Characterization and analysis of Oblomov (I. Goncharov)

An important place in the literature lessons at school is occupied by the critical analysis of Oblomov. Goncharov is the largest prose writer of the mid-19th century. His novels had a significant impact on the development of domestic literature of the specified century. The writer's books are distinguished by deep psychologism, drama, and also the formulation of the urgent problems of modern times, which, however, are significant today.

First part of the book

The study of the composition of the novel primarily involves an analysis of Oblomov. Goncharov at the beginning of his work describes in detail the lifestyle that his hero led. From the beginning of the work, readers get acquainted with this character through the eyes of its visitors. But the author also conveys the internal state of Ilya Ilyich, who, after the departure of each of the guests, embarks on a long discussion revealing him as an outstanding person. Spending the whole day at home, not working and taking refuge from life, Oblomov nonetheless asks complex philosophical questions about the meaning of existence, the purpose and prospects of a social career.

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He is trying to understand the reason for his own inaction, inactivity and complete indifference to everything that happens. The emphasis on the character’s state of mind should include an analysis of Oblomov. Goncharov is a master at creating psychological portraits of his heroes. He shows that Ilya Ilyich is a philosophical person, which prevents him from leading a lifestyle that his childhood best friend, Stolz, is trying to instill in him.

Village Description

Goncharov attached great importance to the description of the formation of his hero. “Oblomov” (Oblomov’s dream, the analysis of which is traditionally the main part of the school lesson, explains the character of Ilya Ilyich) is a key work in the writer's work, since in it he revealed the most important problems of the Russian reality of his time. This dream shows the village in which the hero was born and raised. In this place, the residents were distinguished by an unusual softness of character, complaisance, friendliness.

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They did not care about anything, did not think about a career or education. All these people lived today, their main value was home comfort, warmth, concern for each other. Therefore, little Oblomov was completely under the care of a loving mother, relatives, his nannies, and nurse. This explains his inaction in adulthood.


Stolz in the end somehow manages to take his friend some business. He takes him out of the house, introduces new faces. A meeting with a young, beautiful, smart girl Olga Ilyinsky radically changes the life of Oblomov. He falls in love with her, and this love inspires him. The hero begins to lead an active lifestyle: he studies, reads a lot, makes frequent and long walks. Ilyinskaya, following the instructions of Stolz, strongly encourages her new acquaintance to various activities.

analysis of the novel by goncharov

A characteristic of their relationship is part of Oblomov’s analysis. Goncharov describes how their mutual attraction to each other subsequently grew into a strong and deep feeling. After a while, they explained and decided to get married.


This was an important event in the character's life. However, he was frightened at how far their relationship went. He liked communicating with Olga, however, being by nature quiet, shy and indecisive, he felt that he was not able to take on the marriage bond. Described in detail the psychological evolution of his character I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov (analysis of the novel involves a detailed analysis of the reasons for the breakup between Olga and the protagonist) is a novel that is devoted primarily to the author’s subtle observations of the mental state of the characters.

Potters Oblomov analysis of the work

Ilyinskaya felt the hesitation and hesitation of her fiance. She did not doubt his love, but her active, ebullient nature required an active and fulfilling life. The most stressful moment in the work is the moment of explaining the characters to each other, when it turns out how far they are from each other, despite love. An analysis of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” explains the difference in their characters. Olga was very demanding of herself and others. And Ilya Ilyich was unable to complete the transformation of his personality and familiar lifestyle. He changed a lot under the influence of love, but deep down he remained the same. It is in this last conversation with his beloved that the hero calls his vice “Oblomovism” - a concept that came into use in everyday speech.


I.A. is rightfully considered one of the best prose writers of the mid-nineteenth century. Goncharov. “Oblomov” (the analysis of the work should include a description of the last period of the hero’s life) is a novel that shows the development of the main character from a psychological point of view. After breaking up with Olga, Ilya Ilyich marries his landlady Anisie. This woman was fully consistent with his ideas about the housewife and wife. In her house, Ilya Ilyich again fell into a previous, even worse inaction, which greatly upset his friend Stolz and Olga. However, the author reveals the internal causes of such a transformation of the character.

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He explains this by the disappointment of losing his girlfriend. The hero passed into a state of complete apathy and indifference to everything around him, which actually led him to death later. The writer fully shows the reader that the physical demise of the hero was the result of his emotional devastation, which Anisya's sincere and simple love could not fill.


Stolz and Olga Ilyinskaya are opposed to Oblomov. The first was a Russified German. He worked hard, took care of his career, but at the same time did not lose his sincerity and kindness, for which Ilya Ilyich fell in love with him. Stolz sincerely cared for his best friend, tried to occupy him and carry him away with something to do. At the end of the work, he married Olga, with whom he was similar in character. The latter is perhaps the ideal for the writer. She is active, purposeful, but at the same time smart and restrained.

Studying the first scene

To consolidate the material, students can be invited to do an analysis of the episode of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. As an example, scenes of guests visiting the hero at the very beginning of the book are usually chosen, since their dialogues give the first idea of ​​the protagonist of the novel. Readers see that Ilya Ilyich refuses to participate in various affairs of his comrades.

analysis of the episode of the novel by Goncharov Oblomov

All of them are busy with something and are trying in every possible way to captivate him, but to no avail. After their departure, Ilya Ilyich discusses the futility of their hustle, bustle, work. He asks the main question of the whole work: where is the man in all this fuss? The sympathies of the author in this case are clearly on the side of Ilya Ilyich, although he does not approve of his lifestyle.


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