Fungicide "Ridomil Gold": instructions for use, reviews

In order to protect plants from the development of various kinds of fungal diseases, agents called fungicides are used. One of the most commonly used drugs of this type is Ridomil Gold. Instructions for use are extremely simple. The powder purchased in a specialized store is dissolved in water, after which the plants are treated by spraying. Of course, when using the drug "Ridomil Gold", as well as when using any other chemical agent, you need to follow the recommendations for dosages, as well as observe personal safety measures.

Description of the drug

Ridomil Gold is a systemic contact action fungicide marketed in the form of powder or water-dispersible granules. Its main active ingredients are metalaxyl (8%) and mancozeb (64%). The first acts systemically, that is, it penetrates into the tissues of plants, providing complete protection for all parts, from the roots to the fruits.

Ridomil Gold instructions for use

Metalaxyl settles on the surface of leaves and stems. This double protection prevents the re-development of the fungus as a result of its adaptation to chemicals.

The drug "Ridomil Gold" refers to the second class of danger to humans and the third to bees. In no case should it be allowed to get into water bodies, since it acts destructively on fish.

What can be used for?

Most often, the drug "Ridomil Gold", the instructions for the use of which will be discussed below, are used for prevention:

  • late blight and alternariosis of tomatoes or potatoes,

  • peronosporosis of cucumbers and onions,

  • grape mildew.

Ridomil Gold is very effective against peronospore fungi. From powdery mildew it is not used.

ridomil gold instructions for use reviews

"Ridomil Gold" for tomatoes. Elimination of the danger of late blight

The causative agent of this dangerous disease is the fungus Phytophthora infestans. The infected plant is instantly covered with brown-brown spots, and its fruits or root crops begin to rot. The development of the disease is usually provoked by prolonged rains in warm weather. It is impossible to cure late blight. Crop losses on infected beds and plots can reach 50% and higher. In order to avoid infection, in the conditions of rainy summer it is definitely worth using the drug "Ridomil Gold". Its use in most cases guarantees the complete preservation of the crop.

Ridomil Gold

The danger of peronosporosis

This disease is considered to be the most dangerous and difficult to cure for cucumbers. Therefore, measures for its prevention should be taken. The first signs of peronosporosis, or downy mildew, appear during the flowering period of cucumbers or other pumpkin. The leaves of the plants on the upper side are covered with yellow oily spots, and on the bottom - with a purple bloom. With the development of the disease, the plates begin to dry out and crumble.

Very few greenhouses develop on an infected plant. At the same time, their taste is significantly deteriorated.

Ridomil Gold application for grapes

Signs of mildew

This formidable disease can destroy the entire grape harvest in just a few days. As with cucumbers, the leaves of the vines are first covered with an oily yellow coating on the top and mycelium from the bottom, and then dry and fall off. The skin of the affected grape berries is wrinkled. As a result, they take a pear-shaped form. Only mature berries are not affected by mildew. In order to prevent such troubles, Ridomil Gold should be used. The use for grapes is considered even more effective than traditional Bordeaux liquid.

spraying grapes Ridomil Gold

Advantages of the drug

The main advantages of Ridomil Gold include:

  • the effectiveness of prevention, even in conditions of a high risk of developing diseases,

  • maximum infection control during the period of active development of crops,

  • long-term protection of all parts of the plant.

Terms of use of the drug "Ridomil Gold"

This fungicide is diluted in water in a proportion of 25 g per 10 l of water (in special cases - 50 g per 10 l). A working solution of this concentration is suitable for the prevention of mildew and phytophthora, as well as peronosporosis. Use the diluted Ridomil Gold, the instructions for use (we will review the reviews for this drug a bit further) which includes a couple of simple steps, you need to immediately. Do not store the solution.

Spraying is carried out exclusively in dry and calm weather. In the heat of the day, you can’t process plants. It is best to spray them in the morning or evening.

In the event that it rains the same or the next day, it is not necessary to repeat the treatment. Mancozeb penetrates plant tissues within half an hour after spraying. The film formed by metalaxyl on the surface of leaves and stems is very resistant to moisture.

In dry weather, repeated spraying of nightshade, pumpkin or grapes is carried out on average after 10-20 days, in rainy - after 8-10 days. During the growing season, preventive treatments are performed 2-3 times.

β€œRidomil Gold” is especially effective in the period from the appearance of sprouts to the flowering of crops, that is, when the green mass is rapidly developing.

"Ridomil Gold": instructions for use

Mixing this drug with any other chemicals is not recommended. In the most extreme case, its simultaneous use with compositions having either a neutral or acidic reaction is allowed. Therefore, before use, in order to avoid mixing with the remnants of any means, the sprayer should be disassembled and thoroughly rinsed all its parts.

After this operation is completed, a little warm water is poured into the tank and the required amount of Ridomil Gold is poured there. Its use will give a good effect only if thoroughly mixed. After the powder or granules are completely dissolved, the remaining water is added to the tank.

Before spraying, they must wear rubber gloves, a respirator and clothing specially designed for such cases. Spraying itself is done carefully, strictly against the wind.

As a result of processing, the leaves and stems of plants should be evenly moistened. It is extremely undesirable to allow the solution to drain to the ground.

This is how Ridomil Gold is used in this way. Instructions for use for cucumbers and tomatoes are practically no different from the methods of use for grapes. A slight difference is only in the waiting time. But more on that later.

drug ridomil gold

What should i know about?

"Ridomil Gold" - the product is environmentally not too safe. In addition, as already mentioned in this article, it includes a substance that penetrates into the tissues. Therefore, the last preventive treatment of plants should be carried out no later than two weeks before harvesting. During this time, all harmful substances will be removed from the fruits and root crops.

How to store?

Since Ridomil Gold is supplied in powder and granules, it is not at all afraid of low temperatures. However, in winter it should still be stored not on the street, but indoors. If moisture gets inside the bag, the product may caking and lose some of its beneficial qualities.

It is not required to observe any special fire safety rules when storing the Ridomil Gold preparation. Neither granules nor powder burn.

Judging by the statements of manufacturers, this fungicide is able to maintain its useful qualities for three years from the date of manufacture.

ridomil gold for tomatoes

Reviews about the drug

Summer residents who have already managed to test this wonderful drug in practice, praise him very much. According to the majority of farmers, Ridomil Gold, the instructions for use of which does not include too many steps, wins in comparison with many imported and domestic means, including the same price category. Despite the fact that manufacturers position it solely as a preventive measure, many owners of suburban areas successfully use it as a treatment. Of course, he does not restore parts of plants affected by late blight or mildew. However, it drastically slows down the course of the disease and prevents its development, as a result of which the farmer has the opportunity to save at least part of the crop.

A long term protective effect (10 days) is also what distinguishes the Ridomil Gold preparation. Reviews confirm this. In addition, they praise him for the fact that the prophylactic effect during its application is manifested not only on existing parts of plants, but also on subsequently growing ones.

Drug consumption

Thus, we have found out what the drug "Ridomil Gold" is. Instructions, reviews about it - all of this has been examined by us in detail. However, information on the use of this drug will be incomplete without indicating the exact waiting time and flow rate of the working solution. This information can be seen in the table below. The indicated standards are valid for a solution of 25 g per 10 liters of water. The last spraying of grapes (Ridomil Gold is the best suited for this purpose) is carried out immediately after flowering. This will avoid the accumulation of harmful substances in ripe berries.



Consumption (l / ha)

The period between treatments (days)



Alternariosis, late blight



















Alternariosis, late blight




This is the way Ridomil Gold is used. Instructions for use (reviews about this tool are really wonderful), as you see, it is completely not complicated. The main thing is to comply with the dosage, timing and safety precautions when spraying. In this case, you can completely save the crop and avoid the manifestation of any negative side effects.


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