makes sense when they grow up.

Do not forget to include nutritional supplements and vitamins in the diet, their composition and amount depend on the breed. Long-haired puppies benefit from brewer's yeast, large ones use calcium. Specialists of pedigree clubs or veterinarians will help you choose the optimal set of additives.

how many monthly puppies to feed monthly

Puppy ration over 1 month old

Feeding a doggie up to 4 weeks old should not be difficult, because its needs are limited to milk in a bottle. Menu grown pet should become more diverse. How many monthly puppies should I feed? The number of meals for him should be up to five per day with a duration of night sleep of more than 6 hours.

To organize the proper nutrition of a small predator, you will need to prepare a special bowl. It is advisable that it be heavy to prevent accidental tipping over. The container is placed on a stand, the height of which is selected for the puppy: the upper edge of the bowl should be at chest level. In this case, the natural position of the forelimbs and the purity of the ears will be preserved.

Having dealt with the question of how many times a day to feed a monthly puppy, we turn to the description of his diet:

  • White bread soaked in milk.
  • Raw yolk with milk.
  • Low fat cottage cheese up to 20 g per day.
  • Minced meat. Complementary feeding begins with 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Boiled vegetables puree. Start with 50 g per day.

At this age, the pet should not be given fish.

how many times a day to feed a monthly puppy

1.5 month old puppy ration

At the age of 6 weeks, the pet menu consists of the following components:

  • Cow's milk mixed with goat's milk, or separately.
  • Rice, semolina and oatmeal porridge.
  • Sea fish in its raw form.
  • Boiled river fish. Heat treatment is necessary to destroy the contained parasite larvae.

Consultation with a veterinarian regarding the inclusion of vitamins and minerals in the diet is necessary. How many times a day to feed puppies of this age? 3-4 times are enough, however, the amount of food per serving should be increased.

how many times a day to feed a shepherd puppy

Two-month-old puppy diet

By this age, pets no longer receive milk from their mothers when breastfeeding. Puppies begin a period of intense growth, for which they need more calories. Therefore, those animals that were breast-fed, it is necessary to change the diet.

How and how many times a day you need to feed your puppy 8 weeks of age? The number of meals remains at the level of 3-4 per day. The pet menu may be as follows:

  • The minced meat that was previously fed the puppy is replaced with meat pieces.
  • Low fat broth.
  • The variety of cereals increases due to buckwheat, oat and wheat.
  • Dairy products.
  • Berries, nuts and honey give as a good treat.
  • Vegetables.
  • Tomatoes are a great way to prevent the appearance of tartar.

how many times a day to feed York puppies

Diet of a three month old puppy

How many times a day to feed puppies at the age of 3 months? The number of meals is not reduced, dogs are still fed 3 to 4 times a day.

The diet of the animal is as follows:

  • Cottage cheese with cream or sour cream.
  • A variety of cereals.
  • Meat products.
  • The eggs.
  • Fish (raw or boiled, depending on its origin).
  • Vegetables. If the pet does not eat them in their pure form, add pieces of meat to them.
  • Dry berries and fruits.
  • Bread crumbled into broths and crushed vegetables.

how many times a day to feed a chihuahua puppy

Contraindicated Products

The list of products that can undermine the health of a small dog is small. Every breeder should know him:

  • Raw fish from the river.
  • Cheese.
  • Chicken or chicken meat.
  • Sausages.
  • Bones.
  • Salty and smoked food.
  • Grilled meat.
  • Sweets, cakes and other products with a high sugar content.

The exclusion of this food from the puppy's diet will allow you to grow a strong and healthy dog ​​out of it, which will be a true friend for many years. Simple tips and tricks contained in the article will help you not to get lost in the question of how many times a day to feed a puppy of a shepherd dog, mastiff and many other breeds.


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