What to bring from Thailand: gifts, souvenirs, cosmetics, fruits

Thailand is a vibrant country to which they travel in order to radically change the situation. Everything is different here: architecture, nature, people, customs, food. Many tourists, leaving the Land of Smiles, want to take a piece of it with them in order to extend the emotions of their stay there and please their loved ones. In this article, you will learn what to bring from Thailand, so that the impressions of the rest are preserved as long as possible.

Pearls and Gemstones

Many gemstones are mined in Thailand: sapphires, rubies, garnets, jades, onyx, chrysolites, zirconium and opals. Not many people know that the brightest sapphires (and even rare star-shaped ones) are mined precisely on Thai lands. In addition, in the local markets you can find many colorful pearls. When buying jewelry, it is mandatory to verify their authenticity. Each seller must have a certificate confirming that he does not sell fakes.

Gemstones from Thailand


Thai gold is characterized by a characteristic yellow color, which is explained by the addition of silver, and not the usual copper. By the way, pure silver products are also very popular here. It is noteworthy that some worthy things can be found in small antique shops and even in market stalls, the main thing is to be careful.

Having got acquainted with jewelry that can be brought from Thailand, we turn to a review of local gastronomic souvenirs.


You can talk about Thai spices for a long time. There are a lot of them, and they are all very bright. Ginger root, tamarind, lemongrass, chili pepper, Maenglak basil - all this and much more can be bought on almost any street in Thailand. Before you go shopping, decide what you need, otherwise you can get confused in the palette of tastes and colors of local spices. And if, in addition to the latter, you also buy coconut milk powder, then upon arrival home you can cook Thai soups “Tom Yam” and “Tom Kha Kai” on your own.


Fruit from Thailand

Exotic fruits from Thailand are one of the most useful souvenirs. Mangoes, rambutans, mangosteen, passion fruit, pitahaya and others are abundant in local markets. Each of the fruits is recommended to be individually packed in paper. It is important that the fragile load is slightly unripe, then it will more easily tolerate possible mechanical influences. In addition, in order to deliver fruits from Thailand home safe and sound, it is recommended to use special plastic baskets.


One of the hallmarks of Thai (and generally Asian) cuisine is durian. For the sake of its incredible taste, many are ready to close their eyes to a specific smell. Gourmets believe that having tasted durian once, a person will not be able to forget his taste throughout life. It is forbidden to transport an exotic fruit across the border, so only candies made from it can be taken as a souvenir.

Blue tea from Thailand

A unique, purely Thai type of tea is blue tea. It is believed that it has healing properties, in particular, helps to get rid of vision problems. However, many drink it like a regular drink. The cost of blue tea from Thailand is an average of $ 3 per 100 grams. In addition, in this interesting country you can buy other types of teas: oolong tea, pueri and others.

Blue tea from Thailand

Among connoisseurs of natural beauty, natural cosmetics from Thailand are popular. We will get to know her below.

Coconut oil

The best vegetable raw materials for skin care in Thailand is coconut oil. It can be taken out of the country without problems, therefore, representatives of the weaker sex usually do not deny themselves the pleasure of taking more of this product to their homeland. Great demand is an incentive to sell fakes. Fortunately, real coconut oil has a delicate smell, which has not yet been learned to falsify in a quality manner.

Crystal deodorant

Alum-alum crystals are an excellent natural antiseptic. They can be used not only as a deodorant, but also for the treatment of small wounds and cracks. This tool also saves from irritations that appear after an insect bite. It is noteworthy that one crystalline deodorant lasts for several years of use.


Those who are thinking about the question: “What should I bring from Thailand so that it is really useful?”, Pay attention to this point. Natural toothpaste is considered the same symbol of Thailand as coconut oil. In the local market you can find an abundance of various pastes that differ in composition, taste and packaging. It is recommended to give preference to products of 5 Star and Twin Lotus. Many toothpastes made in Thailand are packed not in usual tubes, but in round jars, from where the contents need to be scooped up with a special spatula.


Almost every tourist who visited Thailand brings home natural soap. Taking with you purely Thai flavors, you can still remember about this country for a long time.

Other cosmetics

Cosmetics from Thailand

Shampoos, masks, balms and other cosmetic products with the addition of extracts of exotic fruits and essential oils have not only a pleasant smell and texture, but also have tangible benefits. It is noteworthy that cosmetics from Thailand are brought even to men. It works equally well both in tropical climates and in any other.

The next group of Thai purchases are household items. It can be not only colorful souvenirs, but also more pragmatic things.

Latex products

At Thai airports, you can often meet a tourist with a pillow or even a mattress, and this is not an omission of the local hotel business. The fact is that the list of the most popular purchases in Thailand includes natural latex products. Most often they are bought for children whose posture is still being formed. Therefore, latex products can be the answer to the question: “What can a child bring from Thailand?”.


Household appliances, of any kind and size, are often brought from the Land of Smiles. The fact is that it is not only high-quality, but also cheap. The most popular among tourists is the purchase of various gadgets in Thailand.

Souvenirs for home and kitchen

Bright household utensils add a little (or maybe a lot) of exotic to the familiar interior, just as spices diversify familiar dishes. When choosing such souvenirs, it is important not only to pay attention to their attractiveness, but also to think about how they fit into the well-established appearance of housing.

Souvenirs from Thailand

Cashmere shawl

Universal souvenirs from Thailand for girls are soft and delicate cashmere-silk scarves. They practically do not take up space in luggage, but give a lot of positive emotions to the fairer sex.


Wicker furniture, due to its elegance and lightness, will make your home more comfortable. And the realization that caring Asians worked in its creation in distant Thailand will strengthen this effect. The choice of materials for wickerwork in the Thai markets is great. As a rule, their hardwood fast-growing species (coconut and mango) are made by cabinets, and chairs and benches are made of wicker or spiral bamboo covered with glossy resin.

Wooden crafts

The spirit of Thailand perfectly convey the original wood products. In addition to the usual easel carving, the country practices manual work with wood, the skills of which have been transmitted from generation to generation for many centuries.

Medicines from Thailand

Thailand is a country of massages, so local miraculous oils and balms are world-famous. They are made on the basis of essential oils, herbs and spices. At local points of sale (it is better to give preference to pharmacies) you can find dozens of different massage products. Locals most often use the "Green Balsam", which can be recognized by the image of the man on the package. It belongs to warming agents and effectively helps with bruises, muscle pains and sprains. The sharp herbal smell of this drug is difficult to confuse with something.

Balms from Thailand

The second most popular balm from Thailand is Tiger, which was created in Singapore, but is ubiquitous in many other countries, including Tae. The scope of this tool is very wide. It is used for bruises, bruises, colds and migraines, but Thais primarily use it for mosquito bites. When applying the product to the affected area, itching instantly disappears and redness literally leaves before our eyes. There are two types of “tiger balm” from Thailand: white and brown. Such drugs are inexpensive, but they cope with the tasks better than many advertised products. Similar drugs from Thailand resemble the notorious “Asterisk”, which has been produced for many years in the post-Soviet space.

Typical souvenirs

Speaking about what to bring from Thailand, one cannot but mention the standard souvenirs. As in any other country, which is actively visited by tourists from all over the world, Thailand has a very developed market for cute trinkets. They are found here literally everywhere: in shopping centers, in shops near hotels and along the streets and, of course, in markets. The most popular among these products are statuettes of Buddha and elephants, magnets with the image of the country's attractions and beaches, bamboo caskets and dishes, coconut lanterns and much more. Many of these items, despite the simplicity and low cost, can be an excellent decoration of the interior and a nice gift.

Popular souvenirs from Thailand

What can not be exported from the country

We have already learned what to bring from Thailand to please loved ones and to extend the impression of the trip. Of course, much more can be added to the list considered, since the assortment of souvenir products in the country is very large. When choosing goods on the shelves of Thailand, it is worthwhile to understand that not all of them are allowed to be exported from the country. The following items are prohibited: items made from elephant tusks, animal skins, items made from beetles and butterflies, stuffed crocodiles, corals, shells of turtles and seahorses. Buddha figurines can be taken out, but only if their height does not exceed 15 centimeters. In addition, as already mentioned, due to the specific smell, the export of durian is prohibited. There is also a list of fruits, the transportation of which is not prohibited, but is not recommended due to the short shelf life.

All Thai land belongs to the king. Consequently, an attempt to remove land and sand from the country is regarded as a theft from His Majesty. Such "impudence" can result not only in a fine, but also in a criminal case.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25127/

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