Top 10 RPG games: review. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Diablo 3. Fallout 4 and others

The RPG genre has existed for almost as many years as the gaming industry has developed. Probably, in no other genre will a gamer find as much variety of mechanics, universes and stories as there are in role-playing projects. In this article we will consider the top 10 RPG games of various kinds. There will be both the most popular options and older projects, but not lost their relevance.

TES V: Skyrim

This game is the first thing that comes to mind to a wide audience when mentioning this genre. The continuation of the legendary series was released in 2011 and immediately won the hearts of millions of players. A huge open world, random events, a great story about a dragon-born hero who, by all the laws of the genre, accidentally falls into the center of events and just as casually learns about his elitism. Hundreds of quests, sets of weapons, abilities, pumping options and much more. You can spend more than one hundred hours in the game just traveling and exploring the area - talking with random characters, reading books, collecting resources, clearing dungeons.

TES V: Skyrim

However, the minuses in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, unfortunately, could not have done. Many players scold the weak and short plot, as well as bad dialogs. However, this does not hurt to enjoy the gameplay if you have never played Skyrim before.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

It was impossible to do without the series The Witcher. The third part is mentioned in the top, since it collected the best practices of the first two, and also acquired a huge open world, which is simply nice to be in. In addition, it can be supplemented with the previous parts to completely immerse yourself in the local history and get acquainted with the characters. In a word, the project is not in vain included in the top 10 RPG games. The spirit of Slavic fantasy, relations between heroes, issues of life that are relevant in our world as well - players will certainly not be disappointed. This game is not in vain considered one of the best, and not only in its genre.

Fallout 4

It is the fourth part of the series that hit the top for only one reason - it is the most modern, so it will suit beginners. Classic Fallout 1 and 2 came out more than 20 years ago, part 3 and New Vegas are also outdated. Therefore, for dating, it is best to try the game Fallout 4 on a PC. The series has become simpler, more understandable, but much more colorful and dynamic. The developers mixed good shooting, leveling the hero and an interesting non-linear plot.

Game Fallout 4

Investigating a game card can take up to 100 hours. The series is also notable for the hardcore mode, in which you take increased damage, need food, water and so on. It is recommended that you start on this difficulty if you have experience in RPG.

Dark souls 3

Let's move on to more difficult projects to master. The Dark Souls series in terms of gameplay is repeated from the first to the third part, so you can choose to familiarize yourself with any of them. Japanese developers have created a game that does not forgive mistakes. Any careless movement, incorrect pumping of the hero by 100% will lead you to a dead end or permanent death. The main feature of the series is battles with great bosses, each of which requires its own approach. The best feeling you can get in Dark Souls 3 is the feeling of victory over the strongest boss.

Dark souls 3

Also worth noting is the chic work with sound and game design. Each location is remembered, the appearance of monsters and bosses is difficult to confuse with template enemies from other games. However, fans of casual walkthroughs will be dissatisfied: here you will not be able to quickly run through the plot and abandon the walkthrough. The story is served in pieces through rare descriptions and even more rare characters. But there is no choice at all.

But this series cannot be added to the top 10 RPG games, as it is a counterweight to a huge number of "European" projects with their epic stories and simplified gameplay.

Mass effect

All previous games were from the category of fantasy, and now we look at RPGs in space in the literal sense of the word. The trilogy tells of the fate of Jack Shepard, who is in the center of events for the destruction of the universe. As usual, the hero will have to assemble a team, make a choice between good and evil, and also spend tens of hours exploring the planets. The basis of the gameplay and concept did not change from part to part, but in the game Mass Effect 3 the graphics and shooting mechanics were noticeably improved, which fans of the first part complained about.

Mass effect

Fans love Mass Effect for their bright heroes, interesting basic and additional tasks, as well as the opportunity to establish relationships with some partners. Against the background of these advantages, slightly curved mechanics and limited locations look insignificant.


This series is fundamentally different from the above games. If all the submitted projects are RPGs from the third or partially from the first person, then the Diablo series is an isometric game. We highlighted Diablo 3, the reviews about which, by the way, are rather bad from the fans of the project, since it is best suited for beginners. The first two parts were created on a 2D engine, so it is unlikely that modern gamers will like it if they are not fond of the classics of the genre. The essence of the gameplay is the methodical killing of thousands of monsters, leveling the character and killing bosses. Almost all control is carried out using the mouse and keys that are responsible for strikes or spells. Periodically, developers update the seasons and release add-ons, which fuels interest in this project. At the moment, you can play Diablo 3 on new consoles, personal computers and the Nintendo Switch portable console.

Diablo 3

Dragon age

The top 10 RPG games returns to fantasy projects, since it is this topic that is the most common in the genre. The first two parts of the series are currently classics, and the third is aimed at a younger gamer, which fans of the game didn’t really like.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

In terms of gameplay and mechanics, this project is the ideological heir to Baldur's Gate, which, in turn, came from board card games. The gamer collects a squad of several diverse characters, combines their spells, uses a tactical pause to balance forces before the battle. At the same time, the entire game is made in the style of action - you can independently move around and leave the decisions of partners to artificial intelligence. Fans of the series also appreciate these games for their variability and elaborate stories of secondary characters. An important role is played by the role system. If the conditional The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt uses a book universe with characters from which there are no deviations, then in Dragon Age the player creates his character from scratch and can completely influence the fantasy world.


The Fable series also refers to fantasy, but has a more fabulous focus, which can be judged even by the name of the project. At the heart of the gameplay is the idea of ​​maximizing the character's qualities. All actions that the player performs affect not only the reputation in the game world, but also the main character. We begin the journey through a fairy tale from the hero’s childhood and walk a difficult path with him side by side. It depends on the player who the character will become, how they will relate to him and what it will lead to, since the hero is a key element in the history of saving the world.

The detail and sophistication of Fable can be envied by any modern game. Therefore, this RPG in the top 10 games definitely deserves its place.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

The only and unique RPG about vampires. For this, you can forgive the project for outdated graphics, mechanics and clumsy animations. Also, the entire game world is divided into small locations - but the developers had to go because of the limitations of the game engine. The game tells the story of a hero who is investigating the mysterious appearance of an ancient artifact in the center of modern Los Angeles. Along the way, you become a member of a showdown between local mafia groups, and also reveal several conspiracies. All this happens right under the nose of ordinary people, so the atmosphere and theme of the secretive nightlife is perfectly conveyed.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines


The last game in the top 10 RPGs is the Gothic series. Many gamers love her for complete freedom of action. Here you can completely abandon the plot and go about your business. If you wish, you can do robberies or become an ordinary fisherman. Due to their age, games in this series will be difficult to learn, because they don’t explain the basics to the players, don’t mark quest tasks on the map and so on. If you are not afraid of the difficulties and waste of time exploring the world, then be sure to check out Gothic.


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