Terry Purslane

Terry purslane is an annual plant that can be grown even on poor sandy soils. Ideal for decorating rockeries and borders, it grows well in balcony drawers and garden flowerpots. Purslane has small fleshy leaves, sometimes a reddish hue. Terry flowers have a diameter of 2.3-3 cm and a variety of colors: bright orange, yellow, cream, white, red. Terry purslane can be with two corollas. The most popular varieties are Double Mix, Splendens and Belotsvetkovy. On dry soils, these varieties of purslane may well replace the lawn.

Purslane terry: cultivation

Terry purslane is sown in a sunny place, otherwise the plants may not bloom. Indoor purslane is placed on the sunny windowsills of the southern direction. Terry purslane is a heat-resistant plant. Since the variety is grown as an annual, then with a decrease in temperature there are also no problems. Purslane should be watered regularly, especially during dry and hot periods, and stagnation of water should be avoided. Just like terry almonds, purslane is resistant to pests - insects and diseases. In some cases, the plant is affected by fungi, which is expressed in deformation of the shoots and the appearance of spots on the leaves. It is necessary to remove the damaged parts, and then carry out the treatment with fungicidal preparations.

Purslane needs good lighting and direct sunlight - this is a guarantee
abundant and beautiful flowering. The optimum temperature for growing
Purslane - 21-26 ° C. The plant practically does not need top dressing, purslane
grows well on poor soils. You can sow purslane at the end of February.
Sow seeds at a temperature of 20-24 ° C in mini-greenhouses in bright light. With insufficient lighting, the plants are very elongated. A small amount of seeds can be sown in small plastic pots. At the bottom you need to pour a layer of sand and fine gravel, and then an earthen mixture, which should not contain organic fertilizers and peat. You can add a little sand and charcoal to the earth mixture. Pots put in a pan with settled water at room temperature. Watering with hard water dramatically reduces the germination capacity of purslane seeds. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, they are pressed a little and immediately put in a greenhouse. Crops can be kept on the sunny balcony.

Plants with several leaves and a height of 4-5 cm are planted in flowerpots and boxes. Purslane seeds remain viable for three years. To propagate the most successful specimens, use cuttings. In this case, the mother plants are kept in cool places in winter. Purslane blooms with single flowers of a wide variety of colors.

All over the world, purslane is grown as an ornamental plant. In most varieties, flowers open only in the afternoon in the sun, however, some varieties of terry purslane are also open in cloudy weather. These are varieties such as Cloudbeater, Sunglo and Sundance.

One of the new varieties is Terry Mango. This annual forms neat little rugs entirely covered with silky exquisite flowers that have a very high degree of terry. This variety of purslane adorns rock gardens and flower beds at a time when nature is still not happy with lush flowering. The color scheme is represented by various shades. The variety is quite resistant to diseases and pests. The only problem is fusarium, which is caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium. The cause of the disease is excessive watering of the plant. The leaves in this case begin to turn yellow and dry. It is necessary to provide good drainage and less abundant watering.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25104/

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