Exclusive clothing for cats: you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands!

Nowadays, a lot of pet stores offer a variety of clothes for pets: a variety of textures, patterns and colors are simply mesmerizing. But such things are not cheap.

knitted clothes for cats

Whim or vital need

Not every owner can afford to buy, for example, a cat's sweater for 1000 rubles or more. And the sky-high price doesn’t bother others at all, because they want their pet to look exclusive, wear outfits that cannot be seen on anyone else’s pet.

In both cases, there is an amazing way out - do-it-yourself clothing for cats stitched. Moreover, for some breeds this is not a whim, but a real necessity! For example, short-haired cats freeze in the winter. Wounded animals are worn so that they do not lick the ointment from the wound. It is easier for pregnant women to bear their offspring if their stomach is supported by a knitted blouse.

Clothing is also needed for exhibitions. The originality of the model gives more chances to win.

It's not that complicated

How to sew clothes for a cat? You can turn to professionals, or you can try it yourself. Today, manuals on the topic like “DIY clothing for cats” are not so small, but you can buy them all in the same pet stores. Therefore, if you are familiar with the technique of knitting, and even love to needlework, good luck! If not, do not despair. Mastering certain skills is not at all difficult. Anyone can do it. It is enough to devote a little time to the educational process and show perseverance and patience.

We select the option

how to sew clothes for a cat

Carefully select the materials from which the model will be made. The fabric should be practical, lightweight, washable well. Knitted clothes for cats - ideal.

It is important not to forget that various hooks, buttons, rivets can damage the delicate skin of the animal. Therefore, if you really want to use additional jewelry, let them be out of the reach of the cat.

Carefully ensure that the clothes are not narrow and do not rub the skin of the pet. In addition to the risk of damage to the skin, this restricts the movement of the animal. Cats get used to a convenient and easy attire quickly.

If the cat is already adult, and before that she went without a dress, then it is better to start accustoming her to clothes with short models: vests, blouses without a collar, etc. Over time, it will be possible to wear longer options. In addition, she herself will soon realize that it is warmer and more comfortable, especially in the cold season. And the clothes for cats, made with their own hands, are also pleasant for the eyes of the owner!

We knit ourselves! Clothes for cats

crochet clothing for cats
You can crochet quite interesting and original gizmos with a hook. Do you want - openwork, for summer walks, want - dense, practical. Depending on the type of clothing (winter / summer), a pattern, model and yarn are selected. Do not forget to take measurements from your pet. Choose a hook according to the thickness and density of the threads.

The pattern of the future product can be drawn by yourself, using your imagination. Or take a ready-made version - there are plenty of schemes in magazines. Measurements are necessary to be sure that the finished thing will definitely suit your pet directly. Be sure to measure the length of the back and girth of the tummy.

First stage

For starters, you can knit a simple sweater. His pattern is extremely simple. Draw the letter "T", where the vertical stripe is the length of the sweater, and the horizontal serves as the sleeves of the front legs.

It is better to choose soft yarn designed for knitting clothes for little children. Then you will be sure that the hair will not prick the kitten’s body. Fifty grams of yarn will be enough.

We knit a cloth continuously, starting from the back. First you need to knit an elastic band (three to four centimeters), then go to the armhole with the pattern you like, after which we knit everything else. Close the loops first on one side, knit further, close the loops on the other side. And so on to the neck.

Second phase

We knit the neck in the same way as the elastic at the beginning of work. To do this, tie the loops from the first shoulder, then close all the neck loops (four to five centimeters).

We knit the loops of the second shoulder - about three centimeters. We return to the first, we also knit three centimeters. Again, we collect the neck loops - about five centimeters - and combine the resulting part.

Third stage

We finish knitting the front with an elastic band of three centimeters. The aperture and neck are also better designed in this way. In this case, the width of the gum should be slightly smaller - about two centimeters.

DIY clothing for cats

Vest and hat for your pet

In the same pattern, you can imagine how to sew clothes for a cat. This requires fabric or fur. You just need to round the armholes and leave a little more room for the fastener.

The vest is cut in one piece. Be sure to trim the fabric with braid or any other trim in the places of the neck and slots for the paws so that it does not spill. On the side it is best to make a Velcro fastener - this is the best option for cat decoration.

A wonderful addition to such a blouse will be a knitted hat. For its manufacture, it is still necessary to take measurements from the head: girth, distance between the ears and the length from the frontal to the occipital. The same letter “T” is suitable for the scheme, where the horizontal line is the radius of the head, and the vertical line passes between the ears and finally connects to the horizontal one.

And finally

how to sew clothes for a cat
Clothing for cats, sewn with your own hands, is very practical, beautiful and exclusive. Be sure to try to simulate something for your pet! But! Before dressing the animal, please note the following facts:

1. Accustom your pet to clothes gradually. If you put a jacket or hat on an unprepared beast, it will be very stressful for him. Everything has its time! He should get used to the outfit, and not perceive clothes as something that interferes with movement.

2. Do not change things too often.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25103/

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