Murdered: Soul Suspect: Walkthrough Murdered: Soul Suspect in Russian

Murdered: Soul Suspect was released June 3, 2014 for the following platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, and PC. The developer was the American studio Airtight Games, the publisher - the Japanese company Square Enix.

Murdered Soul Suspect: Review

Not every detective manages to solve intricate murders. While searching for the murderer of his lover, detective Ryan O'Connor falls right into the clutches of the killer himself, heroically dying during execution. Of course, the cop is in no hurry to paradise, because he needs to reveal his last business. To implement his plan, Ryan finds a partner-medium, who helps him in the investigation of the crime.

Passage of the game Murdered: Soul Suspect is quite exciting, because the plot turned out to be quite good, with amazing elements of mysticism, tense moments and scenario tricks. The setting is also pretty good. Do not forget that you are a ghost, and therefore some objects of the real world do not need you now. Of course, there are laws in the ghostly world, which boil down to the traps and alternating phenomena of demons. The atmosphere of the afterlife is felt at 100%! Nevertheless, the gameplay in Murdered: Soul Suspect 2014 is quite annoying: the same game situations, the constant search for clues, the infinite introduction of people and animals - all this is terribly annoying after 3-4 hours of play.

Of course, if it were a little harder, playing would be more interesting. But it was not there! For any mistakes made by the player, you are not punished by anything, which practically nullifies the entire detective component. There are also secondary tasks, but they are rather faded. The result is not the most vivid picture: the game has an exciting setting, a good storyline, good sound and nice graphics, but the gameplay, which is the main element of any game, is boring and monotonous. A bit further we will give the full passage of the game Murdered: Soul Suspect.

murdered soul suspect walkthrough

Technical problems

Of course, without this, nowhere. So, if you have problems with the game, compare the specifications of your PC with those necessary to run Murdered: Soul Suspect. Requirements (recommended) for PC:

  • Windows: Windows 7/8 (only 64-bit operating systems are supported).
  • Processor: AMD FX-8000 or equivalent from Intel.
  • Video card: Radeon TM R9 270 / GTX 660.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • DirectX 11.

As for the other problems, as a rule, standard solutions can be applied to them.

1. Murdered: Soul Suspect (PC version) freezes or crashes.

You can solve this problem by installing the latest drivers for your video card and lowering the quality of the graphics settings. Licensees are also encouraged to check the cache on Steam.

2. Murdered: Soul Suspect does not start. There are slowdowns and lags.

Install the latest patch for the game. If the problem persists, then set all the settings to minimum (be sure to turn off anti-aliasing). If all the same, nothing comes out, then you will have to upgrade your outdated PC.

Remember also that Murdered: Soul Suspect does not start on 32-bit OS.

Next, we will talk directly about the passage of the game.

murdered soul suspect game


Immediately specify that if you want to play on a pirated copy of Murdered: Soul Suspect, Mechanics (RG Mechanics) have one of the best repack builds. Use it.

The game begins with clippings of news that will tell us about the maniac nicknamed Ringer. After a small flashback, our hero will fly out of the window, because of which all his life will flare before his eyes: from childhood to the very moment when he becomes a policeman and loses his beloved. We found her killer, but it was he who threw us into the street. By some miracle, Ryan manages to survive, and therefore will have to quickly get to the house. For some reason, we are not able to open the door. Grandma will help us. As it turns out later, we are already dead. The hero will almost be able to return to the body, but the Ringer will shoot Ryan, because of which we will become a 100% ghost.

Follow to the light, where you will meet an ex-girl who will tell about the bridge and unfinished business. In general, they do not allow our hero to go quietly into another world. Then we will be returned to the place of our death, where civilians will scurry in droves, calling for cops and an ambulance. At some point we will notice a girl who needs to be followed to the lane. Since we became a ghost, we now have the opportunity to go through any objects. At a certain point in time, we will be shown a plot movie, after which Ryan will ask questions to the girl, who accumulated over 10 minutes of the afterlife in Murdered: Soul Suspect. Passing in the future will only be more intriguing.

murdered soul suspect mechanics

The death of the hero will be considered a dull cop, which in a split minute will have time to ruin all the evidence. Fortunately, we will arrive in time, educating the thoughtless policeman. Take a look at the diary of Patrol Stewart, and then carefully examine the place of the murder. After collecting the evidence and successfully overheard the conversation, you need to settle in Stuart, again looking in the diary. There we select the final point of evidence mentioning something about weapons. Then move into a girl standing nearby, awakening memories in her. When you collect 8 evidence, think about the situation and run to the house. When you enter it, you will be greeted by another ghost, with whom you can exchange a few words. Go up to the second floor and go into room 4a. Here we need to find evidence that will help us in the investigation. Weapons, mental traces of the girl and the killer, a hole in the wall, Cassandra Foster’s request on the kitchen table. That's all for now. Composing the overall picture of the crime, we understand that the witness, who at the time of the murder was on the run, on the run, and the maniac is in her search. It remains for us to find the witness herself.

We are looking for other evidence: the book "Supernatural" lying on a shelf near the bathroom, as well as a bag with things. After that, go to the policeman and try to view the photo. "Embed" in the brain of the cop, forcing to show the photo using the evidence "Mysterious Photo". Focus and choose the one where the girl with the priest will be. Next, solve a simple task that will let us know that there was a witness, but he managed to escape. Of course, we need to find him. We recall the church. We are going to her.

walkthrough murdered soul suspect


Come to the church. There you will immediately find a priest and a girl. Pass on and dwell in the servant of the Lord, in order to safely pass the trap. Next, we need to get to the attic, which became the girl’s temporary refuge. Once in the next room, move into a cat and run to the right place.

After that, we move into the girl, trying to make her remember the maniac with the help of the evidence “Search for the killer”. Unfortunately, she will push us out of her body for the reason that she herself is a medium. Ask her a couple of burning questions. After some time, the girl will refuse to help us, after which she will try to escape. Catch up with her, move into the cat again and jump out into the street through the window. Next, go to the exit of the church. A trap will interfere here, and therefore you will have to improvise with a poltergeist, with which you should start a vacuum cleaner, attracting the attention of a priest. Possess it and go around the trap. There are 2 demons in the church, which, of course, will have to be dealt with quickly. Move on. Unfortunately, we will not be able to catch up with the witness, because she will have time to disappear. Where could she go? Through the evidence "Note to the mother" we guess that she went to the police station.

Police station

We continue to talk about the storyline Murdered: Soul Suspect. The passage brings us to Ryan's "home" - the police station. Come into the building and examine evidence. When you look through all 9 pieces, a policeman will enter the headquarters and sit down at the computer. Possess it and force to break new facts about the missing tenants. From the same cop you can learn about the arrest of Joy Foster (witness). Now we need to help her. Go into the interrogation chamber, where you turn off the camera and let the girl go. Talk to her about the cops. She will start to be self-willed.

Distract the servant of the order behind the coffee machine, and then continue to use your ghostly essence until the girl reaches the door, which leads to the second floor. There will be another trap. You won’t be able to cross it, but a witness will help us get through it. We find ourselves on the second floor. There will have to distract 2 more police officers. Follow the girl to Baxter’s office. Here you will have to find many clues, including photographs and books. Then pay attention to the missed message and tell Joy to listen to him. Go to the counter with weapons, choosing what is necessary for us. When you solve the riddle with the caches, talk to Joy about it, then take the dossier.

murdered soul suspect not starting

It is also worth mentioning that Murdered: Soul Suspect in Russian sounds simply amazing, and therefore try not to miss the plot clips and atmospheric dialogue of the characters. Next, we urgently need to leave, as the police will begin to search for the missing girl. Distract the cop with the printer and get down to the 1st floor. Talk to Joy and then watch a small video. We leave the site and catch up with the girl. Stop her and prove that it will be difficult for her alone (with the help of the evidence "Note to the mother"). We leave for the cemetery.


At the entrance to the cemetery you will meet an unusual kind of ghost, which is a little girl. Unfortunately, she will immediately disappear among the gloomy tombstones. Here we have to show all our skills as a detective by questioning a ghost sitting nearby. You will find out that he saw something on the shore. We go there and find the corpse of the ghost itself. After a little debriefing, we will see a brief vision that will clearly show us another ghost who saw the victim’s body. Ask Joy to shine on the bushes in the back and pull out the evidence (rope). We recall the evidence "Features of the killings." After that it turns out that Sophia (the ghost of the girl) was watching us, and therefore she would have to follow her, destroying the 3 demons that often appeared in Murdered: Soul Suspect along the way. Passing half of the game behind him, ahead - the remaining 50%.

Later, the girl will lead us to the field hospital, where she will try to talk about something. Unfortunately, she will not succeed, as her mouth is sewn up. Then she will run away again somewhere. Learning to teleport. After one of the unsuccessful attempts, our hero will be right in front of 3 angry demons, from whom he will have to escape using previously studied methods. Having dealt with them, we continue to follow Sofia. As it turns out, she did not run away, but simply led us to a certain place. Go to the tree and select the sound: "Crack". After reviewing a couple of videos, you will learn about some kind of contract. Sophia will begin to freak out and “knock out” us with her cry. Return to Joy to clarify the situation a bit. In her diary, there is a record of a contract that will lead to a surviving madwoman. We are going to a psychiatric hospital.

murdered soul suspect pc

Mental hospital

We continue to talk about what constitutes the passage of the main storyline in Murdered: Soul Suspect. In the hospital you will need to find out the Iris ward. Consider evidence in which you should be interested in a photo of a boy. Move into the duty room and make her remember this photo. Using the monitor, we find out that Iris is in room 216. Hurry up!

On the 2nd floor you have to break the camera so that Joy is not found. Then help her by opening the electric door. Hack the cameras again and distract the orderlies. Then you will split up with your girlfriend. Go around, get into the cat and make your way through the ventilation. On the premises, deal with 3 demons. Go around the rest of the traps and obstacles in order to meet Joy. Hack locks so that the medium can go further. Do not forget about the cameras! After all this, we get into ward 216 and watch the video. View some drawings. The correct answers in the picture with the hounds will be: "chase", "torture". With bells: "bell-ringer", "burned at the stake". With sisters: "2 girls", "communication". After analyzing this, we can conclude that Iris had a sister who gave her life in the name of her salvation. A little later, she will appear before us under the guise of a burning ghost, and after a short conversation will help us escape. The next clue is the museum.

Museum of History

Entering the museum, we immediately begin the search for new evidence. You will find the first on the table, the second at the pillar, after you solve the next riddle (rose, burned, torture), the third on a bloodied stone. The latter is much more difficult to get. First, focus on the gallows by choosing a hatch. Secondly, consider the picture with the estate painted on it, analyze the shameful chair. When the hero considers all the exhibits, he will conclude that the Ringer killed his victims as if he were cracking down on witches. Then rise to the 2nd floor, where we will have to wait for another barrier - a ghost in the form of a train. With the help of teleportation and short dashes, you still get to the desired floor, where you will meet Joy. Together with her, go to the hidden exhibits and focus on the medallion, thanks to which you will learn interesting information about mediums.

When you find all the necessary evidence, make a logical chain: a sign from the picture, a board of mediums and a medallion. The only suspect is Baxter. We are going to his apartment, leaving the museum. But it was not there. First, demons interfere with us, and after we hear the conversation of 2 women, who claim that some kind of incident happened in the church. Remember, we sent Joy there. In this regard, we postpone the trip to Baxter’s apartment and rush to the church at all times.

murdered soul suspect in Russian

Church 2

Joy was already trying to get into the building, but the cops caught her. Fortunately, this is no longer our concern. We go into the church and destroy the demons. Next, we go through one of the doors on the right, after which we lure a policeman and move into it in order to avoid harmful traps. In the courtyard you will find the corpse of Iris, which, unfortunately, you could not save. Next, we again look for evidence that will help us get on the maniac. First, analyze the fact of the death of Iris. Next, we will be shown a small movie, after which we should go to the second floor, where you will notice a few more corpses. Move into the surviving victim, making her remember the last minutes of Iris's life. After we go to the attic in search of a couple more clues. Look at the photo found. Then recreate the scene of the murder, realizing that the maniac came for the life of Joy, not Iris. When you touch the cat, you will understand that the Ringer has lost something. Move into the animal and climb into the ventilation in order to get the key from there. Thanks to him, you will remember the House of Justice. We go to him, having figured out the demons along the way.

House of Justice

A police car will be parked near the building , which means that Baxter is most likely here. Go to the second floor and go into the secret room. Inspect everything here thoroughly in order to find all the evidence: newspaper costs, trophies of victims, map of the killings. A click will be heard at some time. Get down to the basement, sorting out the demons along the way. After a few hassles, we go even further, where you will notice the corpse and the ghost of Baxter. We ask him important questions, after which we send him to Kassandra. We ourselves remain to search for evidence: a sign, a bed, shackles, candles. We put all this into a single picture and understand that Abigail is the same killer. Of course, we need to find him very quickly. When you head to the exit, you will hear a conversation on the walkie-talkie and find out that Joy and Rex are missing. We hurry to the museum.

murdered soul suspect requirements

The final

The game Murdered: Soul Suspect, the passage of which was quite intense, came to an end. The museum will be full of traps, and therefore you need to be extremely careful in order to safely circumvent them. As it turns out, the maniac moved into Rex, trying to hang Joy. You will have 20 seconds to make a decision. Go through traps and move into a girlfriend. Use the Loud Scream evidence to expel the ghost of the killer from Rex’s body. The maniac will be quick, and therefore still try to kill Joy. Run up to him and grab the hand. Watch the video and ask burning questions. The end!


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