Emma Darcy: Modern Love Stories

Do you like to while away reading something “easy”, with beautiful characters, a bit of drama, a sea of ​​romance and a mandatory happy ending? At the same time, you prefer not historical realities, but modernity? Then you might be interested in the novels of Emma Darcy. On the pages of her books, charming men fight for the attention of strong-willed women, Cinderella become princesses and everyone finds their happiness, despite the barriers that arise on the way.

Emma Darcy writes all books very emotionally and sincerely, without tormenting the heroes once again and not creating a drama from scratch.

To some, this kind of literature seems to be nothing more than rubbish and chewing gum for the brain, but sometimes you want to escape from everyday routine into a beautiful invented world. Emma Darcy provides her readers with a similar opportunity. After all, everyone loves fairy tales.

emma darcy

A bit about the author

Initially, under the pseudonym Emma, ​​Darcy hid the tandem of the authors - a married couple from Australia - Wendy and Frank Brennan. Oddly enough, but both spouses took an active part in writing books, and not just Wendy.

It all started, like many novelists: Wendy met Frank, married him, became an exemplary mother and housewife. And at some point I became interested in reading romance novels. Perhaps, in order to distract from the routine, the influence of the sister, the writer Miranda Lee, may have affected. As a result, there was a desire to create something of their own, Frank supported the idea of ​​his wife, and in 1983 the first joint novel of the spouses was released. The book received good reader reviews, and Emma Darcy began writing 6 love stories a year.

emma darcy

In 1995, Frank Brennan passed away, but Wendy decided not to quit her favorite business and continued her career alone.

Emma Darcy: Love Stories

The novelist has written more than 64 books, so deciding and choosing the right story can be a bit difficult. It all depends on personal preference. But so that expectations are met, try starting with books from a top compiled by readers. Below is a selection of the most popular novels written by Emma Darcy.

emma darcy all the books

"Angel with a billboard"

If your girlfriend is badly unlucky with men and your personal life is still not getting better, then you also should not relax. Angie Blessing was convinced of this from her own experience one “beautiful” morning. Seeing your face on an advertising banner in the center of your hometown is not a sight for the faint of heart. Thanks to the friend who mixed up the photo. Or really thanks? After all, it is this mistake that will give the girl a meeting with the dream man.

“Trust in fate”

Emma Darcy has written many good romance novels, but this majority of readers consider the author to be the best of the best.

Emma Darcy novels

Do you believe in fate? In the likelihood that you will have a rare chance to meet exactly "your" person? Susan did not particularly believe in this, until she accidentally collided on the porch of the medical center with Leith Carew. Their eyes met only for a moment, but a strange feeling appeared. What is it? Intimacy or just sexual attraction? Fate or a momentary whim? To understand, Susan will have to take a chance. But the game is definitely worth the candle.

"Robin's song"

The robin has a pleasant voice, but discreet plumage, and because of this, the bird remains inconspicuous among its bright friends. So was Jenny Ross, nicknamed Robin: she could not boast of either a model appearance or charisma. But she composed and performed songs. Of course, about love. There was a blessing and object of sighing. And when Robert Knight drew attention to Jenny and offered his help, the girl decided that at least he liked. But is this really the case, or does Robert need something else?

"The full moon of love"

Is one day able to change life? And one night?

Having met at a family holiday, Zach and Katherine decide to continue their acquaintance and spend the night together in Lovers' Bay - a romantic place on the ocean. The next morning, young people break up, confident that they will never see each other again and what happened is nothing more than a game of hormones. However, life does it differently and gives them another chance. Just if they want to continue communication already at a new, serious level ...

emma darcy romance


Emma Darcy creates beautiful tales about modern Cinderella, who will certainly meet her Prince. This story is another example of such novels.

What you just won’t do for work! Jenny Kent, for example, had to name her deceased girlfriend. Just calling herself Isabella Rossini, the girl can paint portraits of tourists in the Italian quarter of Sydney. And everything went fine until a guy appeared who claimed to be her cousin. But just who exactly: Jenny or Isabella?

“A woman worth the wait”

Fall in love with your own boss? And why not, if he is handsome, smart and rich. Moreover, you can’t order the heart. That's just the boss Elizabeth does not pay attention to his subordinate. But his brother is trying for two to attract the attention of the beauty. And it is not clear how this story would end if Sister Elizabeth did not intervene in the love triangle. Only the eccentric Lucy helped the young people finally to figure out their own feelings and take a step towards each other.

trust the fate of emma darcy

"All the colors of happiness"

Jake Carter is a young and successful businessman, a kind of modern prince on a white horse. He does not doubt a bit of his own irresistibility and popularity among women: handsome, rich, single - all the components of success are there. Imagine the man’s surprise when the next woman remained completely indifferent to his charms. And James decides to conquer the impregnable stubborn by all means. Can Amy resist when the virtuoso is seduced to get down to business? Or will James not resist?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25102/

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