English nicknames for dogs with translation. How to choose a name for the dog?

When a person acquired a puppy and brought him into the house, then, of course, one of the main questions becomes what to call him. If you start accustoming the animal to the nickname from the very beginning of communication with him, then you can thus form a strong connection between the pet and its name.

There is a huge selection of nicknames for dog girls and boys. However, even knowing the sex of the animal, it is sometimes difficult to determine the name. It is best to use names from two syllables. This will allow the pet to quickly remember the nickname and, accordingly, respond to it. In addition, it should not be consonant with the names of relatives or other animals. Consider the options for nicknames, as well as their characteristics.

nicknames for boys

Nickname Requirements

The dog perceives the same frequencies of sound as the person, and is also slightly higher. The maximum hearing threshold for these animals is 70 thousand Hz. If you choose the right nickname for a boy or girl, then she can hear her even at a distance of up to 50 meters.

The dog is deaf at birth, and this condition lasts up to 2 weeks. Then she begins to distinguish high frequencies, including the peep of her relatives. And already by three weeks the dog begins to hear voiced consonants in the person’s speech.

An adult pet is able to hear all sounds, but some are normally perceived by him, while others act annoyingly on him. As for the length of the nickname, it can initially be huge, but in practice it will still come down to 2-4 syllables. So it will be easier for the dog to remember his name, and it will be easier for the owner to pronounce it.

english nicknames for dogs girls with translation


Lovely English nickname for a dog-girl. The meaning is "good." An animal with this name will have a solid character, it can always stand up for itself and for its owners. Compliant. The animal is quick-witted, easily trained. It can be easily taught to bring slippers, carry a bag. Moreover, the dog at such moments does not feel offended. He doesn’t pay special attention to outsiders, but it’s better not to touch her again. The dog is highly susceptible to the owner's voice. If he feels guilty, he does not snarl, but tries to ask for forgiveness - he pinches his ears and wags his tail.

If a person thinks about how to name a shepherd, poodle, terrier, then this nickname is the very thing.

male nicknames


This nickname is suitable for males. The meaning is "man." The dogs that are named are touchy and nervous. They are strongly attached to the owners, do not tolerate separation from them. Forgiveness is hard to forgive. They do not like it when they shout and swear at them. The so-called dog is obedient and disciplined. It can be used as a watchman. If Adam got lost during a walk, then you should not worry - he will certainly be found. It can be used in the work of the police.

If the owner is thinking about how to name a shepherd, dog, or wolfhound, then this nickname is perfect.


The meaning is “strong”. Such a dog is stubborn, restless, unbalanced, so it is better not to lead it outside without a leash. He does not like small dogs and cats. Will be a great watchman. More attached to the hostess. The dog is emotional and curious. When she comes to a new house, she will certainly examine all corners.

He likes to play with children, but may not pay attention and accidentally bite the child’s hand. That is why you need to take care of the dog without fail. It should be strict with her, but it is better to refuse physical punishment. You need to teach discipline literally from the first days, because the dog is masterful. Irma is jealous.

If the owner can not choose what to call the husky, Spitz, bull terrier, Doberman, greyhound, dog, shepherd, then you can stop at this nickname.

what to call a husky


The meaning is “man” or “man.” A good nickname for a male dog. He is proud and freedom-loving. Has self-esteem. The dog can be difficult to train, if she does not want to do something, then it is unlikely to force her. Not particularly in control of his strength and actions, may bite. The dog is vindictive, but smart, understands when it has done something wrong. It is necessary to abandon the physical impact on the Baron, as this can lead to aggression from the dog. The Baron does not trust strangers, but just never barks. He doesn’t like children.

If it's hard to choose what to call a husky, bull terrier, shepherd, rottweiler, doberman or bulldog - this option is ideal. Especially if the dog from childhood shows its character and snarls.


The meaning is "god." A wonderful nickname that characterizes a dog with a difficult character, but affectionate and gentle. It can be easily trained, but you need to properly approach this process. The dog does not like rough treatment, affectionate attitude is much more effective. Accepts only one owner, ignores others or treats them down.

This name is rare and beautiful for a dog. It represents an emotional puppy, restless, requiring attention to itself. Lizzy loves children. Patient. Without the consent of the owner, the dog never shows aggression. Lizzy is secretive, but this does not mean that she cannot be pissed off. If this succeeds, the dog will be uncontrollable. She often gets into fights, so the owner will have to stop her. Likes active workouts. I do not like to drive in a car. The dog also does not like to be alone in the apartment. Perfectly feels evil people and does not allow them to come to him.

This English nickname for a dog is suitable if it is of the following breed: dog, shepherd, boxer, greyhound, bulldog, collie.

how to name a dog


The meaning is “God's favor.” This nickname is ideal for both thoroughbred dogs and yard dogs. The dog is kind and flexible, hardy, able to endure pain. The watchman will be great. It will be difficult to train, because the dog is stubborn. However, if you persistently seek obedience from him, then the results will be excellent. It gets along well with children.

This nickname is suitable for a boy if they belong to the list of large guard dogs - a shepherd, wolfhound, saint bernard and so on.

Dog name


The meaning is "news." A dog with such a nickname is vulnerable, it is hard going through resentment. But he does not like revenge. If the master hits her, then she can run away. In childhood, the dog named so cute and cute. He likes to gnaw furniture, as being a puppy, so already in adulthood. To wean her from a bad habit, you will have to make considerable efforts.

Requires strict appeal to yourself. If Vesta feels that the owner is weak, then she will definitely take a leadership position. Walking such a dog without a leash is better not worth it, as it can pick it up from the ground. Vesta is smart, she is worth training with a professional. It can put pressure on pity, portraying pain if the situation requires it. It’s difficult to educate.

This English nickname for a dog is suitable if it is a terrier, shepherd, bulldog, as well as a dog of service breed.

dog names in English


The meaning is “God is salvation.” A dog with such a nickname will have a complex character. He constantly wants to show his leadership, for this he has to be punished. However, the dog is touchy. In order not to have difficult situations in the future, it is better to teach discipline from childhood. This dog name is perfect.

Walking with him is best without a leash. So the dog will actively play and completely splash out all its energy. Thanks to this, the dog will behave calmly in the apartment or in the house. If the animal lives in a kennel, it shows independence, but most often such an English nickname for a dog is given if it is domestic. John is better trained if he was born in the fall. Easily perceives any weather conditions, but most of all he likes warmth and sun.

This nickname is suitable for large dogs like Terrier, St. Bernard, Great Dane and so on.


The meaning is "belonging to the Lord." Another beautiful nickname for a dog. It sounds great in English, so use it often. Such a dog is complex, characteristic, troubled, emotional. He loves the hosts a lot. As for training, she easily remembers everything, but she does not like to play with children and rarely lets other people out. It is better not to walk this dog without a leash, as its reaction to certain people can be completely unpredictable.

Dominica is proud, requires respect for herself. It can “work” as a watchman, as it hears perfectly even even barely noticeable rustles and sounds. Barking without special need does not start. At home, the dog grows spoiled. It easily earns leading places at competitions and exhibitions, but can be very worried if the owner is not happy with it.

This English nickname for dog girls (translation above) is suitable for thoroughbred representatives - boxers, rottweilers, shepherd dogs, briards, gordons and so on.

names for dogs are rare and beautiful


The meaning is twins. Lovely nickname, which is suitable for domestic and thoroughbred dogs. The dog is melancholy, kind, easy to learn. Often Tom performs in a circus. Sometimes a dog can be too energetic, emotional.

On a walk, it is better to lead only on a leash, because it can throw itself at a cat, another dog. The dog is lazy, loves to eat. A dog who has received this English nickname for a dog always greets his master. He will not let a stranger into the house. Tom smart, calmly and quickly able to calculate all the weaknesses to manipulate the owner. She doesn’t really like children, but she can play if there is a mood.

If it is difficult for the owner to choose a nickname for the dog of a shepherd, bulldog or St. Bernard, then you can stop at this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25086/

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